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I wanted this chapter to be happy and I didn't want the delivery to be frantic and all over the place. I wanted to keep it simple so I hope you like it :) x

* Elle's POV *

I needed to pee so I got up and went to the bathroom. I did my business before I got a little pain but it wasn't that bad. I strolled back into the room before suddenly everything went wet.

No I did not pee myself I just went to the bathroom. I could feel my bottoms and the carpet around me was wet.

This wasn't happening. "Nath" I said waking him up. "What?" he moaned back. "I think my water just broke" I replied. He shot up out of bed. "What? Are you serious? The baby's coming?" He said coming up to me. It wasn't processing in my mind. "Elle?" he asked. "Yeah?" I said. "Are you in pain?" he asked. "No not yet" I said.

I quickly got changed into something dry and went downstairs. Nathan woke Jess and Karen up. "It's happening" Karen smiled. Nathan was packing a bag for us because our other one was at home. "I'll make you a cuppa love" she smiled. "Thank you" I replied holding my tummy.

Suddenly I got a sharp pain. I yelped and Nathan came rushing in. "Babe you okay?" I said holding me. "It's contractions Nath we need to get going" I said gripping his arm. "The bags practically done love" he said picking it up.

We crammed into the car and me and Nath got in the back. He held my hand and kissed it. "I love you" he smiled. "I love you too" I whispered. Before I knew it I was in a wheelchair being pushed into reception. "I need a private room my girlfriends going into labour" Nathan said. She looked up and smiled knowing who we were. "Okay let me see what I can do...... I'll call the doctors now" she said.

She told us where to go and Nathan started pushing me towards the private room. "Nath I can't do this" I mumbled. "Oh my god Nath I can't do this" I said freaking out. A person is going to be coming out of my area! What if I'm not a good mom? What if I die? Nathan stopped the chair. "Babe you're my everything, we've been planning this for months! This is our baby... You're the strongest person I know of course you can do this" he smiled kissing my forehead that was now going all sweaty. "What if I'm a bad mum?" I asked. "Don't say that love you'll be an amazing mum" he replied. He pushed me into the private room where I got into the bed. I got a few contractions before the doctor came in.

"Hi I'm doctor Michael I'll be delivering your baby" he smiled. "Hi" I mumbled. Nathan shook his hand. "Okay Elle I'm just going to see how much your dilated" he said. Ugh here we go again. He put his fingers in and measured. "Okay your 12 cm we're ready to go" he said. I breathed out. A bunch of nurses came in. My legs were up ready to go. I wanted to cry. Nathan sat beside me and held my hand. "Nath I'm scared" I said while tears fell down my face. "You'll be fine love just think we get to meet our baby" he smiled kissing me. I smiled back and it hit me. I'm going to be a proper mum. The baby who's been inside me for months is ready to come out. I can't wait to meet them.

Nathan gripped my hand. "Okay Elle are you ready?" the doctor asked. I nodded. "Okay I want you breath in a deep breath and then push" he said. I breathed in the biggest breath ever and pushed. I squeezed Nathan hand harder. "Good good keep going" he said. I continued until I saw Nathan smiling his face off. "That's the head!" he said loudly. "One more big push Elle"

I groaned and pushed for my life. "Waaaahhh wahhh wahh" I heard. Oh my god. That's my baby. "Congratulations" the doctor said. "You've got a beautiful baby girl" he smiled holding her up to me. "Oh my god" I whispered to myself putting my arms out to grab her. He passed her to me. Even though she was covered in weird goo she was so beautiful. "Hiya" I smiled rocking her. I looked up at Nathan. I smiled and kissed him. "What's her name?" the doctor asked. Me and Nathan looked at each other when he said it. "Leah....Sykes" he smiled down at her. I kissed her head I before the nurse took her away to check her out.

I looked back at Nathan to see we were still holding hands. I leaned my forehead against his. "I love you Elle" he smiled. "I love you too Nath, I'm so happy" I said beginning to cry. "Nawwh babe" he said wiping my tears away. "She's beautiful" I sighed looking at the nurses with her. "She's perfect" he said kissing my temple. The doctor came back over. "Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's perfectly fine she was a bit early so we have to keep her in for a while but other than that she's fine" he smiled. "You should get some sleep" he said.

We just stayed silent for a while. "Elle?" Nathan asked. "Mhm" I sleepy smiled at him. Yes having a baby really tires you out. "Please don't ever leave me" he said kissing my hand. "Nath why would you even think that? I never want to leave you... Ever" I said. He looked up and smiled at me.

I drifted off to sleep for a while with Nathan in the chair beside me. I was suddenly woken up. "Ms Moore?" someone poked me. I shot up. "Yes?" I asked looking at the nurse. "Your baby is awake now... And hungry would you like to feed her?" she asked. "Yes of course" I smiled poking Nath to wake up.

She lifted her up and brought her over. I held her in my arms and looked down at her. "Hello Leah, I'm your mommy and this is daddy" I smiled. Nathan kissed her head. Her eyes suddenly opened. Our mouths both dropped. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of green just like Nathan's. I swear they sparkled. "She has your eyes" I smiled. He kissed my temple. I looked down at her tiny hands and lifted one up. Her fingers wrapped around my finger. Nathan aww'd.

"Okay do you know how to do this?" the nurse asked. "Em not really" I replied. I pulled down my top and the nurse lowered Leah towards my breast. She passed her to me and Leah started to suck. Nathan looked amazed. "Does it hurt?" he asked. "Not really" I smiled. "It's weird though" I laughed. "Come here" I said lifting up my finger which hand Leah's wrapped around it. I switched my finger with his and he smiled showing his perfect teeth. I

leaned my head back resting.

I heard Nathan talking to her. "Hi Leah, I'm your daddy. Me and your mummy have been so excited to meet you." He said. "You know I met your mummy in a band. We're in it together. I remember the first time I saw her. She looked so beautiful just like you" he continued. "Me and mummy aren't married yet but we're always going to be together forever. And I love you so much. In going to spoil you rotten. You're my baby girl" he smiled. I looked up to see tears in his eyes. "Nath" I smiled wiping them away.

Leah fell asleep in my arms. She had that amazing new baby smell. Nathan climbed into the bed with me and leaned his head on mine. I asked the nurse to take a picture. I leaned my head into Nathan's neck as his rested on mine and we were both looking at Leah.

Leah is perfect. She's beautiful and healthy. I wouldn't want anyone else to be the father than Nathan. He's so happy and so am I. We've officially started our own family.

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