Please dont leave me

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I slid down the door and fell to the ground. I grunted as it hurt. I breathed out heavily looking at the ceiling. I slowly took out my earpieces and looked at them.

My anger rushed over me I groaned and I threw them across the bathroom. They smashed as they hit the wall. I looked down and twiddled my hands. I looked at my ring. I turned my hand around and saw my tattoo. I almost forgot about it.

This isn't his fault. The door knocked. Speak of the devil.

"Elle" he said against the door. "Yeah" I mumbled. I felt so bad. I shouldn't have said that to him. I love the band. They're my extended family. But my emotions are just everywhere and I don't know what to do.

I slowly stood up and opened the door. I avoided eye contact with him and sat down on the side of the floor near the toilet. He sat down against the door. I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sorry" I said wiping my eyes.

"I didn't mean it" I mumbled. I breathed in to say what I wanted to say.

"Don't say it" he interrupted.

"I need to say it" I stuttered. He put his head in his hands. Tears started trailing down my face.

"I'm not happy Nath" I cried.

"You all make me happy you always have but this is getting to be too much for me" I stuttered.

"I feel like a bad mom" I sobbed.

"You're not a bad mom!" He yelled looking up. He was crying.

"Is it me?" he asked.

"Nath of course it's not you! it breaks my heart you would even think that" I cried. I got up and sat in front of him. "I love you so much" I cried.

He cupped my face and pulled me into him.

"I love you too, and I promise I'll do anything to make you fully happy" he sobbed.

"Please don't leave the band" he cried.

"I won't, I just need to have her with us Nath" I mumbled.

He kissed my forehead. "I'll get her back" he said. "Nath nano won't let a baby...", "I don't care about nano! I care about you and my baby" he smiled.

I pulled him into me and kissed him.

"Come on" he said pulling me up. "I don't want to go back to the bus" I huffed.

"We're not" he said kissing me. He held my face and wiped my eyes and I did the same to him. "We're emotional wrecks" I joked. He laughed back and kissed me sweetly. He pulled out his phone and texted nano.

He pulled me into him and I wrapped my arm around his waist. We pasted some stage workers and saw some black huddies lying on a metal box. Nathan grabbed them and we rushed away.

"Put it on" he demanded. I put mine on and it was huge. His fitted fine. "Put your hands in your pockets and keep your head down okay?" he said. "What are we doing?" I asked. "Just do it" he laughed.

I did as he said and we went out the back exit. No one noticed us. Not a soul.

We walked down the road and he took my hand in his and we walked into a McDonald's.

"What do you want?" He smiled. "The fattest thing here" I laughed. We both got double cheese burgers and a large fries each along with strawberry milkshakes. We scoffed them. No wonder I did...

By the time we had gotten back to the bus we were wide awake. We sat down and decided to watch a movie. I made us some cuppas and brought them over. "Awwh lovely" he smiled.

He sipped it and hummed. "You make the best cuppas" he said kissing my cheek. I blushed and watched the movie.

He cuddled me into his chest as we watched titanic. "I'm convinced she's a cougar" he said. "Nath she's in love leave her alone" I laughed. "She let him go! She had one job not to let him go and she fucked it up" he argued. "Yeah but she did leave him go she'll always remember him" I laughed. "If I was him..."he said. I scoffed trying to picture him being Leo Di Caprio. "Sorry" I laughed. He lifted me up and we stood up. He held my hands and spread them out.

"You jump I jump" he said in a funny voice. I laughed. I turned around and he pulled me into him. He lifted me up and brought me to bed.

"I need you to tell me when you're not okay" he whispered. "I will" I sighed.

"I'm going to make everything okay, I promise" he smiled kissing me. "I love you"

"I love you too"


I woke up to see Nath wasn't there. I got up and walked into the kitchen. "Morning" Tom smiled. "Hi" I smiled. Tom got up and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you" I smiled.

I started to make a cuppa when someone's hands covered my eyes. "Mornin" I heard. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "I'm bringing you somewhere" he said. He helped me step down and we walked a bit until we stopped.

"Tadaa" he sang. I opened my eyes to see another bus. "What's this?" I asked. "This is our tour bus" he smiled.

"But Nath we don't need our own tour bus" I said honestly.

"Yes we do just come in and look at it" he said taking my hand. We walked in and it was lovely. It looked the same as the other one just without bunks. It had a kitchen and I looked around.

I noticed a bottle by the sink. A baby bottle.

"Nath you didn't" I said nearly falling to the floor. I started crying. He pointed down to a little room and I ran in. I saw her sitting on the bed looking cute as ever. I ran in and picked her up. "Awwh baby" I cried kissing her. "I missed you so much" I said holding her head. Nathan walked in and pulled us into a family hug. "Thank you so much"

"I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier"

"Stop Nath it's perfect now" I said kissing him.

"I'm glad we have our baby back" he smiled kissing her head.

"Babies" I said.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Nath... I'm pregnant"

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