Stealth Departure

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Faith POV
Not to be a party pooper but the party bus is cramped, hot and loud. Sure I've been pregnant for all of two days officially but I'm gonna claim hormones on this one. Apparently we are going to some club a town over that's just opened and were "GOING TO HAVE A GOOD TIME!" According to my bridal party. I'm tired and just want to lay in bed and cuddle with Tim, after all tomorrow we're going to be husband and wife. I wonder how he is getting on with his bachelors party, the last I heard was that they were blind folding him and taking him to jump of a few bridges into water,
Naked. I think I'll stick with the party bus. I've been pretending to drink the same glass of champagne for the whole drive and I feel like I've done a convincing job. Gaye has at this point cleverly kept three rounds of shots away from me and I think Karla may have even done one for me. I hope Tim has someone looking after him.

SHIT!" I hear someone yell at me. Probably Jase. I think by now I have had maybe eight shots and
Three beers and now I'm standing completely naked, atop a bridge blindfolded.
"I don't want to die!" I yell back.
"Faith will kill me if I'm dead for the wedding." The all laugh at me.
"Tim we promise you'll live!" They yell up at me from where they're standing, "also were recording this." 
"Please come and rescue me I start drowning," I whimper. "I love Faith and I really want to marry her!" I say.
"For the love of God just jump!" Someone yells up at me. I take a deep breath and jump. I hit the cold water instantly and my blindfold comes flying off. As I reach the surface I see them all pointing and laughing at me while a few hunch over Jase's phone, probably rewatching it. I swim to the bank and the hoist me up, not very gently but the alcohol in my system means I can't really feel it.
"That was pathetic, 'ohjj faith I love you' good you're an embarrassment to the football coaching staff" says Davis.
"I sent that to Faith." Jase says as they start tying me up and putting the blindfold back on. I swear as they put me back into the trunk I hear someone ask where the paint ball range is. God help me.

Faith POV
We finally arrive in Hamilton and can get into the club, it's actually shaping up to be a bit of fun. I'm dancing with this big crown on that says bride to be and this pink feather boa when I feel my phone vibrate, I check to see its a snapchat from Jase. I go to the bar and open it. I see a video of Tim naked yelling "i love faith and I really want to marry her." He's definitely drunk but that is very sweet. I hope Jase has a copy and f that video saved, it is gold.
A few hours of dancing later and it's fair to say that I am done. I'm extremely tired and ready to go home but everyone else seems to be having the time of their lives. I'm sitting on a bar stool when I hear a loud commotion from the entrance. I turn around and see all the men entering and they appear to be getting into an argument with the ladies. From the back I spot Tim, he looks battered and bruised a little tipsy but happy. The sight of him makes me so happy, I mean he helped create the little life inside of me. Not that he knows yet. I run over to hug him and as I wrap my arms around him I hear that the argument is about this not being a joint bachelors party and that they boys need to leave.
"This is the only club in the county, y'all have been here long enough! You leave." Says a man.
"I missed you." Tim whispers in my ear.
"Y'all need to calm down, we can share the venue." Reasons Karla.
"It's against the rules!" Reply a chorus of men. This causes the bouncer to come over and tell us to sort it out or leave.
"I missed you too." I say to Tim.
He must her the exhaustion in my voice. "Are you okay?" He asks as we sit down together.
"Yeah I'm just tired, i kinda just want to go home." I confess.
"Me too." He says. I look out at the dance floor and notice rant both parties have forgotten about us.
"I have an idea." I tell Tim getting him up. I spot a pair of keys on our table and grab them, we quickly escape the building trying not to get noticed. When we finally break out into the crisp night air we are laughing like idiots.
"Wait, can you drive?" Tim asks me.
"Yeah I haven't had a drink all night." I assure him.
"Oh why?" Shit.
"Um I haven't been feeling well." I say, I feel bad for not telling him, but I want to tell him in a more special meaningful way.
We search the parking lot for the car that the set of keys belong to and realise that it's Byrons truck, Tim texts him to let him know that we've got and we drive home into the night, ready to be married in the morning.

I wake up the next morning with a coffee and a card on my bed side table.
Hey baby, the girls pulled me out of our room before the sun came up. Hope you're feeling better, can't wait to see you when I become your husband! Love you more than football and burgers combined xox
I wrap myself in my robe and go out into the living room. It's funny being in the old house because it feels like we've come full circle. When I get into the living room there are bridal balloons and other decorations, platters of breakfast food and flutes of orange juice. My mom, Betty, Gaye, Karla, Sandy and Tracey.
"Happy Wedding Day!" The announce as they see me. What a beautiful start to a hopefully even more beautiful day.

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