Get a Room

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I feel kinda bad that everyone in Start found out about me and Faith at the same time. I would've liked to have told my mom and sisters first but alas, at least everyone knows now. Faith and I are walking up towards my truck, I've got my arm around her waist and she is pulled in close to me. It's so nice to just be able to hold her in public. "Tim! Faith!" I hear my mommas voice from ahead of me. I know she likes Faith so I hope she's not mad.
"Momma!" I say as we reach her. I think Faith must be nervous to because she holds onto me a little tighter.
"I'm so happy for y'all!" Momma exclaims. "I've been hoping that all the time you two have spent together would help! I mean sure Tim kissing her for the first time in front of the whole town, you aren't the brightest, but I'm so happy for you." I look down at Faith who has a huge smile on her face.
"Thanks mom. That means a lot. Faith and I are going to get drinks with the coaches and their wives." I tell her, hoping she won't be expecting Faith home.
"Enjoy! I'll see y'all at church!" She says walking away.

So drinks with the guys ended up being drinks with the whole town since there's only 3 bars in Start and two of them were closed. It's also been like a round of twenty questions and all of them were about Faith. I basically just stick to the story of yeah I kissed her for the first time today in the field and I'm ready to see where it goes, when I actually mean I'm falling in love with this girl she's my soulmate and when I look in her eyes I can see the rest of my life. I can see that over by the ladies table Faith is experiencing the same thing. Our eyes meet across the room every now and then. I see her wine glass is empty so I get her another one because I'm a gentleman like that. As I approach the table I hear giggles and "shhh he's coming." I walk towards Faith and swap her empty glass for the full one. I give her a kiss on the top of her head and whisper in her ear "tell me if you want to leave." She nods and smiles and I can tell that I've made her blush so I walk back over to the guys. She makes me want to be a sappy romantic guy and believe me when I say I'm pretty shit at that stuff.

Faith POV
"Oh my god! That was so cute Faith!" Missi starts off so the rest of the woman all join in.
"Yeah he must really like you."
"You two are perfect."
"He's absolutely smitten, I've never seen him like that."
"He's smitten? Look at her face she's crazy about him."
I'm not sure if it's the wine or the fact that there are about 50 people cramped into this little bar but I feel my cheeks going red.
"Ohhhh now she's blushing."
God, I'm being caught out but it's fine. I don't care. I really like Tim and I want everyone to know about it.
"So did this really start tonight on the football field." Monica asks, sounding skeptical. Luckily Tim and I worked out a story on the way here.
"We've obviously been spending a lot of time together recently," yeah making out and stuff "and I think we have both had our fair share of not subtle glance" yeah while we lay half naked on a sun bed "and then tonight in the heat of the moment he kissed me." I tell them.
"Awww." They all say like they're looking at a baby. I just laugh it off.
"Well cheers to Tim and Faith." Missi says raising a glass. I love this town so much. And the people in it, specifically one very handsome man, or at least I'm falling for him very hard and very fast.

It's well pass midnight before we all decide it's time to head home. This is part I love most about a home is getting to celebrate with all your friends afterwards. Faith and I walk to my truck that's parked down the road arm in arm. When we get to the truck I walk road to her side with her and lean her against the truck and give her a kiss. A deep full throttle, make you weak at the knees kiss. When I'm with Faith I lose track of time and guess that's what must've happened because from the other side of the road I hear Jason yell "yuck! Go get a room." I pull away from Faith, who is breathing heavily. Our faces are about two inches apart. God she is breath taking.
"That's exactly what I plan to do." I whisper to her.
As soon as we get inside my house we are kissing each other again. She leads us to the bedroom and things begin to hear up from there. She puts her hands under my shirt to remove it and I have to stop her.
"Faith. I want to do this, I really do. Surely you can feel that." She laughs because she's sitting on my lap. "I just don't want us to do it I here." I mean I had sex with Christine I this bed. I want where Faith and I make love to be our place and only ours.
"That's fine with me." She says wrapping her legs around my waist. "Now kiss me cowboy." She says. Let me just tell you that it was the best PG13 make out I've ever had.  

Short chapter sorry! If you have any suggestions please slide into my DMs!

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