What happens in Vegas

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After you read this you might think oh my god the drama is so bad but I'm telling you it's just begun ;)

* Elle's POV *

So basically the band is going to Vegas for a gig and bonding sessions. Cool... I don't know it will probably be good but Seev, Jay, Tom and Max can stay out but me and Nathan can't because of the age thingy or something I don't know I wasn't really paying attention to Scooter his voice kinda bores me. Sorry.

But anyway we got home and the girlfriends weren't very happy. Kelsey was fine, Nunu was a bit mad but got over it and Gemma went ape shit! I must say it was pretty funny she almost hit Nathan.

"How come she can go?" she asked. "She's in the band Gemma" she huffed at him. "We won't be doing a lot anyway" he assured her. "Yeah which gives you more time to do whatever you want with her" she yelled. "Woah woah, I'm telling you now that defiantly won't be happening" I said to her. She rolled her eyes and just left.

I sighed. "Thanks" Nathan smiled at me. "For what?" I asked. "Saving me there" he said. "She's your girlfriend Nathan why are you thanking me?" I questioned him staring at his reaction. His mouth dropped then he went all serious. "N-nothing I know just there I thought she would kill me or something" he stuttered. "You are the most confusing human being I've ever met Nathan" I said and went back upstairs.

* Nathan's POV *

I thanked her because it felt like we were together. I didn't know what else to say. Gemma texted me saying she actually was going home so she wouldn't be back for a while. So we've halfly broken up.

Elle keeps calling me Nathan not Nath like she used to. I miss it. I miss her.

Flashback :

"I get it if you want to forget about the promise" she said, her smile fading away. I held her face. "You don't realise how much you actually mean to me babe , no way we're forgetting about that promise" I said kissing her.

I broke the promise. I should be in jail or something. She didn't wear her promise ring anymore but her bracelet went with her everywhere which made me happy.

Sometimes I wondered why she was with me. She was so different to me but we gelled together. She's so strong and you know it because she's been through so much and still is...

I miss kissing her. Her lips were so soft. Even when she kissed my cheek it sent tingles all over my body. Her brown eyes, you could just get lost in. And she's just so ...cute. She'll blush or say something hilarious and not even realise it. That's why I love her.

* Elle's POV *

I packed everything for Vegas and carried it downstairs. It was two nights so not that long. I was wearing a stringy white vest top with denim shorts and a beige cardigan with my converse.

I pulled my bag down the stairs to see very one waiting. "You have such a big bag" Jay laughed. "I'm allowed to I'm a girl" I joked. We gave all the girls hugs before getting into the car and going to the airport where we met fans. Wow. They were so different but I loved them.

We got on to the plane to see we got first class seats and it was AMAZING! My mouth was hung open for about an hour.


We finally arrived and it was boiling. We settled down in the hotel and hung out for a while and did a twitcam.

* Nathan's POV *

We got to Vegas and it was hot... Really hot. We just chilled out for a while before we had to get ready for the gig. It was in an overage club so me and Elle had to leave after the gig because we're underage but the rest aren't so they got to stay. Lucky. It's weird not being able to drink.

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