Be my bestfriend

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* Nathan's POV *

Today we were going to be playing a gig for a famous TV show in America. Everyone from last night was grim except me and Elle because we didn't drink.

I went down stairs and saw the boys lying on the couch. "Nath?" Tom asked. "What?" I said. "Can you please make up breakfast?" Jay said lifting his head up. "I'd gladly cook you'd all get food poisoning though" I joked.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the stairs when I saw Elle. She was in a vest top and her 'dream team' pj shorts. Her hair was all messy and in a ponytail. She rubbed her eyes and came in. "Elle will you make breakfast?" Seev asked her. She rolled her eyes and nodded before popping her head back in.

"Aren't you gunna help me?" she joked. I leaped off the couch and ran into the kitchen to help her.

She just stood there getting the pans out. "What are you looking at?" she said frowning her eyebrows. "You" I winked. "Okay well stop being such a pervert and help me" she laughed. "I don't know what to do" I joked. "Nath you can at least make toast" she said.

Nath. Nath. She called me Nath. We're getting close again but I just want it to be more because to be honest it feels like that.

She put bacon in the pan as it started to sizzle. She got a spatula and started moving them around. It reminded me of Spongebob.

"You look like Spongebob" I joked. She laughed before turning back to me. "And who are you?" she asked. "I'm Patrick your best friend" I winked getting closer to her. "Oh yeah because Patricks dumb and lives under a rock that's defiantly you" she laughed. "Watch it" I defended.

"Oh yeah what you gunna do about it?" She laughed. I quickly lifted her up and span her around. She yelped and I put her back down before I started tickling her. She is the most ticklish person ever. "Stopp.." She whined trying to push my hands away but it wasn't working. "Take it back" I said. She stared at me before I did it again. "Okay okay I take it back" she yelled laughing.

I helped her up. Our bodies were about to touch. "I think you should just stick to Sid" she smiled. I chuckled. "Will you be my girl Sid?" I asked. She laughed. "I'll get back to you on it" she smiled up to me. I stared down at her before I leaned down and kissed her sweetly. I missed this. Everything got ruined when she pulled away. "Nath I can't do this" she said. "Why not?" I asked. "Because even though I love apart of me thinks you'll hurt me again" she mumbled.

She backed away from me and made the rest of the boys breakfast before bringing it into the boys. If anything I'd never hurt her again after this. She means too much to me.

We ate breakfast which was lovely then got dressed and headed to the gig. We were rushed in to hair and makeup. They were going crazy at Elle. Literally curling the ends of her hair while someone else was doing her eyes. You could tell she hated it.

I got dressed before makeup so I walked out to see Elle was done. She looked amazing. The ends of her hair were curly and her makeup was simple. Her sunglasses were lying on top of her head. I didn't get why scooter wanted us to change clothes. What we came in was fine.

I was getting my hair done when scooter came in. "Hello everyone" he smiled. Everyone gave him a 'hi' before Elle came in looking pissed off. "Scooter I'm not wearing this" she said. She was holding a weird short skirt with a short top with it. It would look amazing on her but it's not Elle. Elle's not a slut. "Don't you think it's nice?" he asked. "Unless I was to look like a stripper then yes but I'm not so no" she sassed. I loved when she did that.

They argued for a while before I spoke up. "Scooter first of all Elle's not a slut she's not going to wear that it's not her and second of all even if she did wear it she'd look like an idiot because all of us look normal" I said. He sighed. "Fine just wear what your wearing now"

She smiled.

"Thank you" she said. I smiled back at her.

* Elle's POV *

* on stage *

The crowd were bouncing with us to the music as we sang. We got to glad you before Nathan sang his first part. We all sang the chorus before he came over to me. We started to dance weirdly but we were laughing our heads off.

"Okay everyone so to test your screaming we're going to play a game" Jay spoke to the crowd. "When I give you a thumbs up I want you to scream like baby Nathan over there has just received his first kiss from our other baby Elle" he said. The crowd went crazy. I glared at him. "And when I put down my thumb I want you think of Nathan getting his first punch in the face" he joked. I laughed and Nathan poked me.

Nathan walked over to Jay before the crowd joined in with their game. When they gave up Tom annoyingly said. "Id say Elle will never kiss Nathan again look at him" he said pointing at him. At this point I was getting annoyed. I shoved Tom before Nathan looked up at me. "What's wrong with him?" I spoke up. The crowd screamed. Nath smiled up at me. Suddenly Jay chanted to the crowd. "KISS KISS KISS KISS" they all chanted. "Gwan you love birds" Max said pulling Nathan towards me. I gave him the worst look before he connected our hands together. I looked down at them before looking back up to see Nathan staring at me. I leaned up to him and pecked his lips. He suddenly kissed back and the crowd went mental.

Why did that just happen? I swear to god everyone will think we're dating again. Ugh. But it felt nice having our hands together again.

The gig finished and we got home. Everyone was wrecked and went out. I started to feel sick so I went up to bed. I didn't sleep at all that night feeling sick to my stomach.

I got up the next morning before going to the bathroom and throwing up. Ugh this is going to be a long day.

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