The truth

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* Nathan's POV *

When we got back to our house with the boys I carried her upstairs to lay her down on her bed.

I walked downstairs to see all the boys drinking. "The baby's back" Tom laughed. "Alright mate" I laughed. "Where's Elle?" Jay asked. "Asleep upstairs" I replied. "I saw your scan picture its gorguss" reesh said. I smiled. "How long now?" Kels asked. "6 months" I said. Max rolled his eyes and left his room.

I followed him outside. "Seriously mate what's your problem?" I asked. "Nath you two are too young!! I'm happy your back together mate but seriously you haven't even told her about John or anything!" he shouted. "She doesn't deserve that" he mumbled. "Since when are you so close to her?" I asked. "We always have been" Max huffed. "I'm protecting her" I said. "She's a big girl Nath and she's strong she can take care of herself" he said.

"How do I tell her?"

"We can all tell her" he said.

"What if she leaves me?" I asked.

"You can't do anything then if she does" he said.

I walked back into the kitchen to see Elle with everyone. She looked wide awake. "Love come ere'" I said. She smiled walking over to me. "We need to talk" I said. "You're not breaking up with me" she laughed. No but you might be with me.

I sat her down beside. "I lied to you" I said. "What is it?" she asked. "I told you I loved someone else when I didn't" I said looking up at her. I put her hands in mine. "Okay?" she said. "She made me go out with her and not you or else she'd call John" I said. "Nathan stop" she said standing up. "Elle wait!" I said. "I was just trying to protect you".

"Nathan how do you expect me to believe this? She doesn't even know him! And what's suppose to happen now? We're together having a child?" She shouted. "I didn't want to risk it! Do you how hard it was tell you I didn't want you? I had to go through everyday dying inside because I wasn't with you! I can't help I love you so much I need to be with you! I told myself if he wanted to come after you I'd protect you!" I yelled.

"How do you think I felt? I went through everyday asking myself what I did wrong! Seeing you everyday killed me because I still loved you!" she cried. "You risked our relationship over something that's probably a lie" she mumbled.

"Elle" I said. She walked upstairs. What's wrong with me?

* Elle's POV *

I ran upstairs and slammed the door. I burst out into tears. Why did he put me through this? Why did he believe that cow? I had to calm myself down it want good for the baby.

There was a knock at the door. "Go away" I moaned.

Max walked in. "You knew all along" I said. "We didn't want to until Nath could tell you himself" he said. "She sent him scary texts Elle, if you saw them you would of reacted the same" he said. I sighed. "Everyone probably hates me now" I said. "No they don't you reacted how anyone else would. I watched him tear himself up whenever he had to watch you with other guys or getting yourself in trouble" he said.

"You guys are meant to be together, your having a baby for god sake" he smiled. "I thought you hated that" I said. "Only because your like my baby sister but I love you and I'm happy for you" he said. I hugged him. "Thank you" I whispered.

Max got up and left for a while before there was another knock. I got up and opened the door. Nathan. I looked down and back into his eyes. I couldn't take it and grabbed his neck into a hug. He pulled me into him. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry" he said shaky. I looked back to see him crying. "Nath, stop that" I said wiping his eyes. "I overreacted, I love you" I said. Our heads leaned against each other. "Don't ever leave me " he said.

"I promise" I smiled. We leaned in and kissed him.

He may have lied to me but it was for a good reason. It showed how much he cares about me. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. I love him.

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