Let me protect you

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* Elle's POV *

After the long car journey to the airport I finally got phone signal. Not that I wanted it though. Normally you probably wouldnt get me off my phone but I couldn't talk to anyone right now.

I paid the taxi man and walked into the airport. I walked up to the desk and saw one of those chirpy air hostesses. "Hi how can I help you?" she smiled obviously knowing who I was. "Eh just a one way ticket to London please" I said looking down. "No problem the flight is leaving in around an hour, would you like me to get you a first class ticket?" she asked. "Em yeah please".

I had an hour until my flight so I went to get some coffee. Starbucks. Yeah of course. Every fucking thing reminds me of him. Sometimes I would be so angry at myself for letting him hurt me like that but the annoying thing was I can't help that I love him. Even if he did love her.

I sat down and check my phone. Wow. 42 emails, 10 messages.

I checked my messages.

Max: Elle where are you?!You need to come home. I know what happened babe just please tell me where you are so I can come and get you. We need to talk Elle's xx

I always thought of Max as my closest brother in the band. He always helped me when I was down besides Nathan. When he loved me...

Some were from my mum and one was from Scooter and Jayne.

Then one caught my eye.

Nathan: where are you? We need to talk.

I got my hopes up but I can't talk to him. I don't even know if I can see him let alone talk to him. I'd probably freeze and start crying or hit him.

Finally my flight got called and I was on the plane. I fell asleep before it was time to get off. I was home. Not birth home but home. I was nervous though. I don't think I can do this.

I got my bag and walked out and saw paps lined up on the street. I was in a huddy and tracksuit bottoms with no makeup on. Fuck.

I kept my head down until I saw them. Max and Tom were stood there beside Kev waiting for me. Why were they here?

When Max saw me he started running towards me. It was like Id been gone for ages but it did feel like that. I dropped my bag and ran to him. We crashed into each other and I buried my head into his chest. He stroked my head before I let out my tears. "Sshhhh babe shhh" he said. "Don't let them see you sad" he whispered lifting up my head. I wiped them away before I said. "I think I got snot on your top" , "I don't care I'm just glad your back" he laughed pulling my around him again.

"Thanks Max" I whispered into him. "We love you Elle okay? We'll always be here for you" he said. I gave Tom a hug before Kev took my bag. "How have you all been?" I sniffled. "Okay, it's weird with out you though, we all miss you" Tom smiled. "Well not all of you" I sassed. They both bowed their heads. "Will you just tell me one thing?" I asked. "Is he happy?"

"Not as much as he was with you" Max said. "She's the most annoying little shit" Tom said. I laughed. "She is, she doesn't get her hands off him". I nodded. I still felt like he was mine. But after hearing that I obviously wasn't anymore.

We got in the van and drove home. I was shaking before Tom told me everything would be okay. But it wouldn't. I walked in after them and was trampled but Seev and Jay. "ELLE!!" they screamed. "Hi" I said shyly. "We missed you" jay smiled. "I missed you too" I said poking him.

I didn't see him in the living room or kitchen which was weird so he was probably upstairs shagging his new girlfriend or something. Ew.

Everyone was watching avatar because Jay had decided 'oh we haven't seen it in ages ' so let's watch it. But in reality he watched it this morning.

I got thirsty so I decided to go into the kitchen and get a drink.

* Nathan's POV *

*earlier that day*

I still think about that night she left. She got into a taxi and I watched her drive away. I've been sick thinking about where she had gone until Jayne finally got hold of her and she said she was coming back.

It took the boys a few days before talking to me again. I told Jay everything though. I was closest to him. I told him I didn't know what to do and he said I should tell her. But I can't, it's too risky getting her hurt.

Plus Gemma's here nearly everyday fucking day. She the most annoying person I've ever had to put up with. Thankfully she said to me today that in around a month we could brake it off. But I can't get back with Elle or else she'd call John back and I can't let that happen.

I was nervous all day thinking she was coming back. I didn't want to wait at the door or else I'd end up kissing her or hugging her.

After a few hours I heard the door open and Seev and Jay ran to the door. I could hear her talking. I missed her voice. It was so innocent and cute surprisingly is wasn't fully Irish like Sivas but you knew she was Irish.

I just kind of stayed in my room for a while. They were all watching a movie. I slowly crept down the stairs and went into the kitchen.

That's when I saw her. She was holding a glass. She was in a huddy and plain trackies with her hair up all messy in a bun just how I loved it. I preferred when she dressed like this. But when she made an effort she looked like a queen. And I am her king. No Nathan your not you can't be!

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Elle?" I mumbled.

She turned around and froze.I saw her beautiful face. I missed that face. Her beautiful brown eyes connected with mine. I badly wanted to just run and kiss her all over. But she isn't mine anymore. She can't be with whoever she wants. Then I heard her voice. The voice that made me shiver when she sang it was so perfect. But this time is sounded like she had seen a ghost it was so shaky. I did this to her. I'm a terrible person.


So what do you think?!? Please comment and vote! Thanks for everything guys! Please promote this wherever you go I want to get this book some reads! Next chapter is interesting I promise!! ;) ~ Ellen x

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