Holy Intervention

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I'm going to church by myself. Again. Christine always manages to schedule business trips for the weekends that I have nothing happening, so the only chance we get to spend together is in passing. Her parents split up when she was young and she lived here in Start with her mom and wanted nothing to do with her father until she found out he was the CEO of some Fortune 500 company and now she works for him. I know that travelling and distance can be hard on a relationship but I never have done anything to put our relationship in jeopardy, yet 3 weeks ago she told me she slept with Duncan, her coworker, after she drank to much at a cocktail party or some bullshit like that. The only reason she even told me was because I found out from one of her other coworkers. She comes across as this sweet southern bell but God she's annoying sometimes. I mean we've been together for almost a year and I mostly did just to get my mom off my back, but companionship is actually kind of nice. I wonder what it's like if you actually love the person. And while I trust Christine that it won't happen again it just really frustrates me that Duncan was the one who picked her up last night. He came in my house and sat on my couch. Really just makes you wonder. I pull into the church parking knowing that I'm at least 3 minutes late. I park my truck and stroll into the church. The back row seat I usually take is occupied by a woman with long flowing curls, I can't see her face but the seat next to her is open so I make my towards it. As I get there I realise the woman is Faith. She looks up at me and I can't help but think her face lit up a little, or maybe that's just wishful thinking. The pastor is currently engaging the congregation so I take it as my opportunity to greet her. "Good Morning, you look very nice." I tell her. She tucks her hair behind her ear. "You clean up pretty well yourself." She says looking me up and down. "No Christine?"
"Left last night on a business trip."
"Oh well that's a shame." I don't think so.
"Yeah but school starts tomorrow along with football season so that should keep me busy, and that crap car of yours." I say laughing and whispering to her.
As the sermon comes to end we rise for our final hymn.
"Are you staying for the BBQ?" Faith leans into my ear to ask over the music. I like the smell of her hair and just her warmth in general.
"Wouldn't miss it, and I assume my mother has already told you that as guest your attendance is mandatory."
She just laughs and nods at me. As people start wondering out towards the back section of the church I remain in my seat just hoping for some holy intervention or guidance. I hear my name from the door and turn around to see who it is. Faith. And it's my first good look at her in her yellow sundress with her hair down, I'm pretty sure that dress belongs to my sister because I know I've seen it before, but on Faith. It went from Betty McGraw designs to Versace as soon as she wore it.  She is stunning. "You coming?!" She hollers at me.
"Oh yeah, of course" I say as I make my way to her.

Faith POV
The people at this church are lovely. Some of the men are at the BBQs preparing the meat, and of course Tim is right at the centre of it, not that I was focusing on him. I'm currently explaining my whole "stranded in Start with no money, job or car" situation to this lovely old woman named Gracie. I love the name Gracie.
"What did you do in Nashville?" She asks me.
"Before I quit, I was a senior nurse at the Vanderbilt" I tell her.
"Oh my word! A fellow sister! I'm a nurse also have been for more than 50 years." She tells me, but I don't remember a hospital in Start only a small doctors clinic in town.
"Miss Gracie, where did you practice?"
"Did? I still do! Mostly just because we don't have any other nurses in Start!" She is quiet for a second then "Hell I have an idea! Tiiiiiimm!!!!" She yells at him. Tim being the great guy he is hands his tongs over to someone else and jogs over to Miss Gracie immediately.
"Yes Ma'am?" He ask bending down to be at eye level with us sitting on the bench. As he does his pants just hug his legs tight enough for me to maybe stare a little.
"I'm retiring" she tells him. Tim laughs and with a smile on his face says "Miss Gracie, you and I both know you can't do that until we find a replacement."
"I already have. Tim meet your new school nurse and football team medic, Faith."
Miss Gracie, matchmaker? Or just a lovely old woman ready to enjoy her retirement?
"She needs a form of income, I don't want to work. It's perfect. What was your major and specialty Faith?" She asks me.
"Paediatrics and Physiotherapy." I say, realising how perfect this job would be.
"See Tim, now you have a school nurse who used to be a senior nurse at the Vanderbilt who also specialises in Physiotherapy for the football team! Hell she's better for the job than I ever was." She tells him.
"Okay, Faith you start Monday." He says as he starts walking away, and he over his shoulder "but be careful, I hear the boss is a real pain in the neck."
"Miss Gracie thank you so much. I can't explain to you how grateful I am." I tell her
"Oh sweetheart it's my pleasure, hopefully you and Tim can bond at work?" She tells me wiggling her eyebrows.
"Miss Gracie!" I say "I'm not looking for a relationship right now actually, and plus Tim and Christine are very happy together."
"Oh darling child, she is the worst thing that has ever happened to that boy. Don't say anything but Betty told me that she cheated on him a month back."
How could anyone cheat on Tim. I doubt that there is any man on this planet as beautiful as him or as smart or kind or genuine. Christine doesn't know how lucky she is.

After eating and packing down I hung around a while just taking to people and getting to know everyone. I kind of understand now about the whole self centred southern bell vibe they have going on down here. But only some of the ladies, like Christine's friends were awful, but Byrons wife Missi and her friends are so nice and welcoming. I feel so at home here. As I'm talking to Missi about my love for the Tennessee Titans Tim comes over.
"Excuse me ladies but I was coming to see if you needed a ride home Faith? Moms going over to Miss Gracie's now so I can drop you."
"I need to go as well actually, get the kids ready for school! The boys are excited for try outs Tim!" Missi says as she walks away waving goodbye.
Tim and I walk out to his truck as we walk he asks "do you know what being a team medic means?"
"I come to games incase?" I say which leads to him bursting out in laughter.
"Maybe I should get you to sign your contract before I tell you." He says
"I'm not sure if you realises this Tim but I'm not in a position to turn down work."
"Well basically because of the new health and safety regulations for top level football, you need to be present at every training, every game and every try out."
"Well it's a good thing I love football" I tell him as we pull up to his moms house. We get out of the truck and make our way inside . It's already 7 o'clock.
"You want a glass of tea?" He asks heading towards the kitchen.
"Yes please," I say trailing behind him.

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