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* Elle's POV *

I got up all sleepy and got dressed. I could barely see it was still dark. I had bags under my eyes. Eww. I went into the bathroom and did my makeup making sure I covered up the bags.

I walked back to get Leah from her bed who was fast asleep.

Her hands were above her head and her beautiful blonde hair was all over the place. I decided to take a picture.

I slowly lifted her up and she squirmed.

"Oh sleepy baby" I said rocking her. I could tell she was falling asleep on me. I walked back into our bedroom to see Nath was up.

"Hi" he whispered giving me a kiss.

"She's fast asleep" I said looking down at her.

"The poor thing" he said rubbing her hair.

We gathered everything and made our way to the airport. Nathan took Leah who was awake by now and walked around the duty free. I decided to go and give Lauren her present.

I walked to departures to see Lauren cuddled into Max like a baby. Awwh.

"Max can I borrow your girlfriend?" I asked.

"No" he murmured. Suddenly Lauren moved and got up.

"Noooo Lau stay with me" he moaned.

"Calm down princess she'll be back soon" I laughed.

I wrapped my arm around her and we walked for a bit.

"How are you and Max?" I asked.

"Good we're actually going to move in together when we get back" she smiled.

"Lau that's amazing!!" I said giving her a hug.

"Well this is something I got for you to thank you for being my maid of honour" I said giving her the box.

She slowly opened it.

"It's gorguss" she smiled.

"Open it" I replied waiting for her reaction.

"Oh my god, that's our first day of school!" she said loudly.

"You can put in a picture of you and Max on the other side" I smiled.

"Thank you so much" she said pulling me into a hug.

"No thank you babe"

"Come on you two let's go!!" Jay laughed passing us. We got up and boarded the plane.

By the time the plane was in the sky Leah had fallen asleep again. Thank The Lord. I went over to Nath and sat down on his lap.

"Hey love" he smiled.

"Hi" I mumbled. I swung my legs over him and cuddled into him. My head nuzzled it's way into his neck. He stroked my hair.

"You seem tired" he said.

"I am",

He kissed my forehead and put his hand on my tummy.

"This day next week" he smiled.


he nodded smiling.

"You're gunna be Elle Sykes" he smiled.

I smiled and kissed him. His hand moved up my back and pulled me closer.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?" he mumbled against my lips. I could feel him getting turned on.

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