Emm..... Yeah?

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* Elle's POV *

It got sick again. Ugh I hate the feeling. I put my hair up and brushed my teeth. I wiped my eyes that were tired and went down stairs.

"Mornin'" Nathan smiled. "Hi" I groaned. "You don't look good" he said with concern. "Every girl loves hearing that" I said resting my head in my hands. "You just look a bit pale" he said. "I just don't feel so good". He held his hand on my forehead. "I don't think you have a temperature" he smiled. "I'll take you to the doctor later" he said. "No I'll be fine" , "I don't care I'm still bringing you" he demanded. Ugh. I hate doctors. They're creepy.

I stuffed my face with left over food from the boys and lay down for a while. I just chilled in my room for a while writing lyrics.

Everybody knows my name ,

Everybody feels my pain,

But you don't even care,

Your so unaware,

I'm left to deal with the shame,

Everybody knows that I'm,

Just a bum without you by my side,

Welcome to the show,

Everybody knows,

Everyone but you

I played the tune on the piano before I rushed into the bathroom and got sick again. Shit.

"Elle let's go!!"

* Nathan's POV *

"Elle let's go!!" I yelled knocking on her door. "One second!!" She yelled back. "One ... Let's go!" I joked. She opened the door holding her huddy and phone in her hand. "You ready?" I asked. "No that's why your rushing me out the door" she laughed.

We got in the car and went to the nearest doctors. Nano made us an appointment. We walked up to the desk. "Em I have an appointment for Elle Moore" she said. "Yes please sit down and we'll call you in a minute" the lady said.

We sat down and I put one earphone in. She pushed up against me and took the other one. I took a selfie and we both made sad faces. I put it up on Instagram. Yeah she meant that much she's on my Instagram.

I wrote:

' Hanging out in the waiting room with the baby who isn't feeling too well @ElleMoore :('

Elle rested her head on my shoulder before closing her eyes. "Don't fall asleep" I whispered. "I won't I'm just resting" she said.

"Elle Moore" a nurse said and she shot up. "The doctor will see you now" I got up with her. "Are you her partner or family member?" She asked. "Em no.. I'm-" "I'm sorry sir you can't come in" she interrupted. Elle looked back at me before walking into the room. Why didn't I say I was her brother or something? No not that. Maybe boyfriend. Yeah you wish Nathan.

* Elle's POV*

I sat down on the weird chair before the doctor came in. "Hello" he smiled. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked. "I just haven't been feeling to well ever since last night I've started getting sick" I said. "Okay well we'll do a few tests and see what it is" he said. He checked my temperature and felt around my tummy to see if there were any glands up. There weren't. He took some blood and left.

I sat down and texted Nathan.

Me: he just took some blood, should be back soon xx

He soon texted back .

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