Never? Forever.

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Faith POV
I can't believe that I get to wake up in Tims arms for the second morning in a row. I wake up slightly before him and as I lay on his bare chest I get to look up up at his peaceful face and I can't believe how lucky I am. He is so good looking and muscular and toned and and tanned, he is 100% my type on paper. It's starting to get light outside so I think it must be time for him to get back to his room. "Tim" I say sweetly shaking him lightly.
"No thank you." He says before i can even tell him anything.
"You need to go back to your room. It's getting late." I say.
"Argh really?" He says moaning.
"Yes! Now get up and get those boys ready. The faster we can leave the faster we can be together" I say kissing his stubbly jaw.
"Agh, okay." He says getting up and putting his running clothes on. I try not to look since he's been nothing but respectful to me, it's just hard because he is so hot. Once he's got tuning gear on he goes to leave with his pyjamas in hand.
"Tim, you can't go back with your pyjamas in hand. Leave them here, I'll pack them in." I say to him. He's so clueless sometimes. He puts the clothes at the foot of my bed and kisses my forehead.
"I'll see you soon, okay?" He says turning to leave. I decide to get up and get ready but I can't stop smiling. He has me feeling all gooey and mushy inside. I'm so happy when he's around.
Once my room is tided and bags packed and today's red turtle neck is on, thanks Tim, I make my way over to the boys dorm.
"Morning Miss Perry! Would you like me to take your bag to Mr McGraws truck?" Joey asks me when I get there.
"That's be great Joey. Thanks." I go into the dorm to see if they're almost ready to go. As I step inside I'm hit by a wave of strong deodorant that kind of makes me choke. I see bags outside the doors of each room indicating that we must almost be ready to go.
"Hey, you're up early." I hear Tim say behind me.
"Oh yeah. I didn't sleep well." I say jokingly to keep up appearances.
"Really?!" Tim asks concerned, as though he's worried that it was his fault. I want to walk over towards him and hold him and tell him not to be stupid. But I can't.
"I'm joking Tim." I say instead.
"Oh. We are getting ready to leave now. Okay boys! Let's hustle! If you want breakfast go get in the bus now!" He tells down the hallway. The boys start streaming out each greeting me as they pass. Once they're all gone Tim and I walk down the hall to check that they haven't left anything behind. Once we check the last room he pulls me unexpectedly close to him and kisses me slowly.
"Good Morning Faith." He says liking in my eyes. "You look amazing in red." He tells me.
"You are such a dork." I say kissing him in reply. "Come on, let's get breakfast."
We go to the local iHop with boys because I cannot imagine trying to cope with a team of hungry teenagers. They all order their food. Tim and I walk in together, "why don't you go sit down, I'll order." He says, walking to the counter. I spot the coaches at a table with enough room for Tim and I so I decide to join them.
"Morning Faith!" Davis says. "How'd you sleep?" He asks. David is very polite and I actually really like him.
"Well thank you, even better since we won." I tell him. It's so weird but I feel so connected the team and I've only been with them for 2 weeks. We continue to make casual small talk and when Tim walks over with 2 cups of coffee.
"Foods on its way." He tells me sitting next me. He keeps a solid amount of distance between us, and I just want to slide closer to him.
"We have a home game next week." Tony says to us.
"That will be good," Tim says "home field advantage, no travel time." They guys continue to talk football as we finish breakfast. Once we are all done we load the bus with boys and I have this need to ask each of them if they've eaten enough or if they're alright. As Tim and I buckle in to his truck he turns to me and says "that was very 'camp mom' of you."
"Shut up." I say smiling at him. God he has this weird effect on me. As we drive home he has his hand on my thigh the whole way.

Once we get back to Start Tim needs to go to school to see all the parents picking up their kids. He offered to drop my home on the way but I said I was fine to go with. One of the first parents there are Missi and Byron. I didn't even realise they had a kid in the team, but Joey walks towards them as gives Missi a big hug. Makes sense, they're lovely people and he's the loveliest kid. Byron walks over to Tim leaving Missi standing by herself. I walk over because I like Missi, we have gotten to know each other more at church and we have become quite good friends.
"Hey Faith," she says bringing me into a hug. "That was a goo result for our first game." She says.
"Yeah the boys played so well! I was so proud." I tell her.
"Look at you. You're beaming! A real camp mom huh? Oh me and Byron are having a BBQ at our house tonight. Why don't you come. Tim can bring you." She says.
"Um okay! Id love to." Which is true. I need to make some friends that are my age.
"Great we will see you there! Byron! You can talk to Tim tonight! Let's go." She hollers at her husband. "Tim! Make sure you bring Faith tonight!" She yells getting in their truck.

I'm on my way to pick Faith up from my moms. How weird is that my secret girlfriend, who I actually haven't asked to be my girlfriend, lives with my mom? Yeah, it's weird. I pull up to moms and go in.
"Faith! Tims here!" My mom yells from the couch.
"Hey momma!"
"Hi son. That was a good result from the boys." She tells me.
"Yeah they played well! I think we were just lucky that Joey could play, thanks to Faith." I smile. Good god I'm smitten.
"Tim come here." My mom says so I sit next to her.
"Do you like Faith?" She asks me seriously.
"I... Uh... That's..." I say unsure of how to answer.
"Hi y'all!" Faith says coming down the stairs. How can she take my breath away in a pair of jeans and black trutleneck sweater. How many of those things does she own?
"Faith you look lovely!" Momma says. "I'm glad all my old sweaters are coming in handy for these cold nights." Little does she know the sweater is being used to cover a ver suspicious looking mark. Oops. We say our goodbyes to mom, and I tell her not to wait up for Faith since the Gallimores live a good party, and that if we're late Faith can stay in my spare room. I'm nervous, it's like I'm introducing my not official girlfriend to friends, my best friends, for the first time except they don't know she's my girlfriend and we can't tell them. Hopefully they like her as much as I do, except maybe not quite that much.

Faiths POV
Byron and Missi have a gorgeous house. I was kind of nervous E to meet all of Tims friends but I think it's going well. I'm sitting outside on the outdoor sofas with all the woman just getting to know them and listening to their conversations about their kids and town gossip. I'm enjoying my wine and just listening to the conversation when it turns to football. Jenny, the town reporter, says her some told her that me and Tim kissed in the club rooms. What the hell. I thought kids these days hid shit from their parents.
"That is not true." I tell them. And it las the truth. Tim and I have never kissed in the football club rooms. Sure we've kissed everywhere else but not there. This confession elicits a sigh from each of the woman present.
"Damn, I was hopeful that you and Tim could start something." Says Monica, Davis' wife. "Davis said y'all are getting on so well! And he's pretty sure Tim likes you." She continues.
"I mean he keeps looking over here every 5 seconds." Says Missi nodding towards him. We all look over at the men by the BBQ at once. Rookie mistake. I feel like a little girl who's friends are all like "he like you!" Except I already know that he does. I need to put this fire out quickly.
"I don't think there's anything there, we're just friends. It would be wildly unprofessional and besides him and Christine have only been broken up for like a week." I feel them hoping to put an end to this line of conversation.
"So, she was a bitch." Says Nancy. "She never came to our BBQs or any other thing our group did. I think she went to watch 3 of the boys football games. And Tim wasn't nearly as happy with her as his right now." I smile a little while the rest of them all nod and say "yeah" or "that's true".
"Just never say never. Okay?" Missi says getting up because dinner is ready.
Never say never. It's funny because Tim kind of feels more like my forever.

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