Hell Of A Week

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Faith POV
"Me." I say to Karla. "I don't need a reaction, please. I would really love a glass of water and and to use your bathroom though." I tell her. She lets me into her home and informs me that her husband has taken the kids out and won't be back for a few hours. I fall down onto her couch and let out an exhausted sigh.
"Oh Faith, you look so worn out. Here drink some water." Karla says sitting down across from me.
"I am. I feel like I'm in a tornado of absolute chaos and I can't do anything." I explain.
"It could just be the potential hormones?" She says nodding to the box beside me.
"I don't know. Maybe. Did I tell you about how Tim and I thought we were pregnant last Christmas?" I ask. We never told anyone so I explain what happened to her. "He was so excited, like he spoke about all these plans he had and how he really thought we would be great at it but then I just felt like I had crushed him for getting so a head of ourselves." I breakdown.
"Oh Faith." She says coming to sit next to me and hugging me tightly. "Hey, you're gonna go pee on those sticks and were gonna see if you're pregnant and then we'll create a plan. Don't get yourself worked up or sad, the happiest day of your life is in less than week!"
I nod and wipe the tears from my face. I drink the water in front of me and wait. While we're waiting Karla reads me assignment. "Faith  you've done a great job!" She says putting it down on the coffee table. At least I've done something right.
"I need to pee." I announce. Karla rips the package open and hands me a few.
"You'll be fine." She assures me as I walk down the hall way. I do the deed and leave them on the vanity as I set an alarm on my phone. Karla joins me and we sit against the wall as I watch the timer tick down.
"I can't be a mom." I say staring into space.
"Yes you can. Hell some days I feel like I can't be a mom but then I remember that I've got two little munchkins already. There's something about birthing a child that instantly makes you ready for motherhood."

Faith's been gone a while, I ring her phone and she hasn't answered. I decide to call Karla.
"Hey Karla speaking." She answers.
"Hey Karla, it's me Tim. Is Faith with you?" I ask.
"Oh yeah Faith. She's here. We're doing her assignment." She says. "She said she'll come home in an hour or so." She says sounding nervous.
"Oh well, no rush. Was just wondering if she was okay."
"Okay well she'll see you soon." And she hung up. That was weird. I probably interrupted wedding stuff. I go to rejoin our family in the living room.
"Where's Faith gone of to?" Edna asks.
"She just went to get her final assignment finished before we start this crazy week." I tell them.
"You looking forward to your bachelors party?" Faiths brother asks.
"No. Start bachelor parties are something else." I say and my sisters all nod in agreement.
"When Sandy and I got married, Tim and his friends literally kidnapped me and took me to a town an hour away while I was tied up in the back of a van." Everyone laughs. "Then they forced a ridiculous amount of alcohol in me and they made me perform an array of strange task that I have no recollection of." Maybe I should've been easier on everyone else when they got married because now I'm shit scared for mine.
"Well that sounds, interesting." Edna says. Faith's brothers on the other hand look worryingly excited. "And what will we ladies get up to?" She asks my sisters.
"PARTY BUS!!!" The exclaim in unison. The colour in Ted and Edna's faces drain. We're in for one hell of a week.

Hey guys! These are the last few chapters so this fic is rapping up! Sadness :( but also I have new one in the works based off of the Kenny Chesney song pretty girls which I'm excited about!

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