Can we be friends?

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* Elle's POV *

I woke up with the worst headache ever. Fuckin' hell well done me. Ugh I hate hangovers. What's worse is we're going to America today.

I got down stairs to see Tom stood there. "Hello" he smiled. "Hi" I groaned. He passed me over a bowl of coco pops. Sweet. "Thanks Tom" I smiled. Soon everyone came in and sat down. I got up and went over to the kettle. "I'd like one please" Max laughed. "Me too actually" Siva smiled. "I wasn't offering" I joked. I got a chuckled from Tom and Nathan. At least I can't still make him laugh. It was nice seeing him smile.

I made their teas anyway before Max asked me"Elle where did you go last night?". Everyone stared at me in suspicion. Uhhhh. "Em a bar" I said. Nathan lowered his head and looked at his food. "Why?" Jay asked. I shrugged looking at my tea. "What happened there?" Tom asked. No way I'm telling them. "Nothing" I said quickly. Nathan clenched his fists. The fuck was he getting so annoyed for?

I ran up to my room before Jay walked in. "Elle what happened at the bar?" he asked.

"I told you, nothing" I lied. "I know your lying" he said. "I ... I met some guy and.." I stuttered. "Elle you didn't" he said shocked. "I can't remember" I said the tears forming in my eyes.

He pulled me into a jay hug. They were the best hugs. "if you can't remember it doesn't count" he joked. I chuckled. "But seriously though don't do it again" he said. "I won't".

We made our way to the airport and said goodbye to fans. I saw Charlotte who was the first fan I ever met. "Elle!" she screamed! "Hey Charlotte!" I said. I hugged her and we chatted and took pictures. That's when she asked me. "What happened with you and Nath?" I forgot they knew about that. The whole world knew. How much of a fucking mug does that make me look like?

"He loves Gemma, so..." I smiled. "He's happy with her so that's all that counts" I said. "I don't like Gemma" she mumbled. I laughed on the inside. Me neither babe.

We finally got on the plane before we got our seats. I walked up to see Nathan beside the window. Fucking kill me now. I sat down beside him and Jay sat beside me. I hate the middle seat. Why doesn't Nathan get the middle seat?

* Nathan's POV *

Jay told me what she said. It killed me literally. I hated even thinking about it. She's mine. It makes me think he could have hurt her. I don't know how long I can put up with this.

After getting to the airport we got on the plane and headed to our seats. I sat down before not long her face appeared beside me. She sat down and got comfy. I knew she was probably hating me right now because she hates the middle seat.

I rested my head and tried again. "Where did you go?" I asked. She turned her head and our eyes connected. I wanted to kiss her so bad. "Home" she said. "Why didn't you text me back?" I asked. "There's no signal" she pushed back. Oh yeah forgot about that. Fuck think of something else ehhh...

"How's your dad?" Good one.

Then she burst. I burst the bubble of calmed Elle. "Do you know how much of a mug you made me look like?" she said raising her voice. "Shh" I said. "Shut up! You said you loved me! I fucking told you everything about my shit past and then you just turned on me..." She stopped. "I'm sorry" I stuttered. "That can't make it better Nathan"she said. I miss her calling me Nath.

I wanted to die. Look what I did to her.

"I did love you" I said looking back at her. It killed me saying that because it isn't true.We went into a weird silence.

I just had to say it.

"Elle?" I asked. She turned her head. "What?" she mumbled sounding fed up. "Can we try move on from this?" I asked looking at her.

"Nathan, we just broke up. I'm not going to be your second best. You can't just throw me away and expect me to come running back to you" she said. I sighed.

I needed to say it to her so I took this as my chance. "I think you just need to move on" I said under my breath looking down. I just want her to be happy. "I'm not doing this" she said suddenly standing up. "Fuck sake" she said louder grabbing her bag and climbing over Jay.

Tom came in and sat in the middle. "She made me move" he said.

"I kinda told Max, then he kinda told Seev" he muttered. "Tom!" I said raising my voice. "They promised not to tell her until your ready" he said.

"When are you and Gemma breaking It off?" Jay asked. "Round two weeks or a month" I muttered. "Mate she really hates you right now, I think give her some time. She has to see you everyday so she'll have to put up with it" Jay said. "I know"

* Elle's POV *

I couldn't deal with him. He's such a twat! Like are you kidding me? Can we move on? I think you should move on? He can go fuck himself.

I suddenly got a text from scooter.

Need to chat with you later with you and Nathan. Come by after you unpack.

Ugh. I looked over to see Nathan looking at his phone. Obviously looking at the text.

I looked at Max. "You alright?" he asked. "Yeah just thinking" I said. "Don't forget about him okay?" he said giving me a smile. "What?" , "don't forget about Nath" he said.

"I hate him" I said. "Elle, no you don't.." , "Yes I do! Call me when the person you love dumps you out of nowhere for someone else who doesn't love them how they should" I said putting in my earphones.

Why is everyone defending him?

Sorry shortish chapter but hoped you liked it! Gemma will be in the next chapter so hold on tight! Please comment what you think and vote! Xx

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