Why is she here

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* Elle's POV *

We arrived in America with the boiling heat. That feeling you get coming off the plane like awwh!

We all got in the car. It was squishy but I didn't mind, I sat on Jay. He didn't like it though. Apparently I have a really boney bum. Sorry Jay.

We arrived at this big house with huge gates in front of it. We walked inside to see an amazing mansion. Oh my lord. It had a jacuzzi, a table tennis thingy, a pool, massive garden with master bedrooms.

Some of them were smaller though so we decided to draw cards and whoever got the highest got to pick the best bedroom. At the end it went Nathan, me, Siva and Nareesha, Max, Tom and Kelsey then jay. Poor jay. I knew Nathan was going to pick the biggest one so I choose one that was nice but far away from it.

"Wow" I said walking in. I started jumping up and down before I heard someone in the room across from me. I wandered to see Nathan standing there with his bags. Your joking me. He's doing this on purpose. "You seriously picked that bedroom?" I asked smartly. "Yeah figured Seev and Reesh deserve the bigger room" he said. "Oh how nice of you" I said sarcastically closing the door.

Fuck sake. Now I have to listen to him every fucking morning. I'm trying to get away from him.

When I finally unpacked. Got into a pair of shorts and a jumper with Irish writing so no one could understand it. Except me and Siva. Hehehe. It basically says look over here lads!

* Nathan's POV *

I wanted the room closer to Elle. Can you blame me? What if she brings back a guy? I'll have to get rid of him or something...Anyway she didn't seem to thrilled about it but why would she? She hates me right now and I know Scooter is going to say something about it and it will piss her off even more.

I slowly knocked on her door. "What?" She yelled. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. She opened the door. She was in a pair of denim shorts and a jumper that said something weird on it. Her hair was down but her hud was up which made her look extra cute. She wasn't wearing any makeup. She's more pretty that way.

She walked straight past me. "So yeah?" I asked. She didn't answer and stormed downstairs. Maybe she's on her period. Or maybe she just hates you Nathan. Yeah let's go with that one.

I got downstairs and she came back from the kitchen with a water bottle with lemon slices in it. She passed Seev and he looked at her top and laughed. It must have been Irish. "You'll be getting loads of people asking to kiss you for luck" he joked. She laughed. "Yeah if they can read it" she joked back. What did it say?!?

"Slán" she laughed to siva. Must of meant bye because he said it back. "What does it say?" I asked holding the door for her. (No matter what I'm still a gentlemen) "Nothing that concerns you" she said getting into the car. She refused to make eye contact with me. I was starting to get annoyed.

We got in the car and began our way to scooters office. "Are you fluent in Irish?" I asked. Fucking stupid question. She just ignored me. "Are you going to look or talk to me at all?" I laughed. I could see her smirking. Anytime she tried to be mad she couldn't. She's one of those people who always forgives people but she's taking her time with me.

She just sat their one her phone doing whatever. "Pass me the charger" I said. She ignored me. "Elle!" I said louder. "Whaat?!" she moaned in that weird teenager way. I guess I did it too. "Pass me the charger" I said again. "You could ask nicely" she huffed. "NICELY!" I said in my good boy voice.

She laughed. Like actual full on laughter. She smiled and let out the cutest laugh ever. She blushed and stared blankly at me. "What?" I asked. "Seriously" she said. "Oh can you PLEASE pass me the charger" I said smiling. She just smirked and passed it to me. Our fingers touched for a spilt second. It felt nice.

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