Finally gone

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* Elle's POV *

I couldn't stay mad at him after everything we'd been through. He was trying to protect me, he may have been an idiot about it but he did it because he loves me and I'd do the same for him.


I woke up with Nathan's arm around me. I felt safe in his arms. I turned to face him to see he was already awake.

"Mornin'" he smiled cuddling in closer to me. "Morning" I smiled back.

"Today I don't feel like doing anything" he sang. "I just wanna lay in my bed" I continued. "Don't feel like picking up my phone so leave a leave a message at the tone" , "cause today I don't feel like doing anything, nothing at all" I sang. He pulled me in closer. "Except this" he smiled kissing me. I kissed him back before we leaned our foreheads together.

We decided to get up because we had a signing today. I ran downstairs and got some food and made two mugs of tea. I brought them back up to see Nathan topless getting dressed.

"Awh babe you shouldn't have" he winked. "Who said it was for you" I laughed. "I'm a pregnant woman who has cravings" I joked. He chuckled.

I pulled my jeans up my legs before trying to zip them up. "Fuck sake" I mumbled. "What?" Nathan asked. "My jeans don't fit me" I moaned. I turned sideways to see my bump is getting bigger. Nathan came up and kissed my shoulder. "I love you in anything".

I quickly took a picture and put it on twitter. I wrote :'Your getting bigger my love, not long now before we get to meet you :* ' .

I put on a pair of leggings and a long jersey top to cover my growing bump. I let my hair down and applied a tiny but of makeup.

"Lets go!" I yelled. Nano was waiting for us downstairs. "Hi nano" I smiled. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Yes" I replied. "Focused?" he joked. "Mate we're always focused" Nathan laughed from behind me.

We all got into the car and headed for the signing. We sat on a long table seating in the order of Siva, Jay , Tom , Max, me and Nathan.

We did some interviews then headed onto the platform. I swear there was so many people. I couldn't even count them. We sat down. Everyone in the front row was screaming at us getting ready to meet us. "Our hands are going to be desperately sore after this" I said. "Awwh nooo" Max laughed rubbing my ear.

The fans piled up while we signed their albums and pictures. They also gave us presents which was so sweet. This one girl looked me in the eye and said "So you get another one anytime soon" and handed me condoms. Cool. I showed them to Nathan and he burst out laughing. I threw them at his head.

After a few hours we got up and took some pictures with VIP fans. I soon realised my tummy was showing. Shit. We gathered around in the picture. After it was done Nathan held my tummy and I held his hands. I kissed him sweetly and heard the fans scream. Pictures would be everywhere later.

We got home and relaxed for a while before I got a craving for Starbucks. It may be the baby it may not. "Guess what I'm in the mood for?" I asked Nath. "What?" he asked. "Starbucks" I smiled. "I'm always in the mood for Starbucks!" he yelled jumping up. I took his hand as we walked down the street. We walked in and ordered our drinks.

We sat down in the back because paps were swarming outside. "Nath?" I asked. "Yeah" , "If I become an emotional wreck because of this pregnancy will you please still love me?" I asked in joky way. "Course I will you dope" he smiled.

* Nathan's POV *

Elle's tummy is growing. It's kind of scary but really exciting. We walked back in home before we realised someone was talking to the boys in the sitting room. I presumed it was nano.

We strolled in before the man turned around.

Elle froze.

"Hey Elle it's nice to see you again" John smiled. "Get out" I said. "I just stopped by for a catch up" he smiled. "See Elle last time I saw you I was just being a good boyfriend when you decided to kick me in that area" he laughed. "You threatened to hurt her" I yelled.

"I merely asked her not to scream" he said. "Listen here mate, whether you threatened to hurt her or not you still touched her without her wanting to be touched, you're a fucking bastard who deserves to be in jail, we're not scared of you and your games so leave this house or we'll make you leave" Max shouted walking towards him.

"Well I feel like I'm not wanted here, but don't blame me for that, it's not my fault she's a slut" he laughed.

I walked closer without him realising. He turned around and I let all my anger out on his face. Punch after punch I kept going.

"Nathan stop!" Kelsey yelled. I kept going. The lads were trying to pull me off him. "Nathan STOP!" Elle shouted. I looked up and saw tears in her eyes. I stubbed off him and ran into her. "Are you okay?" I asked looking down at her. "I'm fine..." She smiled. "Are you?" She asked. "I'm fine love"

"Thank you for doing that" she said. "Anything for you" I smiled kissing her.

Kev lifted John off the floor before dragging him outside. He was very weak so we just got him a taxi.

It felt good letting out my anger in him. That dickhead deserves it. He better not come back.

I'm just thankful he's gone now.


Next chapter we're skipping a few months so you can see the changes in Elle :) xx

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