Did he hurt you?

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* Nathan's POV *

"Go down and get it I'll wait in the room" she said. I quickly pecked her lips and ran down the hall to the lift.

I got in and waited patiently until the doors opened and I ran to the bar. The lads were still there.

"Yes you forgot this" Siva said holding it up. "Cheers mate" I replied taking it back. I turned to go back up when Tom yelled back at me. "Nath did you see that Daniel guy?" He asked. "What?" I asked. Daniel? Oh Daniel. Why would he be here? "No why? Is he here?" I asked. "Yeah we saw him just after you left I think he works ere" he said. "Kelsey went to check it out he went upstairs" he continued. Fuck sake. Elle. What if she ran into him?

"Fuck!" I cursed before running out. I took the stairs.

My asthma started to kick in but wore off after I got to the corridor. No one was there.

I knocked on out door. "Elle" I said loudly. I knocked harder. "Elle!!" I yelled nearly banging it down. It swung open. "She's not here" Kelsey said opening the door.

* Elle's POV *

* few mintues earlier*

"Daniel" I said looking up at him. I pushed myself up and stood up straight. "What are you doing here?" I asked trying to be mature. "I work here now" he said stepping closer. I stepped back. "In Ireland?" I asked. "I thought you were here for a while so I came to find you but .." he muttered. "Daniel you can't do that..... I'm with someone else now I have a baby. After what you did I can't be with you" I said sternly, my voice getting louder.

He looked at the ground. I rolled my eyes to myself before my head crashed against the wall. I groaned. His hand was around my throat holding me above the ground. "I don't care who you're with or what you have with them you're going to be mine!" he yelled. My heart was pounding while I gasped for air. My hands tried pulling his hands off but he was too strong. He let me go I gasped for air. I realised I needed to make a break for it.

He stared at me before I got my breath back and tried to run. He pulled me back before I screamed. He put a hand over my mouth and pulled me backwards. I squirmed around but couldn't do anything. Suddenly we were in a room but It wasn't ours. He pushed me in and closed the door behind me. "I've missed you, you know" he said locking the door. "Just let me go Daniel please" I said my eyes tearing up. He walked towards me. I didn't want to step back because I didn't want to seem weak anymore. He put his hands on my hips. "I've missed these" he said putting his hands around me. "Don't touch me" I said pushing them off. "Come on Elle" he said putting his hands towards my face. "Don't" I said pushing him back forcefully.

"You shouldn't have don't that" I murmured pushing me back against the wall. He started forcefully kissing up my neck. "Daniel stop" I screamed. Suddenly a huge pain hit my stomach. He punched me. "Don't scream" he said looking into my eyes. He looked back down and started kissing me again. By now tears were falling down my face. He suddenly put his hand down my pants. "Daniel please stop" I cried out. He slapped me across the face. The stinging overpowered me. "Stop screaming" he said.

My body started to shake. He ripped off my top before I covered myself up. "Stop that" he said pulling them down. I glared at him. "Let's continue" he laughed. I whimpered before his hand went into my knickers. "Daniel please stop" I whispered. "You're mine Elle no one else can have you! if tell anyone this I'll kill you" he said nearly yelling.

He pulled and pushed me onto the bed. "Don't, please if you love me you won't do this" I said trying to make it stop. "That's not going to work" he laughed. He pushed my hand back as unbuckled his belt. More tears flowed down my face. He lifted up my top and kissed up my stomach while pulling down my pants. "Stop please" I shook. He ignored me and pulled everything down. He leaned down to my ear "Tell me you love me" he said. "No" I replied. "Fine then" he said. He slapped me again before he pushed himself into me. I groaned. He kept going as I whined out in pain. "Say it Elle" he stuttered. He moaned out in pleasure as I whimpered in the worst pain I've been in. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Stop! please it hurts just stop...please" I whined."Say it and I'll stop" he said.

"I love you" I said. He laughed and pulled himself out. I sat up and scrawled around the room. "See it wasn't that hard" he joked. I glared and tried putting my clothes back on. I ran to the door. He grabbed my throat again. "If you tell anyone this I will hunt you down and make sure it's even worse next time" he said angrily. I opened the door and ran to the disabled bathroom.

I sat on the ground and cried my eyes out. What am I suppose to do now? He said 'next time'. I couldn't deal with that let alone another time. I need to tell someone. But I can't. My stomach is killing me and I'm trembling all over. I can't leave. I have a baby and Nathan is everything to me. But If I don't tell him he'll leave me.

There was a bang at the door. "Elle open the door!" he yelled. It was Nathan. Shit. I look a mess.

* Nathan's POV *

I heard a scream and ran down the hall. A door slammed before I saw the disabled toilet was vacant. I knew she was there. "Elle open the door!" I screamed banging on it. There was no answer. "Elle!!" I yelled. "Please just let me in" I said. "I know you saw him Elle please I just need to know you're okay" I said to the door. It slowly opened. She kept her head down and sat on the floor. I closed it and sat down beside her. "Look at me love" I said. She whimpered holding her head up. Her cheek was blue. "Fuck Elle, what happened?! what did he do to you?" I asked putting my arm around her. She pushed away and got up and walked over the other side of the room. "Please don't touch me" she whispered sitting down. Her eyes connected with mine and I knew straight away. He hurt her bad. I didn't want to think about another option in my mind but it's lingering there. What if he raped her? She's limping, her face is messed up and she can't talk. He hurt her. My only thing that makes me happy and he hurt it.

"Elle what did he do?" I asked. "Nothing" she stuttered. "Elle your limping and your cheek is blue I know he hurt you" I yelled. "No I fell" she whispered. I could feel the tears in my eyes. He made her lie.

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