No Regrets

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"I thought my life was about obligation and service, but when I look into your eyes I can see so much more." I tell Faith. I like how open and honest we can be.
"Tim I don't want you to feel like because I'm a hot mess you have to say stuff to comfort me." She tells me.
"Faith, I'm not just saying this stuff." I tell her trying to look a deeply into her eyes as I can. "Everything I've ever said to you I've meant with my whole heart." Faith can tell that I'm being sincere because she leans in to kiss me, and I kiss her back and then she starts kissing me deeper and I reciprocate.
"Tim, I need you." She says panting. I don't need anything else. I pick her up, holding her on her butt. I take us to the spare room since it's the only place Christine never went in to, she hated the blue walls, thank god. I lay us down on the bed and Faith starts unbuttoning my shirt and kissing my neck.
"Are you sure?" I ask her. I don't want this to be something that she regrets because I want it more than anything and I just hope she does too.
"I have never wanted anything more in my life." She tells me seriously.

"That was amazing." I tell Faith, who's laying next to me.
"You're amazing." She says laughing and crawling over to kiss me.
"Yeah I am pretty amazing, aren't i?" I say half jokingly and half seriously because I'm not gonna lie that was some of my best work.
"I especially liked the part near the end..." She says
"Oh yea?" I say as I tickle her sides. "Did you?" And I tickle her a little harder.
"Tim!!" She says laughing. "Stop! Please! Ahahaha."
Everything about her is so pure and just makes me smile. "Okay, baby."
"You're such a dork." She tells me cuddling in close, she starts dosing off.
"Yeah but I'm your dork." I whisper pulling her into me. "I love you Faith." I say once I'm sure she asleep.

I wake up on Monday morning at home. Not in Nashville, not in Mississippi, not in Betty's house, but in Tim's arm. He's so peaceful when he sleeps, it's very endearing, I could watch him for hours except we have work.
"Tim, honey." I say sweetly. "It's time to get up babe."
"Timmy, please." I say trying to stir him. He's lying on his back so I get up and sit in his lap. "I think it's time to get up cowboy."
"But I like being in bed, with you." He says moaning like child finally opening his eyes.
"Stop being such a child!" I say jokingly and laying down on top of him to kiss him.
"Mmmmh morning breath kisses." He says using slightly more tongue than a person should this early, but I love it.
"As long as it's your morning breath." I say cringing at how lovey dovey it sounds.
"And I'm the dork?" He says chuckling and wrapping me into a hug.
"Do you regret what we did last night?" I ask him. I know he wanted it to be more special and for it to not be in the same house as Christine but we used the spare room.
"Of course not. Do you?" His lack of hesitation is very reassuring.
"I could never regret anything that the two of us do together." I say "unless we got drunken matching tattoos. That I might regret." He laughs at me and I realise that that is the sound I want to wake up to every morning for the rest of my life.
"Good" he tells me and we start to kiss.
"Tim." He's kisses me more. "We can't be late for work." I say very unconvincingly.
"I don't think your boss will mind." He laughs. "But I think you might need to tell him why you were late."
And very soon we're making love under the covers.

Its almost lunch and so far my day has just been the receptionist lady saying that I look glowing, kids asking me if I'm Mr McGraws girlfriend and coworkers being just nosey. Oh and Tim not being able to keep his hands to himself. The last one I don't mind so much. My last medicine administration for the day is Joey. I really like Joey, he's an exceptional kid, got great parents and heaps of younger siblings.
"Hey Miss Perry." He says coming into my office. He sits down on one of the seats in front of my desk since he and I usually chat before I do his insulin.
"Hello Joey, how was your weekend?" I ask him knowing he was at his sister birthday party.
"You know most of it was spent with the family." He says not unexpectedly. "And yours, since you're now half of everyone's favourite Start couple." He says laughing.
"Is it always like this?" I can see from his face I need to explain. "Does the whole town always jump on the bandwagon of a new relationship? Or is it just because everyone loves Tim?"
"I know when he started dating the last woman, whatever her name was,  the town nearly rioted. God it was funny. My mom, she loves you by the way, nearly ran Tim over. Said he could do better. I think everyone just really likes both of you and think y'all are a good fit. Which is true. He's so happy when you're around." Joey tells me.
"Joey, don't take this the wrong way, but you're a really sensitive guy and it's fantastic. I think you're gonna really far." I tell him honestly.
"Thank you Miss Perry." He says blushing a bit.
"What are your plans for after school?"
"I'm probably going to take over the garage from my dad." He says as though it's just so.
"What about football and college?" I ask.
"I don't know. I've always wanted to basically become Mr McGraw but I think my family needs me." God this kid is so thoughtful.
"Joey, promise me right here in this office that you will not do a single thing in your life because you have to. Do things because you want too. Okay? And if I can help or Mr McGraw you tell us." I quickly do his insulin and send him back to class. I'm doing paper work and all the boring stuff when Tim comes in.
"Hey, Faith, don't forget Wednesday is the trip with Russel to New Orleans. It's only a day trip but can you please have all the first aid stuff ready. I was looking at the weather and I think there's going to be a whole heap of rain on the way home." I think that's the most professional conversation we've had all day.
"Yeah sure thing. Can you please email me the list I kids coming so I can pull up their medical files and jut see if there are any issues?"
"I can do that right now." He says returning to his office. I'm so excited I've never been to the French Quarter before so it should be fun. I think Tim almost goes every year with the classes so he's probably an expert.
I'm sitting in the staff room enjoying my lunch when Karla and Russel enter the room to join me.
"Well hello Faith." Russel says sounding suspicious.
"Oh hey, Karla and Russel. How was your weekend?" I ask trying my absolute best to keep the conversation away from myself.
"Oh it was fine." Russel says "But probably not as good as yours." Wiggling his eyebrows at me. Oh god here we go.

Next chapter is going to be longer I swear! Sorry for taking so long to update. Ps any inspiration would be appreciated

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