Bye bye

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* Elle's POV *

I woke up with Nathan cuddled up to me. I was pressed up against his bare chest. My eyes wandered up his chest to his face which was fast asleep. His hair was all messy and his fringe was falling over his eyes.

I looked down at my hand which had my ring on it. It was beautiful. The ring was silver with a medium sized diamond in the middle and two little ones beside it. I loved it so much. It wasn't too big and heavy but it wasn't too small either. I twisted my hand and watched the light twinkle against the diamonds.

Nathan suddenly squirmed and flicked his fringe back. His green eyes connected with mine and I smiled. "Mornin' love" he smiled. "Morning" I said. A smile tugged on my lips and my cheeks flushed red knowing he was staring at me. I looked back down at my hand. His hand held mine and his thumb rubbed along my fingers. "I love it" I smiled. "I love you" he breathed. I blushed again. "Awwh love" he said pulling me into him. My head leaned onto his chest while his lay on my head.

I started to trail circles on his chest. "How long were you planning that?" I asked. "Just before we came here" he replied. I smiled into his chest. "I had no clue" I said. "That was the point" he said sarcastically. I chuckled. "I wanted you to be surprised, if you knew then your reaction wouldn't have been as good" he laughed. "Oh god was I really bad?" I asked. "No it was perfect" he said kissing my head.

We sat up and I put on my cealladh ring on my other hand. It's an ancient Irish ring. It has two hands holding a heart with a crown above it. "What does that mean?" he asked while I put it on. "When the heart faces down it means your heart is taken and when it's up it means your waiting for someone to take it" I smiled. "But I prefer this ring" I said holding up my other hand showing my engagement ring. "I do too" he said pecking my lips.

I got dressed into a pair of ripped jeans and my coca cola T-shirt. I put my hair in a pony tail and left my makeup simple. I dressed Leah and was putting her into her crib before Nathan popped his head around from the bathroom door. "Love?" , "Yeah?" I replied.

"Can you do my hair?.. Please?" he asked. I laughed in response. "Next time you'll have to pay me" I said. "That won't matter when we get married" he smiled. Ahh it sounded amazing. Woah I have to change my name. Elle Sykes. Hmmm ....

I did Nathan's hair before he thanked me and got dressed. I fed Leah and finally we were ready to go. Well me and Leah not Nathan. "Hurry up Nath" I said opening the door. "Nearly there" he replied rushing. He finally walked out with the bags in his hands. "You take longer than a girl does" I joked. "Because you took so long doing my hair" he said. "Nath I was ready to go before I did your hair" I laughed. "Fine" he huffed.

We got downstairs and met everyone else. "We're going home today then we're going to America everyone" nano announced. "For how long?" I asked. "4 months were doing a tour" he replied. Fuck. I can't bring Leah on a tour. I looked at Nathan who obviously was thinking the same thing. "What are we gunna do?" he asked. "I don't know... Fuck" I cursed. "She can stay with my mum?" I said. "What about Haley?" he asked. "My mum?" he said. I nodded. "Nath I don't want to leave her for 4 months" I said pulling her head into me. "Neither do I but we can't bring her" he replied. "How hard would that be with a baby on a tour bus?" He said rubbing her cheek. "I know" I sighed.

Nathan called his mum and she said it would be fine. We headed to the airport and chilled out for a while. Nathan took Leah to change her and I went off with Jay and Tom. We walked into Starbucks and got our drinks. I'm in desperate need of one if I'm honest. "We need to get bird a girlfriend" Tom said. "I know it actually might make him keep his phone safe for once" I joked. "I think he should get with someone in America" he said. "Yeah girls there are just... Perfect" I replied thinking about how beautiful they all are. "I prefer English girls though they're better in bed" Tom said. "That's good to know Tom, really needed to know that" I laughed carrying the drinks over.

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