In the pain

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* Nathan's POV *

After our amazing honeymoon we finally got home and got to see Leah again. Elle's bump is getting bigger.

Today we were going to go shopping with Leah and then we have a gig later.She's nearly walking.

I pick her up off the ground and put her feet on mine. I hold her hands and slowly start walking. She looks like Elle more and more everyday.

I was downstairs feeding Leah when Elle came into the kitchen.

"Morning love" I smiled.

"Morning" she yawned. I could tell this pregnancy is wearing her out. On top of going through pain everyday like god. She doesn't let me see her hurting and when I ask her it's a simple 'Im fine' and she moves on.

I stood up and gave her a morning hug. She wasn't really expecting it which made it funny. She's hilarious when she's tired. She gets so clumsy.

I started to make her a cuppa and she went over to Leah.

"Morning chick" she smiled kissing her.

Leah giggled to herself.

"We're gunna go shopping today" she smiled. Leah stared blankly at her. Suddenly Elle looked down at the ground and didn't move. I knew she was in pain.

I raced over to her and kneeled down beside her.

"Babe you okay?" I asked.

She made a weird face before standing up.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said picking up Leah.

She shouldn't have to go through this.

* Elle's POV *

I just want this to be over. It's such a bad pain. Like a person is literally stabbing you in the side of your back and pulling it out slowly. The only reason I don't tell Nath is because he'll overreact and make me do something uncomfortable.

I got changed into a baggy jumper and some denim shorts. Not everyone knows I'm pregnant but Nath dropped a few hints here and there on twitter.

We were about to walk out the door when Nath stopped me.

"You can't keep doing this" he said.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Elle every single day you go through the worst pain! I can see it! You need to go back to the doctor" he said concerned.

"Nath the doctor can't do anything I've been doing everything he's asked what else can he do?" I sighed.

"If what he says isn't working then you need to go so he can figure out why" he said pulling me into him. I nodded in reply.

"We can go later".

By the time we got to the shopping centre the car park was packed so we decided to park a little bit further away. We walked for a few minutes before paps swarmed around us. I hated it especially when Leah's there.

What's it like being married?

Elle are you pregnant? Is it Nathan's baby? Some of the questions I swear.

Is it true you went out with Justin Bieber?

We finally got inside and walked around for a bit. We went into superdry and looked around. Even though it could be really expensive they had really good stuff. I didn't see anything in the women's so I went over to Nath who was in the men's.

"Nothing?" he asked. I shook my head.

"What about this?" he said holding up a weirdly designed shirt with so many colours it made my head hurt.

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