Just like that

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* Elle's POV *

I didn't sleep much last night. It scares me that I don't have a kidney. I've always kind of gotten pain but I never paid attention to it.

It's exciting that we're having twins but apart of me is so scared I'm going to hurt them or something. And transplant lists go on for ages and you only get one unless you're in desperate need of it.

I slowly lifted Nathan's arm that was around me and went to the bathroom. I just sat on the toilet and stared at the towel rack. I breathed out heavily. I decided I wanted to relax so I started to run a bath. Baring in mind this was at seven in the morning I didn't care. The water slowly crawled up the sides of the bath and I tested the water.

"Love you okay?" Nath said poking his head around the door.

"Yeah I'm gunna have a bath" I replied.

He came up behind me and hugged my back leaning his head on my upper back. I stood back up and put my hand on his.

"Nath go back to bed" I said.

"No I want to stay while you have your bath" he joked.

"You sound like a pervert" I laughed.

"I wouldn't care if you want to join me" I added smirking at him.

He raised his big eyebrows in surprise.

I tied my hair up into a bun and added bubble bath into the water.

We stripped off and got into the warm water. We sat on opposite sides of the bath with our legs squished up beside each others chests.

I sighed leaning my head back in relaxation. Nathan started drawing circles with his finger on my leg.

"We have an interview along with a photoshoot tomorrow babe" he said.

"I love photoshoots" I said looking back up with a straight face. He laughed.

I got uncomfy and decided to squish in on top of Nath. I ended up on top of him. He kissed my temple.

"I want two girls" he said.

"That means they'll be identical" I smiled.

"That means loads of mood swings" I laughed.

"Ugh god I can't barely handle yours" he joked. I smacked his chest

"Seriously though you don't want a boy?" I asked.

"I do but I'd like another girl" he said.

I smiled.

"Do you think we should teach them the piano?" I asked.

"Yeah, we should ask them. I'll teach them piano and you can teach guitar" he said kissing my head.

"I'd like that" I smiled.

Suddenly he lifted me up and placed me back down in the warm water. He held my back and straddled over me. I started to laugh. He kissed down my neck

"Nath I'm not doing it in a bath!" I laughed.

"Love please" he moaned against my neck.

I lifted his head and kissed him passionately. He was getting so turned on. God Nath.

"Okaayyy" I said pushing him off me and getting out. He looked so shocked.

I dried myself off and got dressed into a pair of denim shorts, a light pink flowy top and a beige cardigan. I looked like such a mom. I let my hair down and Nath came in , in a poca for navy shirt and jeans.

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