Hard descisions

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* Elle's POV *

So both the babies are well. I hope. It's taken a while to get back to normal but I've been thinking about everything and I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to stay in the band anymore. I mean like I can still sing but I could hurt myself on stage and I'm pregnant. On the other hand I don't know how Nathan or the boys will take it or even how the fans will take it. I don't know what to do.

After being released from hospital Nath took me home. He was being so protective. He helped me out of the car. It was like I was his new phone he didn't want to drop. Leah was asleep upstairs so I sat down and watched TV. The Vampire Diaries. God I've probably missed loads.

Nath came in with two cuppas.

"Here you go" he smiled passing it to me. "Thanks" I smiled back pecking his lips. "Are we seriously watching this?" he moaned looking at the TV. "I've missed so much I need to know what happens!" I laughed. "Tyler comes back and Katherine takes over Elena's body" he replied. I widened my eyes and looked at him. Did he actually watch it?!

He finally realised that I knew and scoffed back. "Jess told me". "I'm sure she did" I joked.

After trying to get a few answers from Nath about his new obsession with TVD I needed to pee. Pregnancy doesn't help your bladder. I slowly tried to get up and Nathan held my arm up.

"Nath I'm fine I can stand up"

"I don't want you to fall" he confessed.

"I may be clumsy but after that I promise you I won't fall" I laughed.

"You don't need to be my nurse" I said.

"But I like being your nurse" he smiled pulling my hips closer to his. My hands rested on his chest. "Nurse Nathan really?" I joked smiling up at him. "It has a nice ring to it" he laughed. "Okay nurse Nathan I need to go to the bathroom and I'm not a ninety year old woman who needs you to change her nappy so I'll go by myself" I giggled. He pulled me closer and chuckled to himself. My bump pressed against his tummy and I looked down at it. He pushed his forehead against mine and kissed me. The kiss got more deep and passionate before I realised I desperately needed to pee. I pushed myself away and smiled. "Don't fall" he said loudly as I left the room. I smirked to myself.

That night Nathan decided he was going to bring us out for dinner. When getting ready I barely dried my hair and it went all wavy which I didn't mind. I put on a long black maxi dress that showed my bump. I guess people would find out tonight. I kept my makeup simple and popped on some sandals before picking up Leah.

Nath pecked my lips as we walked out the door and got into the car. I put Lee in her car seat before getting into the front with Nathan. "Where to?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" he winked before he flipped the keys and the engine started.

We finally stopped outside a cute French restaurant which I've never heard of before. We stepped out and paps flashed their cameras at us. I ignored what they said. The restaurant was really fancy. We sat down and I put Leah into a baby chair.

"Now princess" I sighed sitting into my own seat. My eyes scrolled through the menu. It was all in French. "Nath I can't read this" I whispered. "Why?" he asked oblivious to how stupid he just sounded. I glared at him.

"Nath I don't know French I learned Spanish in school" I said making it clear. "Oohhh yeah". Well done Nath.

"Can I order for you?" he asked smirking. "Hmm.. You're not going to make me eat snails or something are you?" I asked. "No of course not" he smiled. "I'm serious" I stated. "Okay okay" he huffed.

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