The End

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"Okay Faith, you need to give me one last push. She's almost here." The doctor says as Faith squeezes the life from my hand.
"Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!" And suddenly there's the sound of a baby wailing, and I promise it's not me. Gracie McGraw. Our baby girl is finally here. Faith is exhausted rightfully so and they're cleaning up our baby so we can hold her. We're both crying tears of joy and we can't help but look at each other in complete astonishment. We're parents.
"Here you are Mrs McGraw. You're baby girl." Says the nurse as she hands her to Faith.
"Tim look how tiny she is." Faith whispers. "I can't believe this." It's crazy. After what seems like an eternity I go out to the packed hallway to announce Gracie's arrival. Everyone is so excited for us. We've got my family, faiths family, football team, teachers and  friends. Faiths water broke right in the middle of a football dinner so everyone rushed over with us and really it was perfect timing. Everyone with us to celebrate the most important and significant days of our life. I go in with our parents. Each holding their new grand baby with such joy in their hearts. After the grandparents it siblings came through, then our friends and finally the football team.
"Mrs McGraw we got Gracie something." Said one of the boys extending a onesie out to her.
"Oh my. Isn't this sweet Tim." She says showing it to me. On the front it read Start High Football, McGraw 3. When they left it was just me, Faith, Gracie and about 100 bunches of flowers and balloons.
I'm holding Gracie and humming at her amazed at this little life that I've created while Faith sleeps soundly next me. This is what I've always wanted. A family. And through a whole lot of love from Faith here we are. A husband and a wife, with a beautiful baby girl. I am so happy. Thank the lord above for my blessings, for Gracie, for football, for family, for Faith and that crap box that broke down.

The end ✨💕✨

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