Bye bye

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He took my hand smiling. I felt really underdressed because he was in a bloody suit while I was run down and looked like a cow just ran over me.

"Nath seriously" I moaned.

"Just come on, I promise it will be good" he smiled.

He brought me out onto the balcony where there were rose petals trailed across the floor. There were little fairy lights around the barrier and scented candles lit at the end. Wow. We walked up to the balcony.

"Nicely done Sykes" I smiled.

"Nicely!!" he said in his nicely voice. I just giggled to myself.

"What's all this for?" I asked. Then it hit me what is was. Well done Elle. He looked down.

"Nath don't" I said keeping him up.

"What you mean?" he asked.

"Nath you don't need to do this again, the first time was perfect and that's the one I want to remember" I smiled.

He pulled out the beautiful ring I had used to wear and slipped it onto my finger.

"You know I actually had a whole speech prepared and everything and you just ruined it" he joked.

"Oh god I'm sorry" I blushed. He cupped my face and pecked my lips. I loved when he did that.

"Well it's too late now love, it's happened twice now there's no turning back" he joked.

"Emm can I change my mind now?" I went along with it.

He suddenly picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. "Nath!" I yelped and he lay me down on the bed. He took off his jacket and kissed me sweetly. He kissed down my jaw and started to suck on my neck. It felt amazing. "To answer your question no you can never change your mind now" he laughed kissing me again. I laughed as he started to kiss down my chest. I groaned with pleasure.

I got playful and pushed him back and ripped off his shirt. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed down his neck onto his chest.....

( you dirty minded people make it up ;))


I woke up to the sound of Max banging on the door. "I swear to god if you two aren't up we're leaving without you!" he yelled. I forgot we're going back to L.A today. I groaned and got up to see everything was packed. I sat up in the bed. "I did it last night" Nathan smiled being smart. I smirked back at him before putting some underwear and clothes on. "We're coming calm down" I said to Max through the door.

We pulled our suitcases and got Leah all ready them went to the reception where Jess and Karen were waiting for her. "Don't worry we'll see you soon" she said giving me a hug. "Thank you so much" I smiled. My eyes started to water as Karen took her from my arms. Nathan said bye giving them each hugs before walking back to me. He pulled me into him and held my head.

"It's unfair" I mumbled letting a tear roll down my face.

"I know love I know" he said kissing my head.


We had a long plane ride home before we were finally back. We all were so wrecked. I went straight upstairs and practically fell onto the bed. But I couldn't sleep. I just thought about Leah. She is growing up so fast and I feel like we're missing it because of this.

I've thought about you know taking maybe some time off and taking care of her. But I'd probably have to leave the band and I can't do that because 1) Nathan wouldn't let me

And 2) the media would haw a field day. It's even worse because we're just getting used to America. But Leah is my baby and she should come before anything else .... Right?

Suddenly I felt a body crash on top of mine. "This is comfy" he joked. "You fat lump get off me" I laughed. "Isn't that a lovely thing to hear from my love" he laughed back. "Isn't it even better to know it's true" I said smiling. "I'll tickle you, remember this fat lump in on you" he laughed. "Oh yeah well your legs are open and that gives me an idea" I joked. He straighten his face and thought about it. "Okay nevermind" he laughed.

Kev came in to the room. "Woa, sorry I'm just getting your bags" he said covering his eyes picking them up. "Come on" Nath said helping me up. I groaned still tired.

"Are you okay?" he asked pushing my hair back.

"Yeah just thinking about Lee" I sighed. Jay walked in with the flip.

"We're going on tour today and I must say we all are very tired especially the baby" he said pointing it at me. I moaned and wrapped my arms around Nathan's neck. I was so small he lifted me up while he hugging me.

"She is" Nathan joked. I was a good inch off the ground.

"I don't want to get down" I said.

"Okay love" he smiled. He moved my legs around his waist for support.

"Someone's whipped" Jay said making a whip noise. "No he's not" I argued. "He's a good boy" I said kissing his cheek. I could feel him smiling.

"And we have a premiere later, just telling you before you start your PDA" Jay laughed. I fake cried.

"As you can tell Elle's really excited" he joked. "That means I have to wear heels" I cried.

"Awh you poor thing" he laughed.

"Fine you wear a dress and heels and I'll wear a suit" I joked.


I yawned as the makeup artist powdered my face. She finished up and I got into my dress. ( on my Instagram)

I stood up in these turquoise heels. I shoved my phone into my bra. You can fit loads in there.

Jay walked in again filming for WantedWednesday. "dont you look dapper" I said fixing his tie.

"If I tell you you look amazing will Nath kill me?" he laughed. "No but shut up" I said poking him. Nathan walked in and stood beside me. "That's my fiancé" he smiled. I smacked his arm. "Men" I said to the camera.

"Come on let's go" Nathan said taking my hand.

"Nath I seriously can't walk in these" I laughed. "Women" he laughed to the camera.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me out.

We piled into the van before nano started talking to us again. "Okay guys so after this we're straight on the road" he announced. There was a couple of groans. "Best behaviour tonight everyone" he said. We rolled our eyes.

Nath helped me out of the van. I stumbled getting out and held his shoulders. "Love oh my god" he laughed. "I'm nearly taller than you" I joked patting his head. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. "You look stunning" he whispered in my ear. I blushed while I fixed his tie. "Give me a kiss pwweeasse" he begged puckering his lips. I pulled his tie and kissed him. He kissed me back and it got a bit deeper. "Seriously? I said best behaviour" nano said.

We laughed as we greeted some fans. We signed a few things and took pictures before heading to the carpet. We walked down and finally got to the carpet before all the photographers started screaming and flashing for pictures. We did some group pictures before I had to get some with Nath. He held my waist as we both smiled. We went to walk off but I couldn't walk. "Babe can you walk?" he laughed. I shook my head and laughed. "Come on" he said wrapped my arms around his neck. I bent my knees back so no one could see my butt. The paps went crazy.


The movie was good. I was so tired after it. I sighed getting onto the tour bus and taking my makeup off. I got into my jammys and got into my bunk.

Suddenly the curtain opened and Nathan climbed in beside me. He cuddled up beside me and started kissing my shoulder. "I love you" he whispered resting his head on me. "I love you too" I said closing my eyes.

My thoughts just drifted back to Leah.

I don't know what to do anymore.

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