Not tonight

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Small chapter while I don't have to study 🙈 tell me what you think xx

* Elle's POV *

We walked down the hall until we got to the lift and waited. "You look beautiful" he smiled down at me. I smiled back up at him before I felt my cheeks flush red. "Awwh you're so cute" he said messing up my hair. Oh my god. "You're so mean" I said doing it back to him. Before I knew it he was lifting me up and I was using his head for support. He kissed my neck and put me down.

He pulled me into him an leaned his forehead against mine. Suddenly I felt something weird on my nose. "Oh my god Nath did you just lick my nose?" I laughed. "Yeah you don't taste nice" he joked. "I was gunna kiss you tonight but since I don't taste nice then there's no point really is there?" I joked walking away. "Noooo" he moaned pulling me back. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him. "You taste amazing" he said kissing me head. I chuckled back at him.

The lift opened and we got inside. "Where are we going?" I asked. "A place" he smiled. "Really?" I did in my no doy voice. He laughed.

The lift opened and Nathan took my hand. He suddenly let go and put his hands over my eyes. "Just keep walking forward" he whispered in my ear. "Nath" I said putting my hands on his. "Just keep walking" he laughed. I sighed and kept walking. Suddenly his hands leave my eyes.

There was candles lit like a road leading up to a small round table with an orchid in the middle. The beach was behind it. I could hear the waves against the shore. "Wow, Nath" I sighed.

"Do you like it?" he asked. "Of course I do it's beautiful" I smiled. He opened his hands and I linked mine in it and as walked across the sand to the table. We sat down. He took my hands. "I know you're still kind of bothered about the whole situation and you probably don't want to kiss or do anything for a while I get it if you want to take a break" he sighed. "I don't want to take a break, Nath, how would you feel if you saw me kissing someone else? You told me what happened and I completely believe you but there's just a part of me that feels like she meant to kiss you" I said looking down. "I know and I understand what you mean. I just want you to know that even if she does have feelings for me, I don't have them for her and there's only one person I want to be with... And that's you" he smiled. "Come here" I said leaning into him. He leaned his face in and I pecked his lips. "Elle?" he asked. "Yeah?" , "Are you going to marry me again?" he asked looking down. "Nath of course I will, I just don't want to rush back into things" I sighed. He nodded.

We had a lovely meal before Nathan took my hand and walked me down the beach. "I miss her" I said truthfully. He knew what I meant. "I miss her too" he said pulling me into him. We went back to the hotel and started to paddle beside the pool. "It's so cold" I shivered dipping my toes in. "You're such a baby" he laughed poking me. It made me wobble. "Nath don't I'll fall" I moaned. He poked me again. "Nathan don't!" I yelled. He did it one more time and I grabbed him. Suddenly he got caught with me and we splashed into the water.

I gasped for air and realised I had swallowed some water and started to cough. "Shit love you okay?" he asked rubbing my back. I nodded while still coughing. After it went away I chuckled up at him. I started to get cold. "Come ere' you" he laughed pulling me into him. "How are you warm?" I stuttered.

"Have you noticed we fall into pools a lot?" he laughed. "Actually yeah" I said realising.

My teeth grinded against each other. He just laughed at me. My arms were wrapped around his torso when he cupped my face. "I love you okay?" he said. "I love you too" I smiled.

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