Faith or Football

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I wake up very early on Sunday morning so that I can sneak out of my own mothers house. Yep. Insanity, I know. It kinda reminds of when i was a teenager and I would have to sneak back into the house after going to a party or something. Faith is still sound asleep when I leave so I don't wake her up, but I'll see her in a few hours at church. Once I get home I eat some breakfast and get ready. The house is so quiet without Faith.
Once I get to church I take the classic back row seat that I sit in, I guess that's how I'll always me. I'm actually early for a change so as people float in they get the chance to either congratulate me on track football or Faith, hell some both. It's weird though I can't remember anyone congratulating me when Christine and I got together, funny that. Miss Gracie comes in and sits down in the row in front of me, turns around and starts talking.
"Oh my lord, Timothy. I am so glad that you and Faith are together. She is just the sweetest girl I've ever met. Y'all are perfect for each other!"
"Thank you Miss Gracie."
"Now I'm not saying it's all because of me but when you pop out that first child I think Gracie is a great name for a girl." She tells me.
"I'll keep that mind. Are you still ready to fill in on Wednesday?" I ask since Faith and I have that trip to New Orleans.
"Indeed son. Look who it is Faith and my fishing buddy!" She says, I turn around to see my mom and Faith walk in.
"Fishing Buddy?" I ask confused.
"Yes sir, after church your mom and I are going fishing. Us retired folk like to keep things interesting." I can't help but laugh as my mom sits down next to Miss Gracie and Faith sits next to me. Faith looks absolutely breath taking. She's got a floral dress on with these sandals and her hair is down and oh my lord. She is perfect. I give her a kiss on the cheek, since we're in church and all.
"I missed you this morning." She whispers to me as the sermon starts.
"Me too." I tell her.
When the service finishes my mom and Miss Gracie basically sprint out the door, they've apparently got big plans. I think retirement is treating Miss Gracie well, I can see she's dropped a few pounds recently which is really good for her health. Faith and I hang around and talk to everyone, Byron comes up to me.
"Tim! I tried to ring you last night but there was no one home?" He says.
"Oh sorry man, was having dinner at my moms place."
"Oh well, me and Missi were just going to invite Susie's godfather and Faith round for coffee and cake after church for her 2nd birthday." Shit. I forgot my godchild a birthday. Luckily Christine bought a gift a month ago.
"Of course! We will be there, I just need to go get her gift from my place before we head over." I tell him. I go get Faith so that we can leave.
"How did you forget?" Faith says laughing at me as we go to get the gift.
"I've been pretty preoccupied the last little while okay!" I defend myself jokingly, she just laughs more. I quickly run inside to grab the gift that's in the office and we are on our way.
We get there and there are children running around everywhere. It's chaos. We walk towards Missi who seems to be running the show and hand her Susie's gift. She thanks us and I go off to join the guys leaving Faith with the ladies. It appears we're in playset duty, and I get to push the swings. The glamorous life of a godfather.

Faith POV
This weekend seems to be very child centric which is fine by me. I love kids, they're such a blessing. I can't wait to have a little Faith running  around and having hair to braid and dresses to pick out. The thought just warms my belly.
"So Faith, what's it like being the official GF?" One of the mothers asks me. She has a child on her knee that looks pretty young maybe 6-7 months old. I take a seat and tell her "Um. It's nice." But my smile grows and grows, "actually it's pretty freaking great." I laugh. The little child on her lap reaches her arms out to me.
"You want to go visit Faith, Aubrey?" She says to the child, passing her to me.
"Hi Aubrey," I say using that weird baby voice we all get. "I'm Audrey. But everyone calls me Faith."
"Oh is your real name Audrey?" Miss asks.
"Yeah, but my middle name is Faith." I tell them explaining how everyone has just always called me Faith. As the woman continue to talk I'm to smitten with little Aubrey to pay much attention. I think she likes me because she doesn't seem to want to go to anyone else.
"Someone's a bit clucky." Angela, her mother says to me.
"Oh definitely." Some of the other woman chime in.
I don't really know how to reply so I just continue to play with Aubrey. After a while we stand up to go join the men by the play set, I take Aubrey on my hip and go stand by Tim.
"Hey baby." He says giving me a peck on the temple.
"I know she's my kid but y'all look like a family from a catalog trying to sell me something expensive." Angela says. God we've been boyfriend and girlfriend for like 2 days and already there's talk of children. I mean sure I can see me and Tim raising a family but it's just weird to me how comfortable everyone is discussing it. I guess that's just the way they are round here. Susie's party starts to wind down around 2oclock so I head home with Tim. We just lay in the couch together.
"Okay, it's your turn." He says.
"To do what?" I ask.
"Tell me something."
"Ummm." I think for a moment. "I'm adopted. And while I live my mom and dad there's this part of me that feels so outside of what my family is because there's no biological relation. I don't think I could love anymore that I do even if we were related I just think it makes it harder for me to really feel at home or to love anyone else." I tell him. "But you know what scares me? I don't think I ever felt more at home more safe than I do when I'm in your arms. And I know it's only been 3 weeks Tim, that's not a lot of time, but I can see a future with you. A real kids running around happily ever after kind of thing and I think I'm falling for you unlike I've ever fell for anyone before." I tell him kinda amazed that I could get the words out to explain how he makes me feel.
"Wow." He says quietly. Shit, I've said to much. He doesn't feel the same way. Fuck. "Faith I know I told you that I'm scared of being emotionally committed to anything but when I look at you, that all melts right away. You make me feel like the world is a much better place that what it actually is. You make lying down in the sun the best day I've ever had. I thought my life was all about obligation and service but when I look into your eyes I can see so much more than that."

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