Road Closed

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We had football training after school on Monday and then we shifted Wednesdays to Tuesday since Faith and I would be in New Orleans on the Wednesday. Two football trainings in two days has tired me out. Faith is staying at my place tonight since we have to leave early tomorrow for the trip. She busy packing our lunches in the kitchen while I do the last checks for the trip tomorrow. We're going straight to the French quarter and then the history and French classes will split up. Faith is going with Russel since he doesn't have his first aid training and then I'll take the French class. We're each going to do a tour of the area, met up for lunch, cover the rest of the area we missed and then bus home. Lunch is usually two hours just to give them a chance to relax and explore.
"Tim do you want an apple or a banana?" Faith asks
"Banana please." I hear Faith fiddling around in the kitchen a little while longer and then she joins me on the couch.
"Do I have to be with Russel tomorrow?" She asks resting her head on my lap, looking up at me.
"Unfortunately yes." I tell her.
"But I want to be with you." she says making fish lips so that I will kiss her.
"Me too. We need to be up early, shall we hit the hay?" I ask.
"Okay" she says getting up and walking towards the spare room.
"What are you doing?" I ask confused.
"Going to bed." She says using her best bed eyes and voice.
I follow her in and can say that several hours of sleep were missed.

We get to school early in time to catch the bus with the kids and Russel. I hate bus rides and this is gonna suck even more because I have to be professional so I can't even put my arm around Faith or pull her in close and rest my head on hers. Being principle sucks. Not really but just right now.
"Okay guys, today were going to be respectful to our teachers, our bus driver and any people in the French Quarter. Y'all are representing the school. Since it's still very early I ask that you keep the volume to a minimum on the bus." I say to the kids as they get seated. "If your feeling sick, travel sickness, whatever please come and see Nurse Perry who will be joining us on  our trip today." Once I've said this and they see her walk in the bus a few whistles and thinks like "ooohhhh" are let out. I just let it slide I mean how am I supposed to deal with that? Russel is in the seat parallel to mine and Faith being the absolute tease that she is takes the seat next to him rather than me. A few of the boys behind me see this and I hear them laugh and say "can you believe Mr McGraw got ditched?" I can't believe it either. I'm looking at Faith with wide eyes and she just winks at me and starts talking to Russel so I talk with the bus driver. About half way through the trip someone says that they're feeling sick.
"Okay baby- Faith-" I quickly correct my self, "it's your time to shine." She goes to where the kid is and begins to deal with it. In the end she brings him to the front of the bus so he look out the window and get some air from the AC. He does not look good. Faith sits with him and does a great job of calming him and easing him. Shortly after he returns to his seat feeling better. Faith comes and sits next to me.
"You're amazing." I say putting my arm over the back of the bus seat.
"Tim, we need to be professional. You can't call me baby or cuddle me in front of the kids okay." She says whispering. God it so frustrating. How am I supposed to be near her and not be touching her. The two Spanish teachers at school are married and they get to be together. I mean it's not PDA but at least you can see they're together. At this rate it's like we're hiding our relationship all over again. But she's right. I'm the principle I have to be professional. I can't be making out with my girlfriend on a school trip. I hate that she's right. I take my arm away and leave it by my side between us. She grabs my hand in hers and smiles at me. She has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I can't explain how mushy she makes me feel. I think I'm in love. The kind of love you only hear about in a good country song, I'm feeling right now for Faith. I've never been in love before and this feels like I've been hit by a train. I love her. I think I need to wait though. We've only been together for  3 and a half weeks. That's nothing, but it feels like forever.
We get to New Orleans and load the kids off the bus. We split them up into French and History and wait or our tour guides. I see a black SUV pull up and an older woman gets out and a man maybe my age about my height and build gets out. As they get closer I can see that he is obviously very attractive. I hope he's with the French class.
"Bonjour!" The old lady says approaching us. Well fuck.

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