4 Beers Later

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As Faith and I walk into my house I see the phone flashing. Voice messages need to be checked so I click play. The first one is my mom, "Hi Tim, me and Miss Gracie need to head to Carterton this evening to pick up some of her retirement supplies. I don't know what that means but I would rather not send her alone. Enjoy dinner." The next is Christine "Tim. Call me. I want to arrange the shipment of my belongings as soon as possible." God she's a bitch. Crap Faiths here, now I'm going to need to explain that to her. I turn around and see her standing very awkwardly, like she is unsure if she should acknowledge that she heard that or if she should just remain quiet. I put her out of her misery. "Here, sit while I cook and spill my guts." I say pulling out the bar stool that's by the kitchen bench. I go to the fridge and pull out two beers, gesturing to Faith. "God, yes please." She says back. Christine hates beer.
I pass it to her and watch as she pops the cap using my keys that are on the bench. It's a very attractive thing to see a beautiful woman, wearing your hoodie open a beer. We both take a swig before I start pulling out ingredients and  telling her everything.
"Wait so let me just see if I've got this, she cheated on you, tried to lie about it, keeps going away for weeks on end with this guy and invites him into your home, and then she expects you to move to New York within the next month?" Faith asks, I nod as a grab us each  another beer, our 3rd. "Well she's the worst and you could do a hell of a lot better." Faith says to me.
"Thank you very much." I say while I start fixing us each a bowl. I have made my famous chicken and dumplings with cornbread. I place her bowl in front of her while I get us cutlery. I get her a fork and spoon handing them to her. "I wasn't sure if you liked to eat your dumplings with a spoon or a fork," I tell her trying to sound cool.
"This smells amazing! I love southern cooking, my ex Dan hated it so it's been a while." She says as we sit next to each other at the counter, our knees bumping every now and then.
"Christine only eats paleo, what ever the hell that is." I tell her. We both laugh because of how ridiculous it is. As we eat for a little while in comfortable silence I break it asking a question that I probably would have asked with out the alcohol in my system. "Why did you and Dan break up?" I can see her wriggling slightly and I'm unsure if I'll get a proper answer.
"Well like your beloved Christine he cheated on me, except it was a regular thing and has been happening since alms or the beginning of our relationship." She says taking breath.
"I am so sorry Faith, he didn't know how lucky he was." I say placing my hand on hers. Her touch or rather mine on her is such a calming but exciting experience. I know I'm still technically dating Christine but I don't love her, I nearly like her.
"It's fine," Faith says looking at our hands. "I didn't really love him and I think it just gave me an easy way out. I met Dan when I moved from Star to Nashville to start my job at the Vanderbilt, he was a reporter trying to get a statement from me about a patient. I refused so he said he'd buy a drink, I never said anything but we eventually started dating. I think I just liked the idea of having someone to come home to. He was dick. He was so entitled and treated everyone around him like they were second class, I thought maybe I could fix him." She says getting a little sad.
"I understand what you mean about the whole enjoying the company, I think that's why Christine and I have lasted as long as we have." I tell her getting up for another beer. "Oh me too please." Faith says
I grab us each one and continue "But Faith, you are not someone's mom. You don't have to fix anyone. Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm." I tell her. We take our beers and go sit on the couch together.
"Is there anything wrong with you?" Faith asks suddenly. I don't know what she means and I must look confused because she elaborates.
"You're the nicest guy I've ever meet, your insanely good looking, not to mention smart and witty, and you love your mama and church and you work so well with kids." She says kinda giggly. She's definitely drunk but so am I.
"There's got to be something wrong with you." She says.
"I can't dance. I'm awful with computers and I'm scared to emotionally commit to something." I say the last one a little quickly, because I hope she doesn't register it in our slightly drunken state.
She turns to face me completely looking into my eyes. "Why?" She asks.
"I guess computers are just confusing to me." I say knowing that's not what she meant.
"No Tim. The last one, why?" She asks searching my eyes for an answer.
"My biological father left before I was born, off to better things, and when I tried to reach out to him recently he said he doesn't even think I'm his son. Right when I committed to believing I could have a dad, he crushed me. Then my stepdad was a great guy at first, but I saw how the more my momma loved him the more he would hurt her. I don't like to not be in control and giving someone anyone the opportunity to be able to do that scares the shit out of me." I tell her trying my best not to slur my words. I've never told anyone that, and I can feel a tear roll down my face. Faith reaches over and wipes it away.
"I'm so sorry Tim." She says keeping her hand on my face. She is so stunning. She is leaning really close to me and I just want to kiss her but I know she isn't looking for a relationship or anything right now and we're both drunk. This isn't the time.
"It's fine." I tell her. "It's almost midnight, we should probably hit the hay." I tell her gesturing with my head to the clock.
"Oh good idea. Um how am I gonna get home?" She asks sounding slightly concerned. "We can't have the principal getting a DUI right before football season." She says.
"I would offer to walk you home but it's freezing outside." I tell her. "You can stay in the spare bedroom." I say as casually as I can. "I'll get you some pyjamas and tomorrow you can just borrow some of Christine's clothes. God knows she doesn't even wear half that shit," I get up and make my way to my room to get some pyjamas for Faith. All of Christine's are these satin shit that I'm pretty sure aren't Faiths style after seeing her the other morning in her shorts and tank top. I grab some of my sweatpants and I tshirt of mine for her instead and go to take it to her. "Here you are, I'm gonna have a shower and then hit the hay. Knock on my door if you need anything. There's an ensuite in your room with a toiletries and stuff." I say showing her to her room. As she goes in I stay by the door. "Sweet dreams Faith." I say pulling the door shut.

