Make a promise

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* Nathan's POV *

After she left I couldn't go after her. Of course she would feel that way. I didn't mean for things to happen like that. I would be like that to if I thought she had a boyfriend. Im pretty sure she was in the bathroom with Max though. Of course Max.

I put on a top and walked into the kitchen area. Max was already there. he nodded at me. "I thought Elle was with you?" I asked opening the cupboard. "I was then Nano took her somewhere" he said. "What?" I asked. "Yeah he was just like 'Elle we need to talk now'" he said in his nano voice. I just chuckled. Why did he want her? Fuck sake nano.

"Lads I'm not doing these team exercises without Elle" Siva spoke up. "It wouldn't be the same without her" Tom said. I nodded. "Where's nano?" I asked Kev. "With Elle he should be back soon." "Where's Elle going?" I asked. "I don't know Nathan ask him when he gets here".

Thanks Kev. Where's she going? What if she's not safe. Nano better be keeping her safe. Elle thinks she can do anything but she can't. He better be taking care of her.


We didn't do a lot that day. We just waited around and stuff. I chatted to some fans outside the hotel. I was on twitter to follow them when I saw a picture from a fan.

It was nano and Elle in the airport. Her eyes were all puffy like she was crying but they were seen leaving the airport. Why the fuck were they at the airport?!

I quickly followed them then went back inside.

We sat down for a while and chilled out. I was leaning on the counter making a cuppa when I got a text from my mum.

Mum : is Elle with you love? X

I'm beginning to think something bad has happened.

Me: no why? What's up? X

I looked down until I heard it bing again.

Mum: I'm sure you'll hear love, tell her we love her. X

I put it away and sat down in the couch. "Whats all this stuff about Elle?" Jay asked. "They were at the airport?" Tom said. "Yeah I don't know what's going on" I shrugged.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it to see nano. "Where is she?" I demanded. "Look she needs to be alone right now" he said. "What happened?" I asked. "Nothing just leave her" he said. "You wouldn't have brought her to the airport for nothing!" I shouted storming out. "Nathan don't!" he yelled out. I ignored him and ran to her room. I saw the door was open.

I knocked the door and walked in slowly. "Elle?" I said. I walked and couldn't see her. I walked to the window and still couldn't find her. I turned around to see her staring at me. Her eyes were all red like she had been crying.

I walked towards her before she ran into me. Her arms wrapped around my torso and squeezed me. I held her shoulders. Her head nuzzled into me and I leaned my head down on hers.

She pulled away and sat down on her bed. "Are you okay?" I asked sitting down beside her. "Yeah I.. I'm fine" she stuttered wiping her eyes. "No your not" I sighed looking at her.

She burst into tears. "Shhh" I said pulling her into me. "It's okay" I said. "No it's not" she yelled pulling away. "What happened?" I asked. "H..he's ... He's gone" she stuttered looking shocked. "Who?"

"My dad" she said looking back at me. Tears trailed down her face. I wiped them away and held her close into me again. "I'm so sorry" I said kissing her head.

"We're going to get through this okay?" I said. "Okay" she said. I rubbed her hair as she rubbed my back.

"His kidneys gave up" she said sniffing. " I never said good bye" she cried. "Elle he's in a much better place now, you wouldn't want him to be in pain" I said holding her face. "No one can walk me down the aisle" she said.

"He's always be here with you Elle here" I said putting my hand on her chest. She put her hand on mine and leaned her forehead against mine. "Thank you" she said. I didn't answer I just held her.

* flashback *

We were stood on the rocks casting our rods. "Do you fish often?" Conor asked me. "I used to all the time but after getting in the band I haven't really been able to" I smiled. I was trying to impress him. "She was over the moon when she got the call about the band" he said.

"She called almost crying" he laughed. "It's good she has someone her age like you" he said. I nodded.

After a couple casts more he asked me. "Do you love her?".

"Yeah ... With all my heart"

"Well I think your good for her" he smiled. I felt a relief over me. "Just promise me something" he said.

"If you break up ... I'm not saying you will but incase something happens.Always try get her back. Because she's stubborn and by the way she looks at you I know she wants to be you forever. So don't hurt her, and if you do win her back" he said.

"I promise" I said.

* end of flashback *

I dazed back to reality to find Elle was asleep in my arms. That's when I realised it.

John can't get between us. I have evidence he hurt her and the boys will help us.

I can't break his promise.

I have to win her back.

Hey guys I'll try update at the weekend but I have loads of study! Please comment what you think and vote! ~ Ellen x

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