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Faith POV
I think the students are still trying to get used to me and since it's only my second day on the job i guess it's to be expected. I actually love working with kids. Today I had a little girl come in the sickbay because she rolled her ankle going down the stairs. She must be a freshman or something because she is so young.
"What's your name sweetheart?" I ask her as the teacher who brought her in puts her on one of the beds.
"I'm Emily. Where's Miss Gracie?" She asks me looking around slightly concerned.
"Um Miss Gracie has retired honey." I say bending down to look at her, "but I'm gonna look after you real well okay."
She lets me press her ankle and just check that it's all okay. As I'm busy wrapping muscle strapping tape on her ankle she looks at me and says, "you're really pretty Miss Perry." I'm not sure how to react because I'm not very good at taking compliments.
"Thank you Emily. You're also very pretty." I tell her. And she is, she has blonde hair and these big brown eyes. She smiles at me and she lies back against the wall.
"Here, we will put your foot up on these pillows for a while and you can take some painkillers while I do the paperwork." I tell her as I reach up to the medicine cabinet.
"Faith?" I hear from around the corner, from a voice that can only belong to Tim.
"In here!" I holler so that he can find me.
I'm reaching up to get the pain killers for Emily when I hear him say from the doorway, "I'm going to get lunch in town, since we didn't pack any do you want to come?" As I bring the pain killers down I tell him that I would love to and I'll meet him at his car. He leaves the sickbay and I get back to Emily.
"Why did Mr McGraw stare at your butt while you got my medicine?" Emily asks me.
How the hell do I respond to that. Do I have to answer or is that above my pay grade?
"Here, take your aspirin." I say handing her some water and the pills.
"Do you like Mr McGraw?" She asks me.
I answer perhaps slightly naively "Of course, he's a very good principle." While doing the paperwork for aspirin administration.
"Well you haven't stopped smiling since he came in." She tells me in a very know-it-all tone. Again I don't respond.
"What's your date of birth Emily?" I ask her in an attempt to change the subject.
"March 28th, my mommy says that he's to good for Christine." Emily tells me. Okay now it's just getting frustrating. How do I respond?
"Okay Emily the paperwork is all done so I'm just going to put this in the computer and you can go back to class whenever you feel up to it." I tell her leaving to my office. Once I've put in the details in my computer I go to Tim's office.
"Hey Tim, is it okay if I leave for lunch? What if there is an emergency or something?" I ask him because I'm not sure how the whole thing works.
"It's fine Faith. Martha, the receptionist, is trained in first aid and there isn't anyone who gets medicine administered at lunch." He tells me getting up from his desk. "There's 5 minutes before lunch, shall we just leave now?" He asks me.
"Sounds good, I'm starving."

Once we get to the cafe and each order a flat white and grilled panini we sit and recap our day. As Tim takes a sip of water I say to him "Why did Emily ask me why was Mr McGraw staring at your butt?"
To which Tim replies with choking, a lot of choking. While he continues spluttering the waitress brings out food and half laughs at and half ignores Tim. I could help him or whatever instead I just stare at him waiting for an explanation.
"I... Uh... Well." He says making incoherent noises. "I wouldn't say staring as such. I just happened to walk into a room where it was front and centre. And it remained so for a good few seconds and I just uh, I'm making this worse." I couldn't keep a straight face anymore and I let out a laugh.
"Mr McGraw we might have to work on your subtlety ." I tell him embracing the joke.
"I'm sorry Faith. It was inappropriate." He tells me seriously.
"Tim don't worry please. I'm not that bothered by it. Hopefully by the time my first paycheque comes in I'll be wearing more school appropriate clothes." I tell him shaking my head.
"Are you ready for today's training?" He asks as we begin to eat.
"I have gotten a book from the library to read in order to keep my sanity, however I will require your hoodie again as I am currently living out of other people's closets."
"Hey, it's no problem. And hopefully we will get you some official Start High gear before our first match." He tells me.
"That'd be great." I say Even though I'm a little sad that I won't get to wear his anymore. We continue to make small talk as we finish our lunch.

Tims POV
It's last period of the day and I'm sitting at my desk looking out at the football field trying to figure out the freshmans field trip schedules for next month. 3 of our teachers are away on a professional development course including the two with first aid experience and training. I'm going to have to go in the trip along with Russel but that still leaves me one medically trained professional short. We are going to the New Orleans French Quarter with the history class and French class. With two classes we need 3 adults and 1 needs to have a first aid certificate. Mine is currently invalid and I need to sit a new one and Russel refuses because he thinks he's getting close to retirement and it would be a waste of time. I could always get Faith to come, I'm sure Miss Gracie wouldn't mind coming in for a day to cover the nurses office here. I'll her now to check.
"Hi Miss Gracie, it's me Tim."
"Oh Tim, hello, how can I help?" She asks.
"Miss Gracie I was just calling to ask if you would be able to come in next month on the 12th to cover the nurses office for the day?" I ask her and explain the whole situation of needing to take Faith with.
"Well if you must take that lovely girl with I would be happy to come in." She tells me.
"Thank you Miss Gracie." I say hanging the phone up. I pencil the details in on my calendar, relieved that that is sorted out. I walk over to Faiths office to let her know of the arrangements.
"Hey Faith, next month on the 12th the history and French classes are going to the New Orleans French Quarter. They're being taken by Russel and myself but we need you to come with. I've already arranged for Miss Gracie to cover that day for you." I tell her.
"Great, I've never been. Should be fun!" She says. I'm glad she's excited. "Oh Tim, my friend from Nashville is going to send me some of my old medical stuff and some clothes that actually fit. Should she send them to here or your moms?" I walk over to her desk and write the address of my house on some paper.
"Get it sent here." I say. "Don't forgot training starts in roughly 45min." I say walking back towards my office. I can't believe how much my life has changed in the short 4 days that I've known Faith. Start won't ever be the same.

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