Lucky Charm

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"Baby!" I yell from the front door. "We gotta go, were gonna be late." Heaven forbid were late for church.
"Coming!" She says running out of our room. "Oh no." She says as she come out. She looks stunning. She has the baby blue dress on with long sleeves and these nude shows and her hair is lose on her shoulders.
"What's wrong?" I ask seeing her worry.
"Are we to matchy?" She asks nodding at my blue shirts. It's a short sleeve blue button up shirt with white flecks.
"No were fine." I laugh at her. I don't think it's that obvious.
When we get to church there's are a few kids sitting at desk selling raffle tickets.
"Hey guys." I say "what are y'all fund raising for?" I ask. They're definitely not at high school so they must be elementary students.
"Hi Mr McGraw and Miss Perry! We are selling raffle tickets to pay for a new school pool at the elementary school." One of the boys says like he's rehearsed the line over and over again.
"It's $5 for a ticket and if you win you will get, no receive, an all expenses paid for trip to Telluride."  The little girl says equally rehearsed.
"Faith, what do you say?" I ask her knowing we'll have to buy one.
"Well I think it's quite the opportunity." She says reaching inside her purse.
"How many tickets have been sold guys?" I ask them.
"400!" They say proudly. Well I don't think we're gonna win but at least we can support these guys.
"Here's $20." Faith says handing them a $20 bill.
"That means you get 4 tickets." The little boy says proudly. We fill in our details and make our way into church. Apparently the draw is after the sermon but with 400 tickets sold what are the odds?
"Hey you two!" My mom says as we take our back row seat.
"Hey momma!" I say leaning to kiss her cheek. "Where's Miss Gracie?" I ask since my mothers partner in crime is notably absent.
"Oh she wasn't feeling to well." Mom says. "Since my house is empty again, Miss Gracie will be moving in with me!" She tells me.
"That's exciting!" Faith says. The sermon starts and I'm very happy that my mom and Miss Gracie are going to live together. It would save them both money and they wouldn't be alone. At the end of the service Pastor Calvin invites the little boy and girl who sold the raffle tickets up to draw out a winner.
"Okay y'all, so this is a big one!" Calvin says. "Everyone give a drum roll as we pull out a winner."
The whole congregation is stamping their feet and they're stirring the bowl of tickets. The little boy pulls out a ticket and beams as he shows it to Pastor Calvin.
"Congratulations to Mr Tim McGraw and Miss Faith Perry!" Calvin reads off the ticket.
"Oh my goodness Tim!" Faith says sitting behind me.
"Y'all come up later and we will sort you out. Everyone have a great week and we will see you on Sunday." He says dismissing us.
"I can't believe y'all won" momma says turning around to face us.
"Well with a lucky charm like this how could we not." I say pulling Faith towards me.
"It will be such a lovely trip! I think I heard it was for the winter ski season so it should be stunning!" Momma says. I'm so happy! This is going to be lovely. Faith sits and talks to my mom a while longer and so I go and talk to Pastor Calvin to arrange the details. He gives me the passes and information booklet. It's an amazing trip. It's for two days in a private chalet on the mountains in Telluride. I think we're really going to enjoy it, there are ski passes and a voucher to get dinner at a fancy looking restaurant. We can redeem it from the 2nd of December till January 30th. Maybe we could go a few days after school finishes, a quick get away before Christmas madness.
"Hey baby, this trip looks amazing." I say handing the papers over to Faith.
"Y'all are ver lucky!" Momma says, "I'm gonna go, check on Miss Gracie and so enjoy your Sunday!" Momma says leaving.
"You wanna go get some waffles?" I ask Faith already knowing she's gonna say yes.
We order a stack to share since Faith says she doesn't think she could finish one on her own.
"So, Gaye said we can stay with her the weekend before thanksgiving. We can leave Friday after school and we should get there early Saturday. We can go see the sights and stuff on Saturday and Sunday, then drive home Sunday night. I know were found to be tired for work but i think it would be nice to stay the whole weekend." She tells me.
"Yeah, that sounds great! I can't wait." I tell her. "Oh and for thanksgiving are we going stay here or do you want to go to your parents? Who ever we don't see at thanksgiving we can spend Christmas with." I suggest.
"Oh. Um..." I can tell there's something she wants to say.
"What is it Faith?" I ask gently, not wanting us to have any secrets.
"I just haven't spoken to my parents in really long time. I love them but they didn't like Dan so he..." She hesitates slightly, "made me cut them out of my life." She explains. My heart breaks for Faith. No one should be told they can't see their family.
"Well Dan sounds like an ass and I would love to meet them and share thanksgiving with them. Why don't you call them tonight?" I ask her.
"Maybe we could just surprise them?" She asks. I'm not sure about just showing up at her parents house on thanksgiving, but if they raised Faith to be the woman she is then I'm sure they're going to be lovely.
After waffles we head home and just lounge around. We've had a busy week and it's nice to just relax together on the couch with nothing to do. Sure things got slightly frisky on the couch but it was relaxing none the less. God I'm so happy with Faith, she lights up every room she comes into especially mine. When she's near me I just feel like I can do anything.

1 week later Still Tim
I'm using my laptop from home to get my week ready. I won't be going into school very much because I need to go out to the farm house. I still haven't said anything about it to Faith because I want it to be a surprise. It's hard keeping things from her but I think it will all be worth it in the end. And then on Friday Faith and I are heading to Nashville to visit her friends and then the next weekend we're going to her family's place for thanksgiving. It's going to be a very busy few weeks, but I'm excited to meet people from Faiths life. I feel like she knows everything and everyone in my life and it's time that I get to see hers.
"Hey honey! Can you come help me?" Faith yells from the kitchen. I walk in to see her trying to reach a pan that's quite high in the cupboard. She's got these tiny little shorts on and watching her try reach just became the highlight of my day. "Tim!!" She tells again because I haven't made my presence known.
"Just a bit further baby, you're almost there." I say while I lean against the against the wall. She spins around and sees me checking her out.
"You're the worst." She says laughing and walking towards me. She stands between my legs and gives me a kiss.
"I'm so excited to go to Nashville." I tell her.
"Have you been before?" She asks.
"Nope. I've always wanted to but never had a good reason." I tell her.
"It's going to be so fun. We can go the Ryman, the hall of fame and then dinner at the bluebird. And then maybe hit some clubs?" She asks me. "I mean only if you want to, the Nashville bar scene is a bit different to Starts." She laughs.
"Faith, why do I feel like you think I can't party?" I ask her while I stroke up and done her sides. She's just so damn beautiful.
"I don't know. You're just a small town boy, ya know?" She says putting on this cowboy voice. I just laugh at her.
"I'm ready to just go to Nashville and to let loose with you." I say kissing her neck.
"Mmmmh. Tim I need to get our lunch baked." She says without moving away from me.
"You can just buy lunch from the cafeteria this week." I say picking her up.
"You've bent my rubber arm." She says kissing me deeply.
I wake up on Monday morning to early morning sun pouring through the shades making Faith golden naked skin glow. Most of the time when I wake up before her I like to watch her and just think about how lucky I am that her car broke down. We get up and get ready for school. We've basically only been there for a few minutes when I need to leave for the farm. I quickly pop in say bye to Faith.
"Hey baby, I need to leave. But I'll be back for training." I say giving her a quick kiss.
"Oh I'll miss you." She says.
"Yeah I'm probably going have to leave campus everyday this week." I say knowing that it's definitely the case.
"Oh." She says disappointed.
"Love you." I say walking away.
"Love you too."

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