Lets go home

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* Elle's POV *

I woke up to my alarm going off on my phone. I picked it up and turned it off but my hands were still asleep so it fell on my face. "Oww" I moaned. "You're such a dope" Nathan chuckled beside me. "Says you" I poked him. We both sat up in the bed.

"come ere'" he said pulling me onto him so I was straddling above him. I just about leaned my head against him and held his neck. "I can barely bend down because of my gigantic tummy" I joked. "I love your gigantic tummy" he smiled kissing it. "This day two weeks" I said. He smiled and kissed me.

We soon got up and got dressed. I put on my Ellen pregnancy leggings which were surprisingly really comfy and one of Nathan's huddies which was massive on me. My hair was a bit messy so I threw on a beanie. "babe no not a beanie" Nathan said taking it off me. "What else can I wear?" I asked. He got a SnapBack and put it on my head. I turned around to see him wearing one too. "Are we really going to be that kind of couple?" I laughed. "For today yes" he smiled kissing me. I looked in the mirror and turned it around facing backwards on my head.

We got all our stuff and headed down to the car. We sat down and I cuddled up to Nath taking in his cologne. It was amazing.

Jay hopped in holding the flip. "As you can see the swag couple are very tired this morning" he joked. I moaned into Naths neck. "Let's do some fan questions" he smiled. "Okay first question, is Elle a moody pregnant woman?" jay asked Nathan. Nathan looked down at me. "Kind of?" he questioned. "That's great" I joked. They started laughing. "What do you guys sing to the baby?" he asked. "Anything really" I said. "So you would sing I just had sex to your baby?" jay joked. "Nooo" I laughed. Nathan pulled my head into his chest. "Awwh she's gone all red" he laughed.

We finally got to the airport and got out. Nathan intertwined my fingers in his as we walked up to the desk. We got our tickets and saw some fans. We went up to say hi when Kev pulled me back. "Elle there's too many you might get hurt" he said. "But.." ,"babe I think he's right, look Max has past them already and he's at Starbucks go to him" Nathan said kissing my forehead.

I huffed and walked up to Max.

"Alrri" I said in his accent. "Alright" he laughed. "Why aren't you with the fans?" he asked. "Kev thought they might get over excited and I'm too pregnant" I sighed. "Awwh poor baby" he said rubbing my ear.

"I'm sorry for acting weird babe" he said pulling me into a hug. "You okay?"

I asked him. "Yeah just you know with the baby and seeing you and Nath it just really makes me miss Lauren" he said. "Awwh Max" I said hugging him again. "Don't worry you'll see her soon" I smiled. I got myself a Starbucks and went to the departures.

I saw Nath and sat down beside him. "Awwh can I have some?" he asked stretching his hand to the cup. I stretched mine away. "No way Sid" I joked. "Love come on just a sip" he said giving me his puppy dog face. I sighed and passed it to him. "I love you" he joked kissing my cheek. "I love me too" I laughed. He rolled his eyes.

Before the plane took off I decided to text Lauren.

Me: Hey babe! We're coming home today! Missed you so much! Xx

My phone vibrated a few minutes later and I checked to see she texted back.

Lauren: Heya! I know I missed you loads! I heard about everything so happy for you! :) what time are you in at? Xx

I smiled.

Me: 2 o clock back home! Thank you so much! Max has missed you loads ...he told me! Will you come to the airport? Please!! I won't tell Max it will be a surprise ,he'll be so happy! Xx

She agreed and soon enough the plane was taking off. I sat beside Kels and Nath. "Elle you need to have a baby shower!" She said. I sighed. "I don't know Kels I don't like parties that are for me..." I said. "Come on, no boys and we can play all the baby games and you'll get loads of gifts!" She smiled. "Me and Reesh will organise everything !" she said. I looked down at my phone then back up to her. "I don't have a choice do I?" I asked. "Nope" she smiled. Nathan chuckled to himself.

