Better Sandwiches

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Faith POV
I wake up in an empty bed this morning, which isn't usually upsetting but because I feel asleep in the arms of a very handsome and very shirtless man I kind of expected to wake up to him too. I'm wearing one if his LSU shirts, he's not converting me, and not much else so I grab a pair if his boxers from the draw next to the bed. He's in the kitchen making coffee, what a cutie. He sees me walking into the kitchen and I must look like a mess in clothes that are to big and slept in messy bun.
"Good morning, beautiful." He says. "I was about to bring us coffee in bed."
"Why don't we go drink it out on the day bed?" I ask, looking out through the window to see a nice warm Saturday mid morning.
"This is really nice." Tim says finishing his coffee. "No worrying about people knowing that your my girlfriend."
Did he just use the G word. I can see in his face that he as realised the same thing as me.
"Or... Uh... Like..." He stutters. He's so adorable. I kiss him to shut him up.
"I'll be your official girlfriend." I say to him. He smiles like a kid in a candy store. He hugs me into his chest tightly and kisses the too of my head.
"You make me so happy." He tells me sounding very content.
"You make me happy too." I say leaning into him tighter. I've been in Start for a month. And I've been with Tim for 3 weeks and honestly all I can say is I've never felt more at home. While I'm laying on Tim's chest his tummy rumbles.
"Is someone hungry?" I ask laughing.
"I think there's something about this day bed and making stomachs rumble." He says.
"Well does the worlds greatest diner do breakfast?" I ask because I'm pretty hungry too. We get up and ready and since I don't have any clothes here so I wear my jeans from last night and one of Tim's shirts tucked in so that it looks trendy. We get to the diner and order our breakfasts, I get a coffee and Tim gets a milkshake.
"You know that a milkshake probably isn't the best beverage to start the day with?" I tell him laughing from across the booth. We're holding hands on the table and smiling at each other like crazy. To anyone else it's probably disgusting, but I don't care.
"Yeah, but what will I dip my fries in?" He says.
"Good point. Im gonna have to use yours." I say to him, matter of factly.
"Breakfast for Starts newest it-couple." Dana says as she places our meals in front of us, "Christine will pissed she's not talk of the town anymore, but who cares." She says laughing as she walks back the kitchen.
"Also I think the stuff my friend Gale sent me will be here this week, hopefully and then I can finally start wearing my clothes, rather than your mums or now even yours." I say dipping a fry into his milkshake.

