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Faith POV
I can't believe I'm one of those people that kisses their boyfriend when they leave to walk 100 feet away. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that'd be me but here I am in the middle of a high school football field kissing the man that I love.
"Well if it ain't Tiny Tim!" I hear from the top of the field.
"Is that-" I ask Tim.
"The dickhead himself." He replies so I gather that it is in fact Jameson. He makes his way towards us as we let go of eachother.
"Tiny!" He says coming closer. Why does he call Tim tiny? There isn't anything tiny about Tim if you know what a mean. "How you been brother." He says shaking Tims hand. God he's obnoxious. "And who is this tall drink of water?" He says looking at me a little to much.
"I'm Faith, school nurse." I say trying to sound assertive.
"My girlfriend." Tim says pulling me in to his side.
"Look at you go Tiny!" He says. I don't like this guys.
"Well if you'll excuse us we need to see the team, good luck!" Tim says pulling me off.
"He's awful." I say once were out of ear shot. "Also I don't actually corn to your pre game thing." I tell him because I don't. I usually just wait on the bleachers.
"I know, but I don't want to leave you out here with him. Just go sit in the office and wait for me."
"You're really hot when your protective." I say stopping and giving him a deep kiss behind the building.
"As much as I love what we're doing, I need to get in there." He says pulling away.
"Okay, wish them luck from me." I say.
"Will do. Love you." Tim says walking away.
"Love you too." I call after him.
About an hour later he comes to get me. We've got another hour till the game starts.
"Hey baby, can you please come look at one of the boys ankles. He says it only hurts a little but I don't want to risk anything." Tim asks me.
"Sure thing." I get to the bleacher and see a boy who I'm pretty sure is called Chad. "Hey Chad, what's the story?" He explains what's up and I check his ankle. I think he's just come down wrong on it and as long as he doesn't feel any acute pain he can play. Tim and I are standing next to each other watching our boys warm up when the other team runs out. I hear a few of them wolf whistle at me or say shit like "dam where do we get one of those?" It's like no boy in Louisiana has ever seen a woman with an ass. It doesn't bother me to much though but it certainly has bothered Tim. I see him tense and give each boy a death stare as they run past.
"If they bother you tell me." He says.
"I'm a big girl Tim. I can handle a few adolescent boys whistling." I try to calm him.
"I know you can. But you shouldn't have to." He says. God he's sweet. "They need to learn at this age how to talk to a woman, or speak to a girl." Maybe he's right. I just decide to drop it, not wanting to start any drama before the game. Before I know it the field is packed.
"Hey Mr McGraw and Miss Perry! Cheese!!" I turn around and see Charlotte from the year book with her camera. Tim puts his arm around me and she snaps a picture. I'm thinking that it would be a really good one since we've got matching hoodies on, he's in black sweats and I've got yoga pants on and the lighting is sunset like brightened by the field lights.
"I'll be right back" I say to Tim jogging after Charlotte. "Charlotte!"
"Yes Miss Perry?" She says once I've caught her.
"Can you please print that photo you just took of me and Mr McGraw and bring it to me on Monday?" I ask her. I want to put it on his office desk.
"Sure! We have some old frames in the yearbook room. Do you want me to put it in one?"
"That'd be great!" I say glad that I can finally do something for Tim. I feel like he's the one that's been rescuing and helping me non stop. I return to Tim on our side of the field. Game will be starting any second. There's a moment of orderly silence before a football play begins. Linemen are frozen, players are in place and anything is possible. The boys are playing well, we're ahead but only by two touchdowns. It's apparent that Jason and Tim don't think this is good enough. They're getting ver worked up. Suddenly there's a breakaway ball and the other team come running down the field to make a touchdown. The boy that made it comes running back and I can see him and Joey knocking helmets.
"Joey! Leave him!" Tim yells out. I can see that they're arguing and that other players are starting to join in. Tim runs across the field to pull them apart and I follow. The touchdown scorer punches Joey in the gut causing him to fall to the ground.
"Maybe your sexy nurse can help you buddy. Just make sure she's got enough left for me." I'm shocked that an 18 year old boy can be so disgusting.
"Excuse me?!" Nearly half the boys from our team say in complete unison.
"She is our nurse! A member of our team!" Chad yells at him.
"Yeah! If you can't treat her with respect then you get off our field, now!" Brodie yells at him. I'm very touched at the boys defending me, but I'm also worried about Joey. I quickly duck to check on him.
"Okay boys, what do you say we carry on playing." The referee says. Tim and I get Joey to the sidelines. I press his abdomen and see what the pains like.
