We're alright

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* Elle's POV *

I woke up with the biggest pain in my stomach. I shot up. "Nath!" I exclaimed. I whined in pain it was throbbing but would suddenly go away and come back. I was thinking contractions but it wasn't normal. "What?" he said sitting up. "Babe what's wrong?" He asked holding my shoulder. "I don't know Nath it hurts" I said.

He got his phone and called an ambulance. I got up and leaned against the side of the bed. He came back and cuddled beside me. "Nath I'm scared" I whispered. "Shhh love it will be fine" he said kissing my side. I calmed myself down before the pain came back. I flinched holding my tummy again. "It can't be coming it's too early" Nath mumbled to himself. "My water hasn't broke either Nath I don't know what It is" I sighed.

The ambulance finally came and they checked everything. "how far along are you?" he asked. "7 months"

"Has your water broke?" a nurse asked. "No I just started getting pains" I said shaking. "Okay we need to bring you to the emergency room. You're just getting early contractions but it can hurt the baby so we need to check it out okay?" she asked. I nodded. Nathan held my hand on the way. I couldn't look at him or else I'd cry. What if I hurt the baby? It would be my fault! What do they do if the baby is hurt?

"Elle everything is going to be okay" he said. "What if I hurt the baby?" I asked. "You didn't hurt the baby, it's just your body getting ready for the baby to come" he sighed. "She said the baby could be hurt Nath! Then it's all my fault!" I screamed. I hate hormones. "It's not your fault love just wait" he said kissing my hand.

We got to the emergency department and I was taken to a private room. A doctor came in. "Okay Elle I need to insert this and then I check out the baby" he said. "If it's fine you can go home and we can advise on some ways of getting through the contractions" he said.

He had to put a long doctor thing up my you know what. It hurt going in and I made a weird face. Nathan was holding my hand. The doctor moved the stick around while feeling my tummy. He suddenly pulled it back out.

"The baby is fine" he smiled. Me and Nathan let out a sigh of relief. He kissed my hand. He doctor told us ways to help get through it but it was pretty much just breathing.

We walked out. Nathan's arm around my shoulder pulling him closer to

me. We got in the car. Nathan held my face as he kissed me. Our lips moved in sync as he kissed me more. I got so turned on. He kissed down my neck to my collarbone. My lips felt absent without his touch. I moaned. He chuckled to himself. "What?" I asked. "Babe you've gotten so horny lately" he laughed. I huffed and pushed him off me. "Lovveee " he moaned. "I never said I didn't like it" he joked. I gave him a kiss and sat back down. He sighed.

We finally got home and went back to bed. "Elle, I love you" Nathan said cuddling up to me. "I love you too Nath" I smiled. "I'm gunna love you forever" he said kissing my shoulder. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I just do" he smiled. We went into a silence before I said.

"I want to get a tattoo" I said. "Yeah? what of?" he asked. "Like a music note or something but I've always wanted to get the infinity sign on my finger" I smiled. Nathan chuckled. "Well I'll get one with you" he said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah we can get the same one then it will always remind us of each other" he said kissing my cheek. I kissed him back and drifted off to sleep.

I knew I wanted to with him forever.

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