Summer lovin'

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* Nathan's POV *

To be honest I'm the happiest guy in the world. She's the important thing to me on this entire earth and I just love her to pieces. Today we were heading for Hawaii and I couldn't wait.

I gently opened my eyes to see Elle facing me still asleep. She looked amazing yesterday. She still does now.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"Mornin" I smiled.

"Hi" she smiled back. I pulled myself into her and lay my head on her chest. She kissed me head and played with my hair. I placed my hand on her stomach which was growing.

I got up and took her hand and pulled her in close. We leaned our foreheads and noses together.

"We have to go soon" I said.

She made a sad face then laughed.

We got dressed and quickly headed to the airport.

* Elle's POV *

Nathan laced my hand in his as we walked into the airport. We got some Starbucks as you would and sat down in departures. Nath pulled me onto his lap.

"Do I have a boney bum?" I asked.

"What?! no" he laughed.

"Really? Jay said I do" I replied.

"What were you doing on Jays lap?" he asked widening his eyes.

"Calm down Sid we weren't together" I said kissing his cheek. He smiled like an idiot.

"What if I do this?" I asked lifting myself up and crashing back down onto him.

He stared into the distance. "OW" he mumbled. Shit shit shit. I didn't did I?

"Oh my god Nath did I ...?",

"Yeah you did" he said in pain.

"Awh Nath I'm so sorry" I kind of laughed. I held his face. "I'm so sorry"

"It's okay love I'll try stand up" he smiled. He got half way and immediately sat back down.

"Nope nevermind" he said.

After a lot of 'I'm sorry's we finally boarded the plane and of course Nath insisted we fly first class. The air hostess came in and gave us some champagne with strawberries in them.

"You can drink mine" I said giving Nathan the glass.

"No problem love" he winked downing it.

"So sexy" I scoffed.

"What can I say?" He winked.

He took the strawberry out and lifted it up at me. I backed up and crossed my legs.

"Open" he smiled.

I laughed opening my mouth and he aimed the strawberry at my mouth. He was taking his time so I lowered my head and the strawberry crashed into my cheek.

"Why did you move?" he laughed.

"Because you were taking so long!" I joked.

"Come on one more go" he pleaded.

I opened my mouth wide again.

"You have a big mouth" he smiled.

"What does that tell you?" I winked putting my head and opening my mouth again. I waited until finally the sweet taste came into my mouth.

I lifted my hands like I'd won something and Nath grinned back at me.

"Nicely!!" He yelled.

"Nicely!!" I laughed high-fiving him. He pulled me onto his lap and held my face. We stared into each others eyes before he kissed me sweetly.


We got our hand luggage and stepped off the plane. The warm air hit me. I loved how it was the middle of the night here and it felt like summer back in London. We got into one of those little cart things and it drove us to get our suitcases. After finally getting them we walked into the arrivals to see a tropical man holding a sign with Sykes written on it. I better get used to this.

Nath took my hand as we chit chatted with the driver and looked at the beautiful view outside. The car got to a small lane way and stopped. We took our bags and got out. I felt like I was in a horror movie. There were wooden steps that led up to the most gorguss house I've ever seen in my life. It was so big I felt bad it was only me and Nath staying here. The kitchen was absolutely massive and our bedroom had a king sized bed with the most gorguss view.

We looked around the house for a while before I discovered a glass door in the kitchen that led out to a wooden balcony that was right on the beach. I walked out and could hear the waves crashing against the sand as the light wind tangled itself in my hair. Nath came up behind me and kissed my shoulder. I smiled looking at him as he placed his hands on my tummy.

After the long flight I felt tired and let of a yawn.

"Come on love" he said into my neck. He took my hand and led my to the bedroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and got changed before getting into the huge comfy bed. It was so soft. I snuck into the pillows. I leaned my face on my hand and looked at Nath. We just smiled at each other.

"You look beautiful" he said.

"Shut up Nath"

"I'm serious without makeup on and everything you look stunning" he said pulling me closer. I just blushed.

Nathan leaned over me and turned off the light so we were in complete darkness.

"Love you Nath" I whispered

"Love you too babe" he said kissing my forehead.

Last exam tomorrow!! 🙌 so excited! Finally summer!! Hope you all liked it please please please comment!

~ Ellen x

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