Miss you

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* Elle's POV *

"Oh my god!" I said running towards them. "Hey there " Theo said kissing my cheek.

Before you freak out. Calm down. It's my cousins. Their twins.

"How are you guys?" I smiled. "Great we're here on holiday so we thought we'd say hi" Sam smiled. "Thanks for coming" I said giving them another group hug.

"We heard about your engagement" Theo said. "Congrats, where's your fiancé?". My face turned back to a sad expression. "He em... Is away on work" I said. "Aren't you a band though?" Sam asked. "Yeah but he did this thing so now he's going on tour with this other artist" I sighed. "Who?" , "Ariana Grande" I replied. "Ohhh she's fit" Theo scoffed. I glared at them.

I took a picture with them and decided to tweet it.

@ElleTheWanted such a great surprise from these ones 🙈

I decided to check out Nathan's page. He had tweeted.

@NathanTheWanted I miss you already xx

So great meeting @ArianaGrande such a lovely girl!

I couldn't help but feel jealous, she's fucking gorguss and I'm just there like... Oh hi.

I miss him.

I decided to tweet again.

@ElleTheWanted you don't realise how much you miss something until it's gone 😓 I miss you baby xx

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Nathan: I miss you too babe. Can I call? xx

Me: please x

My phone started to ring. "Hello?" , "Hey love". His voice made me smile. "Hi" I smiled. "How are you?" he asked. "I'm okay, my cousins came over they wanted to meet you" I said. "That's cool will they be here when I get back?" he asked. "Yeah" I said. "I miss you love" he said randomly. "I miss you too" I said. "The premiere is next week" he said. "That's good to know" I joked. "Yeah and I'm in desperate need of a date" he played along. "Awh maybe you should ask Ariana according to my cousins she well fit" I said. "Nah I had someone else in mind" he said. I let out a laugh.

"Elle Moore will you be my date to the mortal instruments premiere?" He asked. "Oh my god I wasn't expecting this" I said pretending to be shocked. He chuckled and I smiled. "I'll have to check if I'm busy but I'd love to" I smiled.

After that I went down stairs to see the all the boys in the jacuzzi.

"Well hello" I joked. "You gunna join us Elle?" Max asked. "I'm fine all of your sins are in there , I don't want to like get infected" I said. He laughed.

"We're having a party tonight" Tom said. "For what?" I asked. "For being allowed have a party" he laughed.

I went back into the girls who were doing each others nails. "Elle I'm doing your makeup and hair tonight" Kels said as I walked in. "Emm... Okay haha" I laughed.


Later that night Kelsey curled my hair and did my makeup. I was wearing fake eyelashes which I hated but Kels convinced me. I was in a strapless mint leotard and a black pencil skirt. We walked downstairs and I went straight upto Jay who was behind the bar.

"Okay bird who have we got our eyes on?" I asked. He laughed. "Elle the things that come out of your mouth I swear" he laughed. "Come on who? Oh look at her!" I said pointing to an amazing brunette. "That's Tori" he said. "Go for her" I said. "Nahh" he replied. "Awh bird come on" I said giving him my puppy dog face. He ignored me.

"Fine then I'll do it" I said walking off. "Elle dont!" he yelled after me.

"Hi" I chirped walking up to her. "Hey Elle right?" she smiled. "Yeah and you are?" I asked. "Tori" she said. "Nice to meet you" I smiled. "Got your eye on anyone?" I asked. "Yeah he's pretty good looking" she said pointing to Max. Poor Jay. "Yeah he has a girlfriend" I said. "What about him?" I asked pointing at Jay. He looked away pretending to serve drinks. "He's cute" she replied. "Let's get a drink and you can talk to him" I said walking to the bar with her.

She sat down at the bar and I grinned at Jay. "You're welcome" I winked.

I hung out with my cousins for a while before one of there's friends walked over. He was tipsy. "Hey guys" he slurred pulling them into a hug. "Hello fitty " he smiled at me. "Fuck off" I demanded. "Feisty" he smiled coming towards me. "The fuck are you doing mate she's engaged!" Sam said stepping in front of me. "I didn't know!" he defended. "You must live under a rock" I joked. Theo put his arm around me and laughed.

I started to get tired so I headed up to my room. I took off my makeup and got into my jammies. Yep jammies. I looked at my phone and decided to text Nath.

Me : Night Sid 😴 miss you x

He soon texted back with a picture of him in bed. (Latest Insta pic) I wanted to die. He looked sooo amazing when he's tired.

Nathan: miss you too love😘 sleep tight xx

I put my phone on charge and lay down. I could still hear the pounding of the music from downstairs. It felt weird without Nathan here. This is going to be a long two weeks.

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