Is there healing?

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* "Look Lee" she pointed out at the pool. "Look dolphins" she smiled bouncing Leah. "What noises do dolphins make Lee?" I asked from behind the camera. They both looked at me.

Elle stared at Leah and smiled waiting for a reaction but she just stared at me.

"Eeeeeeeeee" Elle laughed and Leah jumped. I burst out laughing. "It's not like that!" I laughed. "Yes it is!" she scoffed. "Let's make a bet then" I smirked. "Okay if I win... You have to get your eyebrows waxed" she smiled. "Fine if I win you have to..." I said thinking.

"Sex every night!!" Tom screamed popping his head into the shot. "No" she dead panned me. "Yeah if I'm going to get my eyebrows waxed... You know I think it's a good deal" I laughed. She thought about it for a few seconds before replying. "Fine".

I kissed her cheek before taking her hand and we walked down to the pool to see the dolphins. Kev took Leah and we walked down. Elle took my hand and dipped her toe in the water. "Aahhh Nath it's cold!" she jumped back. "You're such a baby" I laughed picking her up. " Nath dont!" she yelled before I jumped into the water dragging her with me. After we returned to the surface I pushed my hair back and Elle wiped her eyes. She giggled looking back at me.

She looked so cute. Her hair was darker since it was wet and she was in a coral colour bikini.

I pulled her waist into mine and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned my head down and started kissing her neck. She started laughing. "Nath" she laughed. I smiled and looked up at her. She leaned her face into mine and kissed me. I kissed her back but she annoyingly pulled away.

"Let's go so I can win that bet" she joked. We swam over and could hear the dolphins. We stood beside the others and one of the dolphins made a noise. It was like Elle's but it was rolled and like 'eeee.eee....eee'. "Ha I win" she scoffed. "Woah love no way you did not make that noise I win" I laughed. "No way Nath I won!" she moaned. Sorry babe I've won. "Elle Nath won babe" Kels confessed. "Thank you!" I praised her. Elle's face was straight. Sorry love Ive definitely won. I pulled her into me and she tried to push me away. I kissed her cheek and down her again and she moaned pushing me back again. "Natthh"

"Say I won and I'm a sex god" I laughed.


"Say it" I joked tickling her.

"You won and you're a sex god" she stuttered laughing.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"If only it was true" she joked hitting my cheek.*

I sat down on the uncomfortable hospital chair in the waiting room thinking of that time. I don't know what's happening right now. The doctors just pulled her away in the bed and closed the doors in my face. I seriously don't know what to do. No one has come out to tell me what's happened or what's even wrong.

I leaned my face on my hand and just stared at the wall. Suddenly the wrest of the boys came in with Leah and the girls. "Is she okay?" Kels asked. "I don't know, they haven't said anything" I sighed taking Leah. I breathed out before repeatedly kissing Leah's head. She had no idea what's going on and well neither do I. "She's okay" I said into her. "She's okay.... Mommy's going to be okay" I stuttered letting a tear run down my face.

The door opened but I just ignored it. "Who's here with Elle Sykes?" they asked. We all jumped up. He widened his eyes in surprise.

"I'm her husband" I said walking towards him. "Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's stable, we think it was the pain that made her pass out but when she fell she landed on her stomach and hit her head" he sighed. No! No no no fucking no!!

"What about the babies?" I asked. "Please come with me" he replied. "I don't think you need to bring the child she might not want to see her in this state" he said. What kind of state is she in?!

I quickly passed Leah to Jay and kissed her head. "It'll be okay mate" he said patting my back.

I walked down the hallway with the doctor until I got we got to the room. Elle was lifeless in the bed with an IV in her arm and breathing tubes in her nose. It crushed me. I mumbled oh my god to myself.

"We don't know if the babies are okay because the ultrasound is hard to see if anything has happened. We were able to see they're both alive but " he sighed. "But what?" I said raising my voice.

"We don't know if Elle will wake up, she hit her head and if she doesn't we'll have to take the babies out and it's most likely they'll be too early and they won't be able to grow and they won't survive" He spoke.

I didn't care that tears were balling down my face at this point.

"I'll give you some time alone" he said leaving the room.

I raced over to her and took her hand. I held it up to my face and burst into more tear. Why is this happening?

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