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The week edits thanksgiving is always crazy. There's so much to organise at school and the. Our football game is the most important of the season. If we win we go through to the quarterfinal soft state champs. The school is buzzing, everyone's excited for thanksgiving an you can feel the mood around school. Faith and I are leaving straight after our game tomorrow night to go to her parents house.i feel like we've been so tired this week, all we've done is football training, eat and sleep. We haven't even broken in our new bed. The guys are all coming over tonight to watch game footage which I'm not thrilled about.
"Hey honey, do you think that you can ask the guys to come over earlier so that they can leave sooner." Faith says walking into my office. She's got a black pencil skirt on that hugs her legs,that I love so much, just tightly enough and this blue blouse. She's stunning. "I feel like I haven't seen you all week. And we're probably going to be busy with my family all weekend." She says walking towards the couch in my office and plonking her self down.
"I was just thinking the same thing." I say walking over to sit with her. She lifts her legs onto my lap and lays back. "Should I just get the guys to come straight after school?" I ask.
"Yeah, if they can." She says. I don't know if she's doing it on purpose but her bedroom voice is in full force. I want her so bad. I lean across to kiss her.
"Mmmmmh. I miss you." She says.
"I'm right here." I tell her suggestively.
"Tim!" She says with wide eyes. I get up and walk to the door and lock it, I even put the dead bolt in. "You can not be serious?" Faith says watching me out down the shades.
"I'm dead serious." I say rejoining her on the couch.
"Okay, but you have to be quiet." She says warning me.
"Oh like I'm the loud one." She straddles my lap starts kissing me, very soon we're making love, very quietly, basically still fully clothed in my office. Once we're both done she slides of and we both regain our composure.
"God." Faith says.
"That was-"
"Very." Faith says. A few times I could tell that Faith wanted to scream but instead she just bit down on my shoulder, hard.
"I could die a happy man right now." I joke.
"You're the worst." she says laughing and getting her skirt back on straight. Once we're both straightened up an not out of breath we start to bring up the shades and unlock the door. Faith doesn't leave though, she just lays on my couch.
"Don't you have work to do?" I ask laughing.
"No, you don't pay me enough to earl past 2 o'clock." She says giggling. God she's perfect. I quickly send off an email to the coaches say that they should come to our place straight after school. They all reply saying that they'll be there.
"Okay, they're all coming after school now." I tell Faith.
"Awesome." She says. I finish up my office work and then the bell rings.
"Let's go baby." I say pulling her off the couch. When we get home I go to the bedroom and just get changed. I hear the door bell ring but  I'm sure Faiths go it covered. Once I'm dressed I go out to the living area and I see Faith has given all the guys a beer, good call, and they're setting up the projector. I really can't be bothered so I just agree with everything that they say so that we an have this over with as quickly as possible. We should win this game, Hamilton High isn't very good and our boys are almost peaking. I manage to wrap up the video session within a couple of hours so there's still plenty of time to sped with Faith. She's in our room and I can hear that she's on the phone.
"No momma he's lovely." Her mom, hopefully she's told them that we're coming to visit.
"Well you can meet him, what about this weekend...yeah thanksgiving. Tim and I were thinking we would visit y'all..... I know it's short notice.... I can't wait to see you and daddy too..... I love you more...... Okay we will see you on Friday night..... Love you too." I take that as my prompt to enter the room.
"Hey who were you on the phone with?"
"My mom. I called and said that I was bringing you to visit this weekend. She said that her my dad are excited to meet you." She looks so happy. I'm relieved she spoke with them.
"I'm just as excited to meet them, and see where you come from." I say diving on top of her.
"Start is a lot like Star." She says while I'm on top of her. "I think you'll like it. Also my brothers are very protective so don't take then to seriously." She is running her fingers through my hair.
"I'm excited." I say smiling. I give her a kiss and then another. "What do you say, we finally break in this bed?"

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