Faith POV
Is I pull on the sweats Tim gave me I realise they are definitely his and not Christine's. They smell just like the hoodie that he leant me. God, Tim is something else. He was so vulnerable on the couch and I feel like we had a real moment when I held his face, but he pulled away and got us ready for bed. I didn't want anything to happen between us because him and Christine are technically still together. Mama didn't raise no home wrecker. As I lay in bed staring at the roof I just think about Tim. His smile, his laugh, his eyes, his voice and God his body. He is completely out of my league. As I continue thinking about him I drift of to sleep.
I wake up with a pumping headache. Good lord I need a coffee and some aspirin. I get out of bed and realise I've got Tims white tshirt and grey sweats on and suddenly the events of the night before come flooding back. As I make my way from the spare room to the kitchen I smell toast and eggs and oh my god COFFEE! I see Tim standing behind the stove with his shirtless back to me singing along to George Strait on the radio. He has a beautiful voice. I interrupt him with a "Morning Tim." And he spins around and for a second morning in a row I get to see his chiseled abs. Thank you Jesus!
"Oh morning! I didn't expect to see you up this early, it only quarter past 6." He says sounding shocked.
"I'm an early riser." I tell him and he responds with this mornings menu.
"Oh and here is a strong cup of coffee and an aspirin, for that headache that's probably matching mine." He says putting it in front of me.
"Thank you." I say completely sincerely. This must just be another part of the 'he feels bad for me' package. I won't say no but apart of me wishes there was something else to it.
As we finish breakfast and the dishes I realise that I'm going to have to wear Christine's clothes today. Why on earth can't I borrow clothes from someone the same height as me? As Tim shows me her closet I'm transported into every girls dream. Dresses and blouses and skirts and shoes galore.
"I will leave you to it." Tim says shutting the door behind him. I'm thinking that dresses may be the safest option. I see one that hangs quite low against the others. It's a deep navy with a low cut v neck. It's fitted tightly around the the whole body, kind of a bodycon dress, but it looks far longer than the rest of them. I undo the zip and put it on. It's stunning and I feel like a million bucks. It's not to short, sits just above my knee and has sleeves that stop just on my shoulder. I try to do the zip up but I can't reach. After struggling for a while there's a knock at the door. "Faith are you alright?" I hear.
"Tim can you come in, I promise I'm decent." I say as I hear him apprehensively step into his own room.
"I can't get the zip." I say turning so that he can do it up for me. His hands are tender and he slowly pulls it up for me. I turn around to face him. "Do I look alright?" I ask him.
"Stunning." He replies smiling. "The tags are still in that one here let me get them." He says turning me around and moving my hair from neck. "There you are."
"Thanks, I will let you get ready." I tell him stepping out of the room shutting the door behind me. My skin still tingling from his touch.

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