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* Elle's POV *

I stood there in my pyjamas looking at my stomach. "Seriously? Right after I actually get toned you decide to come along" I said to myself. I felt my tummy. "But I'm glad your coming" I smiled.

There was a knock at the door. I quickly pulled down my top. "Elle it's Nath" he said. "Come in"

He opened the door. "Hi" he smiled. "Mornin'" I said holding onto his neck. "Hey that's my thing" he joked. "You didn't say it so I thought I should" I chuckled. He comfortably put his hands on my hips and kissed me softly. I kissed him back. "We have to go to Scooter today" he said. I nodded.

I took off my top and bottoms so I was just in my underwear. I took out a pair of shorts and a coca cola tshirt and lay them on the bed beside Nathan who was on his phone. I plaited my hair before putting on some makeup. I finished it and walked over to the table and picked up my phone.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Hi" he mumbled kissing my neck. "Nath not now" I said stretching my neck. He walked me backwards still holding me and brought me to the mirror. His hands were flat out on my stomach. I put one of mine on top of his. "I love you" he said into my neck. "And you" he said looking at my tummy.

I held my phone up to the mirror. Nathan lifted his head up and I turned mine towards him and he kissed me while I took the picture. It was perfect.

* Nathan's POV *

Elle's picture was amazing. She was mine again and we're starting a family. I could jump up and down. I quickly emailed it to myself then put her phone back down. Elle got dressed and was ready to go. She's not like other girls. She has a chilled out vibe about her and her style was different but it made fans go crazy for her. She wasn't a tomboy but she wasn't a girly girl. Let's add that to the long list of reasons I love her.

I took her hand as we got in the car. We got to Scooters office and waited in the normal meeting room. "Hey guys" he smiled. "Hola!" I smiled. "Bonjour" Elle said in a French accent. "Well your both awfully happy" he said weirdly. "So you're back together?" he asked. We both nodded. "How did the doctor go?" He asked.

Oh shit yeah.

"Well I'm not sick" she said. "Okay?" he said frowning. "I'm em... Pregnant" Elle mumbled. I held her hand from under the table. "And you're the father?" he asked me. "Yeah" I nodded. "Congratulations" he smiled. "You do realise though you will get hate about your age?" he asked. "We're legal to have one and we're happy so that's all that matters" I said squeezing her hand.

"Have you told your parents yet?" He asked. "No.." I said. "Okay well you guys can go home for a week and tell them then" he smiled. We both got excited and high fived each other with both hands. "Ow" I moaned. "You baby" she laughed. "I'm stronger than you" I joked. "Hmmm" She laughed. We both held our hands up and pushed against each other. She was winning until they went over my head and I lifted her over my shoulder. "You're such a cheater" she yelled. "No I'm not I'm just stronger" I laughed.

"My god" Scooter laughed. We turned around to see he got it on video. We both laughed awkwardly and left.

* Elle's POV *

When we got home everyone was there. "Guys we have some news" nano said sitting them all down. "Well what's the news?" Tom said all excited.

Nathan took my hand in his before he said it. "Elle's pregnant"

"Oh my god congratulations!!" Kelsey yelled giving me a massive hug. Everyone gave their individual hugs and congrats except Max. I just stared at him still sitting on the couch. He got up and pulled me outside.

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