Soon we took off and Nath pulled me into his chest and I fell asleep.


I was woken up by the sound of jay screaming. I slowly opened my eyes and realised Nathan was asleep too. "We're home kids move your arses!!" Tom shouted. We both slowly got up and got off the plane.

We got our bags. I was pulling one suitcase while my other arm was around Nathan and him the same. We walked out to see loads of fans which was amazing. I missed these fans. There was a rail up outside so they couldn't really get hurt.

I walked further down until I saw Lauren looking straight at me. Her mouth dropped probably shocked by how big my tummy was. "Elle!" She screamed. She ran up to me and pulled me into her. "I've missed you so much" I smiled into her. "Me too you are glowing" she said. "I'm so happy for you" . "Thank you, I'm so happy to be back" I said. She went around giving everyone hugs until she saw Max.

They locked eyes and he dropped his bags. He ran into her and lifted her around him. Cutest thing ever. Then they started going at it. "We're in public you two" I yelled at them. They both blushed as he let her down.

We all got in the car and headed home.

We got inside and I collapsed on the couch. "Elle come on" Nath said pulling me up. "What?" I moaned. "We have to go see your mum" he said. I fake cried as I got up. We walked down the road hand in hand until we got to my only house.

I knocked on the door. It opened and my mum appeared with a huge smile on her face. "Elle!" she screamed. "Hi mum" I said nearly suffocating because she was crushing me into a hug. "Mummy who's at the door?" a small voice said. It was Haley. I forgot she had gotten so big! When I skyped mum I saw her and we talked so hopefully she would remember me.

"Hunny it's Elle your sister remember we saw her on the computer" she smiled picking her up. Nathan was shocked how big she has gotten. "Hii" I smiled to her. "Elle!" she yelped jumping into my arms. I held her head and squeezed her tight.

"Why are you so fat?" she asked. Nathan and mum burst out laughing. Sound. "I'm going to have a baby" I smiled. "Like your dolls Haley" mum said. "I have 3 babies" she smiled. I chuckled to myself. She stared at Nathan not knowing who he was. "That's Nathan" I smiled gesturing to him. "Hello" he said. "Nathan is Elle's boyfriend" mum said to her. It was still weird saying boyfriend. It felt like more. "I met you when you were a little baby" he said.

"Nathan come colouring with mee" she said taking his hand. He smiled back at me while she brought him into the sitting room. Me and mum walked into the kitchen. "Hunny your huge" she laughed. "Thanks mum?" I questioned. "You look gorguss though you've got that pregnancy glow" she smiled. I smiled back. "Girl or boy?" she asked. "Don't know" I said. "Is he excited?" She asked. "More than me" I laughed. "He'll be a good dad love" she smiled. "I know... I'm afraid I won't be a good mom" I said looking down. "Sweetie look at me, you will both be amazing parents, it's when they get to being teenagers that it's hard" she laughed. "Thanks mum" I smiled.

We stayed for a cuppa then we sadly had to go. "Elle has to go now Haley" mum said. "Nooo she can sleepover" she moaned. "Me and Nathan have to work tomorrow so we have to get up early" I smiled but I was lying.I opened my arms and she ran into me. "Do I get a hug princess?" Nathan asked. She jumped into him and held her up. He kissed her cheek and she chuckled.

He's going to be an amazing father. Just seeing him with Haley made me smile. I just can't wait until it's our own baby. We walked out the door as Nathan put his arm around me. "I'm excited now". I smiled. "Me too" he said kissing my head. "I love you so much babe, I wouldn't pick anyone else to have a baby with" he said into me. "Awwh Nath" I blushed. He chuckled and rubbed my arm. "I love you too I'm the same" I smiled kissing him.

We walked home and got inside.

I went straight to bed and climbed into bed. Tomorrow we're going to see the Sykes. Jess has her prom and I want to pamper her!

"Night love" Nathan whispered to me.

"Night Nath" I smiled.

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