Caller ID

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Faith POV
Sunday Afternoon.
Tim an I saw each other briefly at church this morning but he had to go  help with the youth service since he's the organiser. He doesn't usually run the service because he doesn't like being the centre of attention all the time, but the lady who usually does it is ill. So I haven't really seen him today. After Betty and I have lunch I get changed into a t-shirt and some cutoffs, thankfully the hickey on my neck is gone.
"Betty I have some paperwork that I need to drop off at Tim's do you want me to get anything while I'm out?" I ask her lying. I do have any paperwork. I just really want to see Tim.
"Could you get us some milk and bread?" She asks me.
"Of course I can!" I say leaving the house. It takes me about 10 minutes to walk to Tim's place. I knock on the door and wait for him to answer. A shirtless ad sweaty Tim answers the door and it's the most welcoming sight I could've asked for.
"Hey!" He says out breath. "Come in." He says closing the door behind me. "I was doing some cross fit in the backyard."
"Hey handsome." I say going in for the kiss. "I missed you last night." I tell him. We ended up finishing at Byron and Missis place by 10 and Betty still would've been awake so we thought it best for me to stay at hers last night.
"I missed you too." He says bringing me in for a big hug.
"Youre sweaty." I say not quite able to reciprocate it.
"Sorry." he says pulling away laughing a bit. "I'm going to shower, you can help yourself to tea or whatever. I'll be like 5 minutes." He says kissing my forehead. I go to the kitchen and find some icetea in the fridge. I pour my self a glass and go sit on the couch. Tim comes out maybe 5 minutes later.
"That was quick." I tell him, surprised.
"Yeah well I have this thing waiting for me." He says diving on me. "Mmmmh, tastes real good too." He says kissing my neck.
"Nope!" I say pushing him off. "I took 3 days for that thing to fade!" I tell him seriously.
"Okay, what do you want to do then?" He asks with puppy dog eyes.
"Whatever you want to do." I say because I don't know what there is to do in Start.
"We could go for a swim?" He asks. It sounds like a great idea. "There a pool in my backyard." It's not until he says that that I realise I've never actually been in his backyard but it's so hot, I would love to swim.
"Okay let's go!" I say running away. He comes chasing after me. I strip down to my undergarments and Tim just stares before I nod for him to come closer. "You are such a dork." I tell him wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him.
"You are so beautiful." He says to me.
"Shut up." I tell him smiling and looking away. I'm terrible at taking compliments.
"What?! You are! And you're all mine."

After our swim we lay in each other's arms on the outdoor couch he's got. Everyone in start has such lovely outdoor entertainment areas. No one even has a backyard in Nashville. "Tim?"
"Mmmmh?" He says opening one eye to look at me.
"I think we should start telling people about us. Not right away but I think this week will be the last one of sneaking around." I tell him. I don't know why but I'm nervous. What if he doesn't want people to know? What if he want to keep me a secret?
"If that's what you want." He say very casually.
"Wait, is that not what you want?" I ask seriously, sitting up.
"No Faith, I don't mean it like that." he says, taking my hands in his. "I just mean that I'm willing to go at whatever pace you want to go at. I you want to tell people tomorrow I would shout it from the roof tops tomorrow. If you wanted to wait for a year, I would wait for a year. As long as I've got you I don't care what everyone else thinks or sees." He says looking into my eyes. "Okay?" He reassures me.
I just nod my head scared that I'll cry if I try to form any words.
"Good." He says pulling me into his arms again. Laying there in the sun wrapped in Tim's arms I swear I could see the rest of my life playing out. A beautiful wedding, a house full of kids, a happy life. I'm falling real hard for this guy.

Tim's POV
Today was the perfect day. Usually I just lay in the sun on my outdoor couch reading or whatever by myself but today Faith and I went swimming in my pool, and let me just say Faith in her underwear was a true sight to behold. Then we dried off and lay on the big couch together in the sun. The couch is like a big day bed that the woodwork class made me and it's very comfortable especially with Faith in my arms. We spent a good few hours just in the sun soaking up the vitamin D. I didn't talk much, I just listened to her. I'm pretty sure we dozed of a couple of times as well I couldn't think of a better way to spend a lazy Sunday. While we're laying in each others arms I hear a loud grumble come from Faiths stomach.
"Are you hungry?" I ask laughing. She looks embarrassed.
"Maybe a little." She says, rolling out of my arms. "Wanna go get a cheese burger?" She asks me.
"Mmmmmh that sounds great." I say picking up our clothes from the pile beside us. "Here take my phone and order so long." I tell her throwing my phone on the day bed.
She rings an puts it on speaker phone.
"Hi Tim." The person on the other end of the line says. Shit they must have caller ID. I'm to far away to speak so I just nod my head for Faith to make the order.
"Oh hi um... This is Faith."
"Oh Faith! Hey!!!" At least Dana likes Faith.
"Yeah, um can I please get 2 cheeseburgers."
"Is that extra cheese and pickles on Tim's?" Dana asks knowing my regular order. I nod at Faith to show that it would be ideal.
"Um yes please." Faith says.
"Anything else?" Dana asks.
"Chocolate milkshake" I whisper to Faith as I pull my shorts on.
"Yeah can I get a chocolate milkshake and a side of fries."
"That will be about 10minutes! See y'all shortly."
Faith hangs up the phone. She looks mortified. "Tim how did they know it was me or rather your phone calling? What if she thinks there's something going on?"
"Relax." I say sitting down next to her. "It's called caller ID kiddo. And everyone knows I do office work on a Sunday so she'll probably think we were doing that together. But didn't you want to start telling people about us soon?" I ask kinda confused.
"Well, yeah I want people to know that we are kind of dating or 'involved' but I don't want a rumour going around that I'm staying at your house ordering food on your phone. That's like a far greater step down the relationship road than what I want everyone to know about." I laugh at her.
"You sound ridiculous. You think to much." I tell her kissing her forehead. "Come on let's go get our cheese burgers."
I pull up to the diner and walk in to get the food, Faith decided to stay in the truck.
"Hey Tim!"
"Hi Dana." I say "just picking up the order that Faith rang for."
"Oh yeah." She goes to the kitchen and brings back a bag and a milkshake cup.
"So you and Faith huh?" She asks me. I want to tell the whole world that we're together but I decide to do what Faith would want.
"We've been doing office work at school all day so I though it was time for a lunch break." I'm getting really good at this lying thing.
"Oh yeah?" Dana says not sounding convinced.
"Well thanks for this, I'll see you later!" I say leaving the diner. You know what they say if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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