Accidental meetings

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* Elle's POV *

"It's still early do you want to watch a movie in my room?" he asked as we stepped out of the lift. I was wrapped in a towel after being soaked. "Yeah just let me get some warm clothes" I laughed. We walked up to my room and I grabbed some pj shorts and a jumper.

I got changed and stepped back outside. "Hiya" he smiled. I chuckled back as we walked to his room.

We got to his room and walked in.

The TV was kind of small and far away from the bed which was better than mine. Ugh. I jumped onto it. "The TV is so far away" I moaned. "Give me a minute" he said taking off his top. I couldn't believe he was doing this. "Oh my god" I mumbled to myself. He chuckled and continued. I looked away when I needed to. When he was dressed he came over to me and suddenly picked me up. I yelped as he picked me up bridal style. He put me down and we leaned against the bottom of the bed. "Now I'm not comfy" I moaned. "I can't do anything right with you" he sarcastically laughed. He pulled down his bed covers over us and started the movie. "Are you comfy now?" he asked. "Meh" I smirked. He pulled me into his chest and I smiled. "You're like a warm teddy bear" I joked. he burst out laughing.

He turned on the movie. A horror. Of course. I hate horrors. I don't sleep after them. We were watching the devil inside. Creepy as fuck. I was leaning into Nathan's chest. Hopefully he wouldn't notice if I closed my eyes. The character screamed and I shut my eyes tight. "Are you scared?" he whispered. "No" I scoffed. "So you're just watching the movie with your eyes closed?" he laughed. "It's scary Nath!" I moaned poking him. Suddenly the character screamed. "Shit!" I yelped burying my head in his chest. He held my head and kissed it. I looked up at him and smiled.

Before I knew it I was passed out asleep on Nathan's chest. Well done Elle. I woke up to a knock at the door. I yawned and it knocked again. He moaned. "I'll get it" I said stumbling up. Pretty sure I tripped along the way.

I opened the door. "Hi" she said looking a bit confused. I felt like slamming it in her face. "Hi?" I said weirdly. "Is Nathan here?" she asked. "Why so you can snog is face off again?" I sassed. "No look I'm really sorry about that I just really need to talk to him" she sighed.

I opened the door out further and let her in. "Nath someone's here to see you" I said kicking him. He moaned. "Nathan!" I said doing it again. She giggled. Ugh feck off. He shot up when he heard. "Ariana... Hi?" he said. "Hi em I came because I really need to talk to you" she said. "Okay" he replied. "Can you give us a minute?" she asked me. I widened my eyes. Do you seriously think I'm going to leave you alone with him after you snogged nearly his whole face off?! God I should have said that. Suddenly Nathan pulled my arm and led me to the bathroom "Give us a minute" he said to her.

"I'm not leaving" I demanded. "You can stay in here" he said. "What if she does it again Nath?" , "I won't let her this time!" He said raising his voice. "You better not say anything stupid because I'm going to be listening!" I huffed. "Just stay here I swear nothings gunna happen" he said kissing my forehead. Then I decided to say it. For my own benefit and because I knew it would make him happy. I held his face and kissed him passionately. "You're mine" I said. He kissed my cheek and closed the door.

* Nathan's POV *

That was amazing. I don't want her messing anything else up I'm just getting Elle back. I walked back into the room.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked. "Isn't that your fiancé?" she asked. "My ex-fiancé" I said. "Oh". Seriously oh? No apology?

"The truth is Nathan after doing that track and going on tour I realised... I like you" she said. "A lot". Oh shit. "I was just wondering if you feel the same way" she smiled. It then occurred to me that Elle could hear all of this.

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