Quarter Final

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I'm so happy. Faith and I went to her families place for thanksgiving and it went so well. Her dad even gave me his blessing. I know they've gone through hell with Faith because of Dan so it really meant a lot to me. This week is our Quarter Final. Faith and I are so excited. Yet again another Friday spent travelling. We've got an away game but it in a bigger town so one of our sponsers has given us enough money to book hotel rooms for the Friday night after our game. I went to the liberty of only booking one room for Faith and I. We've been training hard all week. Faith had been working in overdrive making sure the boys are looking after themselves. She's so cute.
"Boys have you had enough water?" Or "did you eat enough today?" Or "please rest yourself well" or "please stretch yourselves super well" are classic Faith sayings by now. It's very endearing. We're hosting a BBQ at our house with all the football families to wish the boys luck before we leave tomorrow.
"So it's our first event hosted by the future Mr and Mrs McGraw." Byron says to me as I do the steak.
I just laugh, but he's right. This is Faith and I's first event. "Yeah well does a football one count?" I ask.
"It counts for 10. Football is the most important thing in your life, or at least it was." He says.
"What's that mean?" I ask.
"It's not a bad thing. I'm glad you've got Faith." Ohhh he means I care more about Faith than football. Well obviously. Once we start eating Joey gets up to do a speech, since he's captain.
"Okay y'all. I just want to say a few thank yous. So first Davis, Jason, Mike and Tony, you have each helped us all so much this season. I don't know why it is but i feel like you have all just really stepped up this season and have been some of the main reasons behind why we're undefeated." This gets a few whoops and whistles from the boys. "Secondly to all of our parents. We couldn't do this without you. Your support, you driving us to all our trainings, paying for everything and mostly just for putting up with us." God this kid is awesome. "Next I want to thank the team. This year I think we have all really stepped up. It's been so great seeing you invest into your own development. We've been good in the past but this year we've been great and I'm proud to call you guys my brothers. The last people I want to thank are Mr McGraw and Miss Perry, team mom and dad." This better not get emotional. "Thank you so much for all the time the two of you have put into this team. The amount of stretching sessions you've run, the hugs we get when we've played well or not so well." A few people laugh. "Your encouraging words. Thank you Miss Perry for getting our drink bottles out every game right on cue without fail. Thank you for making an injury not seem like the end of the world. Thank you for calming Mr McGraw down and not making him such a hardass." This makes a lot of people laugh. "And Mr McGraw, thank you for believing in us." I can see that Faiths eyes are moist. We all clap for Joey, what a great speech.
"He is so well spoken." Faith says to me over the clapping. I just nod my head. I'm so proud of him. After dinner Faith and I pack up. I'm still touched by Joeys kind words. "You're awfully quiet honey." Faith says.
"Just thinking about Joey." His speech was so good. "I wonder if he's filled in all the college applications I gave him."
"He actually told me he might stay in Start and take over the garage." Faith says.
"What the hell? No way am I letting that happen." I say already planning to call him into my office.
"It will sort itself out." Faith says. "But I think you should help guide him."

Faith POV
It's our most important game of the season and I'm pumped. We're going to absolutely smash it. I'm busy getting the things ready for Joeys insulin.
"Hey Miss Perry," Joey says taking a seat.
"Hey Joey. Thank you so much for your beautiful speech last night." I tell him.
"Oh, it's no problem. Me and the guys really appreciate all that you do for us. And how happy you make Mr McGraw." He says. I do his insulin and before he gets the chance to leave I say that Tim wants to see him. The idea is that Tim will talk to him about college. Hopefully it will work. I see Joey leave his office.
"Honey, how did it go?" I ask Tim.
"Good. He's going to apply. He was just worried about what his dad would want but I think I reassured him that his parents want him to follow his dreams."
"I'm so relieved." I lay down on his office couch.
"Seriously? Do you have any work?" He says laughing at me. It's almost the end of the day and I have nothing left to do.
"Tim we haven't spent a weekend in our home since we moved in." I really can't be bothered having to travel this weekend.
"I know baby, but at least this time we're going to be home tomorrow morning."
"Oh and we're going to stay in a fancy hotel." I remember. The bell rings and we go down to travel with the team. Davis can't stay the night so he's driving in his truck so Tim and I have to go on the bus. Tim loads our bags up and while the boys get on the bus he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist holding on to my ass with both hands. I'm pretty sure that they can all see us but they're probably not wen looking so I wrap my arms around his neck.
"I love you honey." I say looking at him.
"I love you too." And we kiss a very deep kiss. The kind of kiss you see in movies where the two characters have just fallen in love.
"We should get on the bus." He says except he doesn't let go of my ass.
"Okay." When we get on the bus a few of the boys whistle at the two of us and I hear a few "Mr McGraws got game."
"You two disgust me." Jason says to the two of us as we sit down together.
"Shut up Jase. You're just jealous." Tim says which just receives a scoff back from Jason as he lays back and shuts his eyes. I feel like the rules are different for Tim and I when we go away with the team since they've all been at our house and know we're together. It's not widely unprofessional. So on the bus I snuggle in close to him and rest on his chest. I think we take up about the same room on our seat together as what Jason takes by himself. What can I say, I like being close to Tim. We get to the football field and the boy stream off to get ready for the game. This is going to be a good one.

The game went so well, we won by three touchdowns. I never doubted that we would win, with Faith by side anything is possible. And the boys are really good too. We warm down and then head to get food. I love it when we win. The atmosphere is always so good and everyone's laughing and joking around. Faith is buzzing it's so cute, she smiling and has told each of the boys how great they played and even gave some of the ones she knows well hugs. We're so lucky to have her. After dinner we go to the hotel. We ensure each of the boys are in their rooms, there's 3 in each, and then Faith and I go to ours. I may or may not have asked to be a few floors above everyone else, you know in case the boys are loud so that we can sleep.
"The view is amazing." Faith says gazing out at the city skyline.
"You're amazing." I say hugging her from behind.
"Tim?" She asks softly.
"Yeah baby? What's wrong?" I ask concerned.
"There's nothing wrong." She turns to face me. "I know we're going to be together forever and god that excites me, and I know that when we get there you're going to be the best dad ever." She stops like she isn't sure if she should go on. She takes a deep breath "but what if I'm not going to be as good of a mom." I can see that she's actually really worried about this which is ridiculous. I sit us down on the bed and I hold both her hands.
"Baby, you're going to be a great mom. I see you with the boys as the kids at school. You're amazing." God it kills me to see her worry. "Faith, we're not even married yet. Don't worry. Everything is going to work out. You and I are on the right track. I love you." She nods at me. "Okay?"
"I love you." She says. We get under the covers and I just hold her.
"I like when I can feel your heartbeat." Faith says with her head against my chest.
"Faith, if you ever feel like your worried about anything, please tell me. I don't ever want you to beat yourself up about this sort of thing." I feel her nod against me.
"You make me feel safe." She says.
"That's all I've ever wanted."

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