Back to reality

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* Nathan's POV *

I woke up on the couch with Elle under my arm. We were back to normal. Kind of. We were going back to the city today and Elle didn't want to go but she knew she had to.

I kissed her cheek. "Ms Moore? are you awake?" I whispered. "No Mr Sykes I'm sleep talking" she moaned into the pillow. It made me chuckled. She turned into me and her finger started to draw around my chest. I looked at her eyes which were following her finger. Then they looked up at me. Those beautiful brown eyes. Her mouth curled into a perfect smile and I smiled back. I looked at her lips and leaned into her. I looked back into her eyes and kissed her.

We finally got up and had a quick cuppa before we got into the car. Elle kept moving around. I gave her a weird look. "I'm trying to get comfy" she moaned. I pulled her legs over me and her head fell into my chest. "How about now?" I asked. "It's alright I guess" she joked. It had been half an hour before the signal came back. Our phones started to buzz but then I realised Elle was asleep. My phone made a twitter noise and she woke up. She yawned and checked her phone. She didn't seem too interested.

I held my phone up and told her to look up. I made a silly duck face and she stuck her tongue out. I put it in black and white and put it on Instagram.

This one is all hyper now after her little sleep 🙈 baby girl we're coming back to see you xx

* Elle's POV *

"It won't hurt I promise" I laughed. "Yes it will!! Please Elle don't I'll do anything" he moaned. "Nath you're such a baby!" I said. "The wax is already on Nath I have to take it off" I joked. Nathan was complaining about how men are better then women so I'm letting him see what it's like to get his legs waxed. "Okay will you count?" he asked. He grabbed my hand and started breathing heavily. "Nathan you're not giving birth calm down" I said. "It feels like I am" he joked. I glared at him. He has no idea. He smirked back at me.

I suddenly just pulled it and he screamed. "Fuck! oh my.... Fuck..." He yelled. "You said it wouldn't hurt!" he screamed. I burst out laughing at his reaction. "I can't breath" I laughed rolling onto my stomach.

We finally got back to the city and we rushed inside. I ran upstairs to Tom and Kelsey's room. I knocked on the door while Nathan brought the bags back down to ours.

"heya" Tom said opening the door. "Hi" I smiled giving him a hug. "How was she?" I asked. "She's amazing... She hardly cries" he said unsure. "I know she's good like that" I said walking in. I walked in to see Kelsey holding her up bouncing her. "Look who it is" Kelsey smiled. "Hi baby girl" I said in my mummy voice. "I want one" Kels huffed. "Take your time Kels" I laughed. She hugged me. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah.... better now thank you" I smiled. She gave me a hug. "Thank you so much for everything" I said walking out.

I got up to our room before I saw the room was open. I heard someone screaming.

"How could you do something like that?! She's perfect and you hurt her! You don't deserve her you dirty piece of shit!" he screamed. It was Nathan. I ran into the room to see Daniel on the floor with blood all over his face as Nathan punched him more and more. "And you told her not to tell anyone well fuck you because I knew! I fucking knew because I can tell when something's wrong you stupid prick! you're going to jail for a long fucking time!" he screamed. "Nathan stop!" I yelled. He shot up.

He got up and I walked over to him. I looked at Daniel. His face was red, covered in cuts and bruises along with blood coming out his nose and mouth. I looked at Nathan. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. All the anger that built up inside decided to come out and I kicked him where it hurts. He cried out in pain. "You deserve every bit of that" I said.

Nathan pulled me and Leah into a hug and kissed me. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I smiled.

Nathan called the guards and they arrested Daniel fully. He was charge with assault and rape. He was defiantly going to jail. Thank you god. I never have to see him again.

I put Leah down on our bed. She giggled looking up at me. She was so beautiful. "Twinkle twinkle little star" I sang to her. "Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are" I ended before she chuckled again. I kissed her nose before picking her up and bringing her to the bathroom. "It's bath time missus" I said. I turned to see Nath smiling at me. He held up his phone and got the whole thing on video. I smiled. "Are you coming?" I asked. "For what?" he asked back. "Bath time" I smiled. He laughed and followed us in.

We all climbed into the bubbly water. It was lovely. Leah was splashing around. I chuckled at her before looking up at Nathan who was smiling at me again. "What?" I asked. "You're such a good mum" he smiled kissing me. "You're such a good dad" I said. He turned Leah around. "Look lee" he said picking up some bubbles in his hand. He blew them and they flew everywhere even on Leah. She did the cutest baby laugh and we smiled at each other. I put some bubbles on her head and she looked like Jedward. "No no no" Nathan said in his baby voice wiping them off her. "Princess' don't look like that baby girl you're too gorguss for that " he smiled.

I got out before Nathan lifted Leah out and dried her off. I was using the hair dryer . I held it at Leah who's hair was tiny but blew a tiny bit in the air. She giggled. "It's like toms hair extensions" Nathan said bursting out laughing. Leah just looked at us obviously having no clue what was going on.We could barely breath. I finished and we all got dressed. We all went into Jays room.

"Bird" I smiled. "Elle!" he grinned. I hugged him and sat down. "What we watching?" I asked taking one of his skittles. He glared at me. "Avatar" he smiled. "You know what? For Halloween you should paint Leah blue and she can a baby avatar!!" he said with such excitement. "You're not painting my baby blue" I laughed. He huffed. We went into a small silence before I said. "Can I do your hair?"

"No" , "please I did Nath's the other day and he loved it" I said. "You always do plaits in my hair and I look weird" he joked. "You always look weird" I laughed. "That's not the point" he said which made me laugh again. "Just let my curls roam free" he said eating another skittle.

That night we did a group twitcam and it was so fun. It was nice being back with everyone. We felt like a family. We are a family.

Tomorrow it's my city Dublin! Whoop! It's going to be an amazing night.

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