Later on

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* 1 year later *

* Elle's POV *

"Come on baby it's time to go see daddy and your uncles" I said picking Leah up. She made a her normal baby noise. "I know sweetheart, do you want teddy?" I asked her holding up her little teddy bear. She smiled. I danced it in front of her face and she laughed. I chuckled along with her. "Let's go baby girl" I said holding her up. I put my bag over my shoulder and carried her into the hall.

Me and Nathan have our own place now. Especially with Leah we find it easier. I'm a real mum now. It's... Different but I love it. We have a tour coming up so I have to figure something out with Leah. Hopefully she can come.

I carried her to the door. She was holding on to my hair. The paps screamed and flashed pictures but I held her face away from them. I popped her in her car seat and texted Nath.

Me: in the car with lee, be there soon xx

He soon texted back.

Nathan: great love don't worry we won't leave without you 🙈 xx

I drove to the airport. We had a show in cork tonight and then a day off with a Dublin gig a few days later. Me, Nathan and Leah are going to go to my dad's house. To be honest I don't know if I can go back. It will be emotional.

I carried Leah in my arms along with my suitcase in my hand in the airport. I pulled my sunglasses up and saw Kev walking towards me. "You're absolutely crazy why are carrying all this and a baby?" he laughed. "I'm a multi-tasker" I joked. He took my bags and sped off. I walked ahead with Leah to see the boys at Starbucks. Wow we never go there.

Nathan got up and walked towards us. "Hey love" he said kissing me. "Hi" I smiled back. "Hello princess" he said picking Leah up. "You okay?" he asked me. "Yeah" I fake smiled. "Something's wrong" he said pulling my hand back. He gave me his special tell me what's wrong or I'll keep annoying you look. "I'm just not sure about going to my dad's" I sighed. He pulled my waist so our faces were practically touching. "We don't have to if you don't want to" he whispered. I shrugged. "You don't have to decide now babe" he said. I smiled up at him.

We were so close my hands were against his chest. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back. The kiss got deeper when suddenly Leah chuckled. We both pulled away and laughed. "I'm sorry princess do you want a kiss?" he asked kissing her cheek. I pecked his lips and we sat down with the boys and everyone else. I got a Starbucks and sat down with the girls.

We hugged and chatted for a bit. "Leah has got so big" Nareesha said. "I know it's weird" I joked. " It's wrecks you out though..." I sighed. "Let me babysit her for a couple nights and let you and Nath have some alone time" Kelsey said. "Thanks Kels but I don't know" I said. "Me and Tom aren't that bad, two nights... You and Nath can have some alone time and we'll keep in touch" she said. "Okay" I smiled. "YEAHH Leah gets to spend time with her best auntie" she said loudly. Lauren and reesh smirked.

We got onto the plane and soon enough it took off. It was hard with Leah because it was her first time on a plane. When we landed we piled into a van with our bags. Jay was holding Leah playing with her. I leaned my head on Nathan's shoulder. He kissed my head. "Awwh cá bhfuil an criospaí tayto?" Siva laughed. (Where are the tayto crisps?)

"Is aoibheann liom an criospaí tayto! Cá bhfuil na siopaí?" I joked back. Everyone looked at us like we were demented. We realised Tom had the flip. "I don't have a fuckin' clue what they just said" Max sighed. Me and Seev laughed. "We're talking about Tayto crisps" I said. "You're weird" Tom laughed. I grinned weirdly at him and cuddled back into Nathan. I told him about Kelsey and Tom taking Leah for a weekend and he agreed immediately.

We got to a hotel and settled down. I put Leah to sleep and saw Nathan messing with his coat pocket. "What are you doing?" I asked scaring him. He jumped. "Em nothing" he said putting it away. I smirked at him and got changed. We went from some drinks and then me and Nath decided to go back up and watch a movie. "Fuck I left my wallet downstairs!" he said. "Go down and get it I'll wait in the room" I replied. He kissed me and ran off down the hall. I walked down the hall checking my phone until I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry"

"Elle" he said.

I looked up. Shit.


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