Dont let me go

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* Elle's POV *

I didn't want to believe he was gone. A father is a daughters first love and mine was just taken away from me. Like Nathan said he would always be with me in my heart.

I always imagined my wedding day looking at my dad before he takes my arm in his and walks me down aisle to see my husband waiting for me.... Of course it's all kind of changed now.

I woke up by my self in bed. I just stared at the ceiling thinking about everything. I remember falling asleep on Nathan's chest. I kept thinking about what he said.

"We're going to get through this okay?"

We're. We are. Together. Me and him. Elle and Nathan. Nelle.

I felt like something was wrong though. He just broke up with that cow and then told me he had feelings for me. But I couldn't deal with this right now. I had bigger things to worry about.

I couldn't get a flight home yesterday so I was going home today. I had to speak at the funeral. I started to cry. To be honest I didn't want the boys coming to his funeral. Maybe Nathan because he actually knew him. But no.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked a mess. My eyes were blood-shod and my hair was all over the place. I quickly washed an dried my it before getting changed into ripped skinny jeans and a tank top.

I walked down to reception to see nano and the boys all there. Fuck sake. I held my bag as I walked over. "Are you ready to go?" nano asked as they all stared at me. "Yep" I said awkwardly. He stood up beside me. "Okay guys we're gunna go" he said. Individually they got up and approached me. Max pulled me towards him into a hug. he held my head and stroked it. "I'm so sorry, I love you so much" he said. I kissed his cheek. He knew I loved him too. I hugged everyone else until I got to Nathan. He pulled me into him and whispered in my ear. "I'm so sorry, do you someone to come with you?"

I looked at him and stared into his eyes. "I'll be fine" I said holding his face. I leaned in and pecked his lips. I don't know but it felt right "Thank you" I whispered to him and pulled away. I walked to the car with nano.

He had to stay with the boys so he was just dropping me off. I got on the plane and settled down. I looked out the window and sighed. I watched the ground disappear as the plane flew into the sky.

We finally touched down and I exited the plane. I got to the arrivals when paps were everywhere screaming at me. I put in my earphones and kept my head down pushing past them. I got into a car before I was driven to my grannies house. Yeah she's still alive. She's the most amazing person you'd ever meet.

I got to the door and rang the doorbell. The door opened slowly to reveal my Nana. I put down my bag and hugged her tight. She pulled me inside and we sat down in the old sitting room. I missed this place.

* flashback *

"Happy birthday to you" they all sang as I looked at my princess cake. "Happy birthday dear Elle , happy birthday to you" they finished. I closed my eyes before blowing out my candles.

"Let's cut the cake for our birthday princess" Nana said giving the knife to granda. "Happy birthday sweetheart" she said pulling me into a hug. "I love you" she smiled. "I love you too Nana" I chirped.

The sound of the door opened and I ran down the hall. "Dadddyyyy" I yelled running into his arms. "How's my baby girl?" he asked. "Daddy your missing the cake!" I smiled. "My cake has a princess and prince on it, just like me!" I said pulling him to the kitchen. "Who's your prince?" He asked. "You daddy" I stopped. "Well daddy can't be your prince forever but when your older you'll get a new prince" he smiled rubbing my cheek. "But your the best prince daddy"

* end of flashback *

We sat down and she wiped away my tears. "I know sweetheart" she said. "Were you with him when he...."I asked shyly holding her hand. "Yeah" she said. "He wanted me to tell you something" she continued. "He said that he loves you so so much and you'll always be his little princess. He said he'll always be with you in your heart and that don't ever think that you haven't made him proud because you've made more proud then he were thought you would" she smiled while tears formed in her eyes. I started to cry before she said. "He said Nathan will take care of you" she smiled. Obviously not knowing.

"Nana we're not together anymore" I said. "I know sweetheart but no one breaks a promise with your father" she said. What promise?

We got ready and left in the car. It was packed. I didn't know if I could speak in front of all of them. I saw aunts and uncles and cousins that I hadn't seen in years. "nana I can't do this" I sighed. "Love you can, do it for him" she said. I slowly walked up to the podium.

The mic squeaked as I got closer. "Em... Thank you all for coming" I said. "My dad was... Was..." I stutter looking around. He was here. His green eyes connected with mine. He came. "Such an incredible person" I continued. "My dad used to tell me to only do things that make you happy. And thankfully I am. He always thought his love for writing would be passed on to me but he always respected my love of music. My dad..." I stopped again. I looked at him. He gave me an encouraging look so I kept going. "Was the best dad. Of course we had our ups and downs but every time I saw him we would always make me laugh even with his bad dad jokes. He never judged anyone and liked to help people even when he was sick." I trembled. "He always saw the best in every situation and he didn't deserve to leave us now" I said tears falling from my face. I felt a hand touch my arm. I looked up to see Nathan who gave me a look like ' your okay' I looked back at everyone before I said. "I love you dad, you'll always be my prince"

I walked off the podium before my nana found me. "Well done love" she said. "I don't think I can be here anymore nana I might just stay for burying then go" I said. "Whatever you want" she said.

After a few speeches people started to leave and it was just me my grandparents and my uncle. I felt someone behind me before I saw Nathan stand beside me. I put a rose on his coffin before I walked back and watch it lower into the ground. I held my hands to my face as I let my emotions out. A pair of arms wrapped around me. Nathan pulled me into his chest. I started to moan out crying. "Shhhhh babe shhhh" he said rubbing my head.

I stayed looking at the stone for a while before I went to the car to see Nathan waiting there. He opened the door for me and I hopped in. I just stared out the window before I asked. "Why did you come?" , "I didn't want you to go through it alone" he said moving closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck while his went around my back. "I love you" I mumbled into his neck.

"I love you too"

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