"Also I think the stuff my friend Gale sent me will be here this week, hopefully and then I can finally start wearing my clothes, rather than your mums or now even yours." Faith says to me.
"The address it being sent to is mine, so if you want some of it can stay there, in case." I say, trying not to meet her eyes. She's so beautiful and kind and smart and just perfect that I want her to be near me all the time.
"Yeah, that might me a good idea." She tells me, playing footsies with me under the table. I'm a goner for sure. Faith lets a out a big yawn.
"Still tired?"
"Well someone didn't let me get much sleep last night." She tells me.
I just laugh and finish my breakfast. I gotta admit though, I pretty tired to. It been a full on week.
When we get back to my place I see that it's another nice day and maybe we could just do a repeat of last weekend. "Why don't we go lay down in the sun again?" I say. We go out and Faith strips off her jeans, which I'm completely fine with, and she lays in my arms. I leave my hand on her butt, what can I say except its a pretty great butt.
"Tell me something?" She says.
"Anything, something other people don't know."
"I look like my dad." I say surprised at my self. "No one here knows him so they would only recognise him through me. I wish he wanted me. I wish that he would want to get to know me. He played baseball for the phillies and he was actually real good. I think we would get along too if only he would give it a chance." God Tim, don't depress her. "But I guess his absence in my life means that I want to be as present as I can in my future kids lives."
"Kids?" Faith asks sounding kinda skeptical, like they're not really part of her plan. I really like Faith but I think that I'm supposed to be dad. This might be a deal breaker.
"Yeah, a whole bunch of them. Running around and playing football and doing homework." I say. Leaving the part out that I've been making plans for children since I've been looking in her eyes.
"Yeah? Me too." She says and I almost let out a sigh if relief. "I want to name my son Ryan and my daughter Rose." She says.
"I like those names." I say kissing the top of her head.
Suddenly there's a knock at the door. "Go answer!" Faith says pushing me up as she puts her pants back on. I get to the door and it the little kids from across the road, Jessie and her brother Cameron.
"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask them.
"Hi Mr McGraw, me and Cameron were just wondering if we could maybe swim in your pool?" She asks me with puppy eyes in full force.
"Sure guys, come on in." I tell them without hesitation. Hopefully Faiths okay with it.
"Mr McGraw?" Cameron says pulling my hand as his sister runs towards the backyard.
"Yeah buddy?"
"Is that your new girlfriend?" He asks me pointing to Faith outside. "The one you were kissing on the jumbo screen?" Okay my mom was right, not the brightest move.
"Yeah, her names Faith." I tell him.
"She's real pretty!" He says looking up to me. Even a five year old can see it.
"I know right!" I tell him.
"My brother says you're punching above your weight, but I don't know what that means." He says making me laugh, but also making me think that his brother Dallas, who's on the football team, better watch out come Monday afternoon training.
"Go join your sister kiddo." I tell him.
I watch as he jumps in pool and I go sit back down next to Faith, keeping our arrangement as audience appropriate as possible.
"Guess what I just found out from Cameron?" I say to Faith half laughing "the town thinks one of us punching well above their weight in this relationship." I say not being able to keep a straight face.
"Oh no. Everyone probably thinks you're to good for me." She says looking worried.
"No! Faith oh my gosh! No way! It's me! Are you joking right now. You at so stunning, everyone knows it." I can't believe that she thinks she isn't good enough for me. That's absolutely crazy. "Faith promise me that you won't ever think that you're not good enough for me ever again." I say looking her seriously in the eye. She nods at me and gives me a hug.
"I'm gonna swim with the kids, okay" I tell her getting up. "You want to join?" I ask her.
"I'll just watch." She says.
We've been swimming for a few hours and it's so much fun. I love hanging out with kids.
"Hey guys, do you want lunch?" Faith asks us.
"Yes please Miss Mr McGraws girlfriend." Cameron yells. Faith just laughs and goes inside. She call us in after a while.
"Okay, just dry of before coming in guys." I tell them as I towel my self. I see Faith busy with her back towards me so I wrap my arms around her and blow a raspberry in her ear.
"Timmm." She says.
"Yes Miss Mr McGraw girlfriend." I laugh. Go kids are funny.
"Oh, do you have sunblock? I'll put some on them now so that it can absorb before they get back in the pool." She's so cute.
"Yeah I'll go get it." While I'm looking for it in the bathroom I can hear the kids come in.
"Miss Faith, do you love Mr McGraw?" I hear Jessie ask Faith. I'm not eavesdropping, Im just overhearing from behind the door.
"Well, that's a tough one Jessie. We've only known each other a little while." She says to Jessie using this adorable voice with her. "But I definitely think that I will one day." She finishes. God I hope so.
"Do you think you two will ever have a baby, and can I play with her?"
"Of course sweetheart." Faith says. This is good news. I mean I'm definitely way more into Faith than what she is to me but that's fine. She sees the potential.
"Here's the sunblock." I say walking into the room, probably smiling like an idiot. I hand it over to Faith.
"Before we eat why don't you to come put more sunblock on." Faith tells them. They each take turns at standing in front of her so that she can smear their little bodies. She is so good with them, very maternal.
"Mr McGraw! It's your turn!" Cameron says to me snapping me out of my Faith trance.
"Oh, we can eat first. I'll do him later." Faith says winking at me. Faith has prepared some ice tea and sandwiches with lettuce and tomato and ham and this funky little dressing that tingles my lips. I can see her in a couple of years when we've got kids running around being an absolute domestic goddess. Wow. I don't think I've ever thought that far ahead before. Once we've finished lunch Faith makes us wait exactly 45 minutes before were allowed to swim. While Jessie and Cameron play with a ball on the lawn Faith and I just watch them as the late afternoon sun begins to lose some heat.
"Is it weird that I can see us doing this with our own kids in a few years." Faith whispers like she's in a dream and said something she was thinking without thinking to say it.
"I was just thinking the same thing." I say to her, looking in her eyes. I know we've only been official for a few hours but I know she's the one.
"I should probably put your sun block on." She says. I like to touch Faith, I think I've made that very clear to her, but let me just say that Faith touching me and running me and oh god, it's like an outer-worldly experience. By the time she's done she says we can swim again. She dangles her feet in the pool, watching us. About an hour later the phone inside rings and Faith goes to answer it. She comes back shortly after. "Jessie and Cameron! That was your mom. She wants y'all to head home."
The two of them just let out a series of "no" and "do we have to?" and "five more minutes" to which Faith says "I think if you want to come swim with us again we better listen to mom otherwise she might not let you come again." God she's good with kids.
"Okay Miss Faith." They say getting out of the pool. They're such good kids. Faith wraps them up in their towels and kisses them each on the head and I think a piece of my heart melted.
We stand by the door together letting them out as they thank us for letting them stay the whole day. "Thank you both, this was the best swim at your house we've ever had. Miss Faith you make better sandwiches than him." Jessie's says before running to her house. Cameron just gives Faith a big hug before he runs off too. I wait to see that they're safely inside before I close the door. As soon as it shuts Faith kisses me deeply.
"I'm not complaining, but what was that for?" I ask because she doesn't usually initiate such deep kisses, mostly because I bet her to it but still.
"Just because your so good with kids. And you look really nice without a shirt on." She says. I kiss her again and again and again until we're making out on the couch. After a while we turn the TV on and just casually watch whatever's on CMT. "Tim?"
"I can't stay here again tonight." She says sounding sad.
"Why not?" I ask.
"We have church tomorrow and I don't think I can wear one of your shirts to church." She says.
"But who am I gonna cuddle?" I ask pulling her closer. I may sound like I'm joking but I'll be so lonely.
"You're just gonna have to wait." She tells me so I groan. Loudly.
"Okay, well let's take you to moms. Hopefully she's gonna offer me dinner." I say because I am not in the mood to cook. We get to moms and I smell something good cooking. Before either Faith or I say something I pull her in for a deep steamy kiss. "Just because I probably won't get to do that again for a while." I explain.
"You're a dork."
"Hey Momma!" I yell. We get into kitchen where momma greets us.
"Just in time for dinner. Why don't you to go set the table."
After dinner mom sits and talks with us in the living room while we drink some tea. But I can see that she's tired. Once she finishes her tea she says goodnight to the two of us. "Lock the doors when you leave son." She says. We stay in the living room for a while longer I explain how the rest of football season will work and Faith does a great job of pretending to be interested but I can tell she is getting tired too.
"Why don't you go hit the hay?" I say to her.
"I don't want to. Not without you." She says using her best puppy dog eyes on me.
"As much as my mom loves me and you I don't think she would take to fondly to me staying the night 2 days into our relationship." I tell her.
"You can just leave before she wakes up." She pleads. She doesn't have to try very hard because if basically do whatever she wanted.
"Okay baby, let's go sleep."

This chapter is super long sorry! I can't believe I've had 1000 reads like wth! I was expecting like 1 and or it to be myself but hopefully you guys are enjoying this story a much as me.

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