Stuck with me

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* Elle's POV *

I didn't sleep with Nathan that night. It didn't really feel right to. I slept in the spare room which wasn't the best but I swear it was the comfiest bed ever.

I woke up from the best sleep but with the worst headache. Ugh. No your kidding me. It's that time again. Why do I have to be a girl?! I miss being pregnant you don't get periods.

I packed a smallish bag because we're going to the Bahamas. I packed my best bikini just to tease Nathan a bit. I put on a pair of shorts tank top. My hair was all wavy after the night before from being In a plait.

I went to the bathroom before doing what I needed to do. Ugghhh this headache is killing me. I walked out and crashed into someone. "Ow" I mumbled.

"You always take so long in the bathroom" Nathan smiled. "Why are you so close to the door? your such a stalker" I said pushing him back. "Isn't she lovely?" he sang. "Are you gunna use the bathroom or not?" I laughed. "Nope" he grinned. I rolled my eyes.

I walked down stairs and he followed me. If this gets worse I don't know what I'll do. I walked into the kitchen. Nathan sat down at the counter and I went through the cupboard. I'm small so yeah I had to literally climb up and search through them. Thankfully Tom walked in. "Looking for something?" he said sarcastically. "Do we have any headache tablets?" I asked. "Why what's wrong?" Nathan asked. Oh lord. "Why do you think I want a headache tablet? I joked. He finally realised and smiled to himself. Tom opened the drawer and there they were. Seriously I climbed all over the counter through the cupboards and it's in the drawer. Sorry I'm hormonal.

We finally all piled into the car and went to the airport. I put my bag on my back and jumped on Jays back. "Whoa, thank you I was expecting that" he joked. "I know that's why I did it" I smirked. He carried me through duty free until I saw a Disney shop with ice age teddy bears. "Look it's Nath!" I laughed. Nathan must of heard his name and walked over. "What about me?" he asked. "Look you're over there! go over and say hi to your friends" I laughed. "Brilliant" he said.

We boarded the plane and sat down. I got the window seat. Bosh! "Awwh lig I mo scíth" (now I'm relaxed) I sighed. "I have no idea what that meant but it sounded cool" Nathan joked sitting down beside me. "Hhmmm" I sighed. Nathan lifted up my armrest and put his head on my lap. "Nathan" I laughed flicking his head. "Ow" he shot up. I swear he's annoying my on purpose. "Don't think I won't do it" he said holding up his finger. "Go for it" I joked looking back. He flicked my forehead. "Ow" I said holding it. "You told me to do it!" he laughed. "I didn't actually think you would" I said going to hit him. He caught me wrist with his hand and moved it into my hand. I held up my other hand and he connected it with his.

"1..2...3" I said as we pushed against each other. "Oh my god you're such kids" Siva said sitting beside Nath. I grinned like an idiot at him. Nathan suddenly let go of my hand and tickled under my arm to make me let go completely. "I win" he smiled. "No you don't you cheated" I said poking him.

We took off and I fell asleep. I was woken up by the captain speaking. "Ugghh" I moaned. I stretched and got my stuff before getting off the plane.

We got to our hotel which was amazing. It had a pool and the room was like made for a millionaire and it had a MINI FRIDGE. Exciting.

I settled down and got changed into my bikini. I went to toms room to see everyone was there. "Let's goo" Kels smiled dragging me out of the room. First team building exercise.


We got to a tall climbing thing. People went in pairs and had to talk and trust each other and then jump off. I hate heights so fucking much especially these ones.

"Okay guys I'm Dan your team building co-ordinater and I'll be helping you all today" he smiled. Wow he was fit. Really fit. He could be a model.

"Okay so this requires the band members" he smiled. Ugh. "Okay so if you get into pairs, this will be you partner for the rest of the time" he said. Ugh I want Dan to be my partner. I just kinda stared at him.

"Siva!" Jay said. "Tom!" Max said in his good boy voice. "You're stuck with me Elle's" Nathan said walking over to me. Great.

We walked with Dan over to the climbing thing. I took it in. "Shit" I mumbled. "Not a fan of heights?" he asked. "Not my bestfriend" I joked. "You can't stop whenever you want. here I'll help you get strapped up" he said. I smirked. Hehe. He put the jacket around my and connected me to the safety wire. I could see Nathan was a bit moody.

"Okay who wants to go first?" Dan asked. "I will" Nathan spoke up. I smiled and watched as he climbed up the to the podium and stood up. It looked wobbly. Shit. "Come on" he yelled down to me. Ahhhh.

I walked up and looked at the thick pieces of metal bar I was to use to help me climb up. I started to climb. The bars got more spaced out as I climbed higher. "This was not made for a small person" I groaned. I could hear Nathan laugh so I must be close. I finally got close but I couldn't reach the podium Nathan was standing on. I looked down and clung to the bars. "Fuck oh my god" I said. Nathan's head peered over the stand. "You okay?" he asked. "Mhm" I replied. "Elle you can climb back down if you want" Dan yelled. Ugh what do I do?

"Come on love you can do this you know you can" Nathan encouraged me. "No I can't" I said closing my eyes. "Fuck no I cant" I said. "Elle look at me" Nathan said. I slowly looked up and opened my eyes to see him staring at me. I got lost in his eyes. "Come on I'll help you" he said putting his hand out. I wiped my sweaty hand on my clothes and reached up and took it. He pulled me up on to the podium which was really wobbly. "Oh my god" I said clinging to him. I shut my eyes again. "Okay guys you can jump off" Dan shouted.

"You're kidding me" I mumbled into Nathan. "It's okay we can do this but you owe me" Nathan said. 'We can do this'. "What do I owe you?" I laughed. "Dinner just me and you" he grinned. "Fine" I sighed loosening my grip on him. He took my hand. "Jump together" he smiled. I nodded. "1..2..3!" he yelled as we jumped off. I yelped as the wire caught us. They finally lowered us down and we touched the ground again. "I'm never doing that again" I breathed. "Well done" Nath said pulling me into a hug. I held onto him as he stared into my eyes. He looked at my lips. No I can't let it happen.

"I'll see you later" I smiled letting go of him and walking back to my room. Ugh I'm such an idiot.

Later that day all of us went swimming with dolphins which was amazing. They feel weird. It's a different kind of texture like a .... Nevermind.

I got back to my room to find a note on the floor.

Dinner is tonight ;)

Be ready for 8





I got dressed into a white flowy top and high waisted shorts. I washed my hair after going swimming and dried it straight. I applied a tiny bit of mascara and put on some sandals. I put on my charm bracelet and picked up my sunglasses.

There was a knock at the door. Breath. Jesus Christ calm down it's not your first date with this boys he's your fiancé er.. Was fiancé.

I walked up and opened the door. He was in a white t-shirt and 3/4 length jeans. You could see his nipples. I could melt. His hair was down in a fringe which I preferred and his chain was on.

He smiled. "Ready to go?" he asked. I smiled and nodded walking out. We were walking down the hall when I felt his hand link into mine. I looked up and he smiled at me. It felt good

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