Dont go

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* Elle's POV *

"Okay so I'll see you all soon" Scooter smiled. I didn't even bother saying bye. "Nathan you leave tomorrow" he said.

Oh fucking great isn't it?! Tomorrow!

I really don't know who to hit right now. Scooter or Nathan. But I'm a girl, we keep our anger in as long as we can. So until things get worse let's just smile along.

We all got up and made our way back to the car. I walked ahead so Nathan was a bit behind me. We got in the car and it went completely silent.

"Well this is fun" Jay said. I just kinda smiled back.

After our long , awkward car journey we finally got home. I said hi to the girls then headed upstairs by myself. I sat down on the bed and decided to call Karen. "Hello?" ," Er.. Hi Karen it's Elle" I said awkwardly. "Hi Elle how are you?" she asked. "I'm fine" I said holding everything back. "Love what's happened?" she asked. she can always tell. "Oh nothing" I sniffed. "How's Leah?" I asked changing the subject. "She's fine... She's asleep right now. We're here if you need to talk okay?" she said "Thanks karen" I smiled. "Tell her I love her" I said.

After my talk with Karen I just chilled on the balcony. I looked at the beautiful view. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a head leaned into my neck. "Hi" he mumbled. "Hi" I said.

"Why are you mad?" he asked. "I'm not mad" I lied. "You don't want me to go away" he said. "No you never told me you even recorded the song" I said honestly. "Elle I did that ages ago! Before we were back together!" he said raising his voice. "That's not the point Nathan! You did it without telling anyone! Everyone thinks you want to go solo now!" I shouted. "Of course I don't want to go solo! I did it when I wanted you to move on but obviously that's all changed now!" he yelled. I sighed and looked down in response.

I don't care that he did it. It's the fact that he never told anyone. And now he's going away for two weeks and I won't see him and Leah's gone too. I smiled back at the memory of her laughing in the bath.

"Do you think I'll get off with her or something? do you not trust me?" he asked. Oh my fucking god. "Oh my god! You have to be joking me!" I screamed. "Okay it's not that" he mumbled to himself. "Nathan do you seriously think I was thinking that?!" I asked. He just looked down. I buried my face in my hands. I got up and tried to walk away but he pulled my arm back. "Elle , please" he said pulling me into him. "Nath I'm upset because I just left my baby at home for four months and now your going to!" I said looking back. "Do you not think I feel bad? I won't be with you either! I really want to go! If you could come it wouldn't take me a heartbeat to decide! Can you not just support me?!" he said letting go of me. "Of course I'm happy for you it's amazing Nath! I've always supported you I'm not that kind of person that turns on you the minute a girl gets involved!" I screamed walking to the door. I slammed it shut and saw everyone in the kitchen listening in.

I went down and sat beside Lauren. "You okay?" she asked. "Men" I huffed leaning my face in my hand. "We're just great aren't we?" Tom smirked. "And incredibly stubborn and annoying" I said. We all went silent. "Is he going solo?" Max asked. "No he did it ages ago when we were together so it would make me move on" I said. I sighed. "Let's go out, just us girls" Kelsey said pulling me away.

She linked her arm in mine as we walked out the door. "We're going to pamper ourselves, we deserve it" she smiled. We got down to the shops and started looking around.

"Elle the song their doing is for a movie right?" Reesh asked. "Mhm" I replied. "So they'll probably go to the premiere" she smiled. "Yeah?" I said awkwardly. "Nathan will bring you to the premiere" Kels spoke up. "No he won't" I said. "Elle shut up" Lauren said nudging me. "Anyway I think this would be lovely on you" reesh said holding up a gorguss red dress. It came in at the sides with pleats around the skirt part

"I don't even know if he wants me to go guys" I said honestly. "So what try it on" Kels said. Reesh handed me the dress and I sulked walking into the changing room.

I tried it on. It fit really good and to be honest I felt nice in it. But I really think he doesn't want me to go. "Come out Elle" Lauren said.

I slowly walked out while gliding my hands down the sides of the fabric. "Fuck Elle you look stunning" Kelsey smiled. I just smiled awkwardly. "Elle please get it please" reesh said. I sighed. "Fine but I'll just be returning it" I said. I went up and paid for the dress and we decided to walk back home.

On the way I went into Starbucks and got myself a macchiato. As a treat. We finally got home and walked in the door. "We're back" Kels announced.

I walked into the kitchen to see Nathan pouting at the counter. I knew I probably made him jealous with my Starbucks. "What did you get?" he asked awkwardly. "A dress" I replied sitting down across from him. He took the bag from me and looked at it. "It's lovely" he said. I smiled. "You should wear it to the premiere" he said. "You want me to go?" I asked. "Course I do why wouldn't I?" he asked. I just shrugged. He sighed.

It was still kind of awkward. We still weren't on the greatest terms. We were sitting down when suddenly Max called me. "Elle come on we're jumping off the balcony!" he yelled from upstairs. "Coming" I yelled back getting up. I looked at Nathan who obviously didn't want me to go. "You coming?" I asked. "I'll watch from down here" he grinned. But it was a fake grin. I put my Starbucks on the counter and nudged it towards him.

His hand took mine and he looked up and me. His beautiful green eyes dazed into mine and he kissed me. I kissed him back. We pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each other's. It was a different kiss. It felt like it was a I'm mad at you but don't worry I still love you kiss.

"Elle! hurry up!" Max yelled again. I pulled away from Nathan. "I'm coming!" I screamed walking out. I could see Nathan smirking to himself. Thanks Max.

"I'm coming calm down" I said walking up the stairs to him. "That's what she said" he winked. "You're such a perv" I said hitting his arm.

We had some fun on the balcony before it got late and everyone decided to watch a movie. We all sat on the couches watching some weird movie about apes. It bored me to death so I curled up on the couch I had to myself and drifted off to sleep.

Later I was woken up by someone moving me. "Elle" I heard them say. I didn't reply I was too tired. The lifted me up and brought me to bed.


The next morning I got up late and realised Nathan was leaving today. Fuck sake. I walked downstairs to see everyone gives him his goodbye hugs. He turned around and saw me. I lightly smiled. "Come with me to the door" he said walking towards me. I nodded. We got to the door and he stepped outside. He stood up and looked down at me. I couldn't hold it in and gave him a hug. I don't think he was expecting it. I pulled away and looked at the ground. He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. I smiled and looked up to see him smiling too. He leaned in and kissed me. "I love you, text me okay?" he said. I nodded. "I love you too" I said.

He pulled me close again and kissed my forehead. I didn't want him to go. I watched as he opened the van door and got inside. It sped off down the road. I sighed to myself before going back inside. Everyone was in the kitchen but I decided to go back into my room.

I sat down the bed and lay down. A tear slipped down my face thinking about it all.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Nathan : don't forget I love you so much ❤️ I miss you already xxx

I smiled at it and looked at my ring. I smiled to myself again before someone knocked at the door.

"What?" I asked.

"Someone's here to see you" Lauren said. "Okay" I sighed.

The door opened and my mouth dropped.

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