"It's just bruising." I say. "If you feel up to it then you can play."
I see Tim walking over to Jameson maybe 20 feet away. "You better teach your boys some respect." He barks at him.
"Oh come on Tiny! Boys will be boys!" This just fires Tim up more.
"Jameson, that's no excuse. We're not animals. Self-control is not that hard." I can see this situation escalating quickly so I get over there as fast I can.
"Tim, come on. They're not worth it." I say pulling him back to our side.
"I told you he brings out the worst in me."
"If your worst is defending me and trying to set some boys I the right path then I think you're good." I tell him. "Now come in its almost halftime, Joey can play and we need to beat this asshole."
As the boys run in for half time I get their bottles ready.
"Okay boys, I know it's scrappy out there. I know it's ugly football, but y'all need to step up. Show them who's better on the field and off. Win, but honourably. Keep playing hard." Tim tells them after Jason and Davis have run through technical and tactical stuff.
"If they hit you, you don't have to hit back. But you wanted to remember what that dick head said about Miss Perry? What do we do on this team?!"
"Protect and defend!" They tell back.
"Good, now get out there and let's see a good game of ball!" The next half runs so smoothly, our boys easily take the lead and we win. When the final whistle blows Tim gives me a big ole kiss. I love winning. After the game and after Tim tells Jameson that if he and his team ever want to come play on his field again they better change their attitudes we head to the bar for celebratory drinks. This time the other two bars in town are open so it is far less crowded when Tim and I get there. I see Missi and the girls at a high table and go join them.
"Congrats team nurse!" They say as I take a seat.
"Why thanks y'all! I don't really do much but hey I've got a hoodie, that makes me a member of the team right?" I joke. Tim comes with a glass of wine for me.
"Hello ladies," he says putting it in front of me. A little while later and several conversations about babies, marriage and football later Tim and I decide to go home. When we get in the door I can feel the 3 glasses of wine in my system.
"Thanks for defending me today." I say trying to use my best, let's go to bed voice, but not my lets sleep voice.
"Anything for the girl I love." He says kissing me. I make it deeper and soon clothes are flying off in all directions. Sex with Tim is fun and flirty and playful. I love it. I love how his stubble scratches me, or how his shoulder muscles tense under my grip, or how he makes me feel tingly when flips me over. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced, and oh god, his stamina. When we're done and I'm laying across his stomach out of breath and naked he plays with my hair.
"Why did Jameson call you Tiny?" I ask him.
"Oh god." He says groaning.
"Please honey." I say wanting to hear the story.
"God it's embarrassing enough but it'll be even worse to tell you." He says sounding mortified. "But anyway, Jameson and I were roommates in our frat house in college. He would always bring girls home and I wouldn't."
"That's my boy." I tell him kissing his stomach.
"But he always gave me a hard time about and started trying to figure out why I didn't. First he thought I was gay, then he said maybe I'm waiting for marriage but instead he settled on the fact that I probably didn't want to take a girl to bed because I have a Ting dick. So he started a rumour around campus that I have a tiny dick." It's awful but I can't help but laugh. It's funny.  "Don't laugh! Ruined my college experience." He says laughing too.
"Suddenly I like Jameson a lot more. Who knows, had it not been for that extremely inaccurate rumour you might've met a girl and fallen in love with her." I say seriously.
"Yeah but I would've met you that say on the side of the road and still we'd be here right now. You're the one for me Faith." He says bringing me up to kiss me.
"Tim, I love you so much." I say kissing him back. Before I know it were making love again and I can't help but think how lucky I am to have him.
I wake up on Saturday morning as I intend to wake every Saturday morning for the rest of my life, naked in Tims arms. I slowly slide out of his arms, pull his Tahiti over my head, and make us coffee. I go back to bed with a mug in each hand.
"Morning honey." I say opening the shades. I get back in next to him and we drink our coffee together.
"Yum. Thanks baby." He says kissing my cheek. I love how he calls me baby. Dan called me Faith and that was it. Tim is so sweet, oh my.
"So today, turning the spare room into the main room." I say. "I've got big plans." I joke. I mostly just want to take my stuff out of the boxes they're in and make this room our room since we only really use it. The main room and the spare room are the same size so it won't be any different. We get started after breakfast moving furniture and stuff around. By lunch were done. The furniture, my clothes, clutter cleaned and dishwasher unpacked. There's nothing else to do.
"We could go for a walk? Or watch some TV?" Tim suggests.
"Let's go make a mess of the bed we made this morning."

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