Breath 1...2...3

545 12 3

1 month later
We got back from Nashville and Faith was very happy since she apparently found the perfect dress and shoes. I think she's gonna look beautiful no matter what but I'm happy she's happy. She's laying in the couch with her legs across my lap and I can't help but look at her. She moves her ankle up and down against my leg rubbing it and arousing me slightly. I crawl on top of her and kiss her neck.
"Mmmh Tim." She moans as she holds on to me.
"You're irresistible."

Faith and I are snuggling naked under our sheets.
"We can't have guests sit on that couch." She says giggling.
"What they don't know won't kill them." I say to her playing with her soft hair. I think nows a good time to pitch my idea to her. "Baby, I was thinking about the week of the wedding."
"Well since basically everyone we know from out of town is coming to stay with us here it's gonna get super busy. So instead of having a family stay in the old house you and I go there and leave them all here." Personally I think it's a great idea. "And then that way we won't get stressed out by all the people who are here and having to host and entertain." I tell her.
"I think that sounds like a great idea." She says contently.
"Brilliant." She hugs in closer to me and all I can think about is how lucky I am.
"Oh and we still need to tell the pastor if were going to do personal vows or the traditional ones." She says looking up at me.
"Oh yeah, um. I think we should do personal. Nothing about our relationship has been traditional." I laugh.
"Okay I let him know." She laughs with me.
"I'm so excited." I say.
"What for? The wedding or that beautiful honeymoon to the Bahamas?" She says as she straddles me.
"You know I wasn't really thinking about that." I lie.
"Well I have. We're there for a whole week and a half. That's a lot of time we can swim," I can think of a whole lot of other things I would rather do with Faith.
"We can go for walks," I playfully suggest.
"Maybe some snorkelling?" She adds in. I hug her in close to my chest and just breath in her divine smell. "I can't wait to be Mrs McGraw." She says against my chest.
"I can't wait to be your Mr McGraw." I tell her hugging her tightly.

Faith POV
2 weeks before wedding.
I'm stressing out. Tim and I are working right up until the wedding so that we could take enough time off for a decent honeymoon so I have to work and make sure the wedding is perfect. God help us. I'm also midway through my teaching diploma just to add some more stress. We're about 20 minutes into first period when I feel my whole stomach flip. Oh lord. I sprint to the sickbay and knock over a few things in the process to vomit in the sink. As I'm coughing and spluttering I can feel Tim holding my hair back.
"Faith! Are you okay? Did you drink your pills? Have you been drinking water?" Tim asks in a panic.
"You sound like me." I say getting back up. "I think I forgot to have the magnesium this morning but I've got some in my desk." I reassure him.
"Please baby, I don't want you getting sick right before our big day." He's adorable. How did I get so lucky?
"I will. I promise."
"Take it easy today, if you're still feeling sick I'll take you to the doctors on the way home." He says holding my hand. I nod as we return to our respective offices. I need to calm down. There's no point in stressing myself out about the wedding. I obviously don't handle stress well so I need to just relax. Okay Faith, breath in 1...2...3 breath out 1...2...3. Okay I've go this. I get my work done and all and all it a pretty boring day. We have football after school so I'm probably just going to sit on the cold bleacher with my laptop and attempt to finish my assignment before the honeymoon. I'm going to be so happy when this course is over and I can teach. It will be such a relief. Karla is so excited as well. She really wants to encourage students persuading bio type professions and she's been promoting the course I'm going to be offering like crazy. I'm excited about it. My family arrive here in 7 days. Then four days after they get here we have our bachelors and bachelorette nights, the day after that is some luncheon the woman from the football team are organising, the night after that is the rehearsal dinner, then after that we have the day before the wedding and then we're getting married. Good it's going to be crazy, especially since I haven't been feeling that well either. I'm going to have to make sure I take all those pills and maybe even some anti-nausea ones I have to. Better safe than sorry. And besides the last thing I want is for Tim to be worried about me and my health. He adorable and would get all papa bear on me but we don't have time. God I'm stressing. No I'm not. Breath in 1...2...3 breath out 1...2...3. I'm fine. We go home after training and I basically eat and fall straight asleep. This is going to be a long 2 weeks.

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