Show me love

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* Elle POV *

I woke up with a headache but it was alright. It wasn't as bad as other ones I had.

I got up and realised I was in my pjs. I thought I slept in what I wore last night. Weird, I must have gotten up in the middle of the night or something.

I went down stairs and saw Kels. "Morning" I croaked. "Morning" she smiled looking amazing. "How was last night?" I asked. "It was okay" she said. "Only okay?" ,"yeah everyone started to leave after you and it got boring" she laughed. I chuckled.

I saw Max coming down the stairs. "Hey you" he said knocking me over. "Ow hi" I said chuckling. "Meet me in Nathan's room in 20 minutes." He demanded. "Why?" I asked. "Just do and wear your bikini" he winked. I'm really freaking out right now... Why Nathan's room?

I got up stairs and changed into my bikini and looked at myself. I was happy I had been working out loads. My abs are coming! I tied my hair up and popped my sunglasses on top of my head.

I could hear screaming coming from Nathan's room. Not bad screaming but Max's girl scream. I closed my door and saw him in Nathan's room with some of the boys.

"Fuck" I heard Tom say. I slapped him over the head as I walked in and earned a chuckle from Nath and Seev. Max was in his trunks. "What we doing?" I asked. "Jumping off the balcony" he smiled. "These wimps won't do it" he said rubbing my ear. "Come on" he said. "I don't have a choice do I?" I asked. "Nope" he smiled taking my hand. Nano came in and started videoing us for Wanted Wednesday. We climbed over the barrier and I looked down.

It was really high but it was a big jump. Shit. I squealed climbing over it. "Is someone scared?" Jay asked. Fuck off. "No I'm just taking it in" I laughed back. Max seemed really excited but I was kind bricking it. I held the balcony and looked down. "Ahhh!" A scream came from behind me while someone touched my shoulders. I screamed back and almost fell. I turned to see Tom and Kelsey laughing their heads off. "Stooppp" I moaned pushing Tom.

Then his voice spoke up. "Elle don't do it if you don't want to" Nathan said looking up at me. He can fuck off. I'm doing this defiantly now just to prove him wrong. I ignored him and looked down. Max jumped and landed in the water. "Come on babe it's just a bit cold" he yelled up to me.

I braised myself before my hands pushed me off the barrier and I jumped off. My body hit the water and the coldness attacked it. I rose out of the water and wiped my eyes. "Wooo" I heard everyone scream. I looked to Max then to the balcony to see all of them looking at us. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah" I nodded.

"How high do you think I can lift you?" He asked. I smirked at him and he lifted me above his head with both his arms. Nano took a picture and put it on twitter. "See what you can do when your focused" he joked. "We're always focused" I laughed back.

Max got out and looked up at Nathan's room. He made a funny face and looked back at me. "I think we made Nath jealous" he smirked. I looked up at him and he rolled his eyes. Well done Elle. Nathan shouldn't be jealous max has a girlfriend.

Partly I didn't want to make him upset because we had to get used to being friends but I liked making him jealous at the same time.

* Nathan's POV *

I thought she was doing it on purpose with Max. Were they a thing? No he wouldn't. Elle wouldn't. He got out of the pool and she just stayed there floating in the water. I walked back into my room and went on my laptop listening to music. That's when I heard her singing along to it.

I walked down to the pool and sat down near it. "What?" she asked. "Nothing I'm just listening to you" I smiled. She frowned her eyebrows and stopped. "Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked. She swam over to the edge of the pool. "Nope" she said leaning down on her arms. "Do you want some?"

"Will you help me out?" she said holding out her hand. I nodded and helped her out.

Why is she being so nice? "Crap did I get you wet?" She said looking up at me. "No I'm fine" I smiled. "Good" she said as she pushed me back. I stumbled back and felt water. She fucking pushed me in! I came back up. "Oh my god what was that for?" I shouted. She just stood there chuckling. "You could at least help me out?" I said. "I'm not stupid" she laughed and walked away. I couldn't help but look at her bum. Can you blame me?! Her bum is amazing.

* Elle's POV *

I was happy we had a laugh but I just left him in the pool. He would have just pulled me back in. I had breakfast and had a shower. I walked downstairs to see Gemma was here. Yay.

"Guys we have an interview we have to go" nano said. I picked up my bag and practically ran to the car. All of us piled in the car. We got out and walked a bit before getting papped.

"Elle how did Nathan break up with you?"

"Elle do you have depression? are you sucicidal?"

"No you dickhead he's just a boy" I said back. He came closer with his camera. "Back up a bit" I demanded. "Do you hate him?" He asked. I knew Nathan was nearby. "No" I said. It was true though. I didn't hate him. At times I did but deep down I know I don't. "Do you still love him?" he asked. I put my head down and walked into the office.

We were greeted by a busty American woman. "Hi I'm Angela I'll be interviewing you" she smiled. We sat down on a long couch. I crossed my legs and got comfy. They asked the usual questions that we answered.

"Who's single?" she asked. Me and jay raised our hands. "Do you both like the single life?" she asked. "I think your so much more free" Jay said. "Do you like that Elle?" she asked me. "Eh yeah I guess me and Jay go crazy on our nights out" I laughed. The boys chuckled but Nathan scowled at me. Fuck him. "And you and Nathan used to date is that correct?" she asked. Fuck. I looked at him to see he was looking at me. "Yeah we did" he said. It's like he knew I didn't want to say it. "And are you two on good terms now or was it a formal breakup?" she asked. He froze and stared at the floor. "It was a formal breakup we're fine" I said. He sighed in relief. I just smiled back.

To be honest I didn't like hating him.

* Nathan's POV *

We finally got home. Gemma left and it was just the gang on the couch.

"I say truth or dare!" Tom yelled. We gathered around in a circle. Max went first. "Elle" he said. Wow what a surprise he loves her. "Truth or dare?" he asked. "Dare " she smiled. "I dare you to.... Lick cream off Nathan's face" he said. My eyes widened. "What?" I said. "It's not cheating" he said poking me. He came back in with whippy cream and put it on my face. "Go on" he said looking at her. She looked so innocent looking at me. I leaned my head to the side. She crawled over. "Oh my god" she laughed looking at me. She held her hair back and leaned her face down to mine. She licked it off and I chuckled. It tickled.

She sat back down and we continued until I was asked. "Nath" Tom said. "Truth or dare" . "Truth" I said. "You wimp" Kelsey said. I glared at her. "Okay.... Who was your best sex?" He asked. I've only slept with one person. Her eyes darted up. "Elle" I said looking down. "Ohhhhh" they all said. She looked at me with confusion. "What about your girlfriend?" she asked. Fuck. I forgot about that. "We haven't done it yet" I stuttered. Shit shit shit. "Elle was he your best sex?" Tom asked her. "It's not my turn" she sighed. We continued for a while until we started getting tired.

* next day *

We all sat down and played football outside. I was me Elle and Jay against the others. We kicked it around before I passed it to Elle. She kicked it suddenly and scored a goal. "Woooo!" she screamed. Me and Jay put our hands up with her. "Yeah!" She said. I held up my hands and she high fives them. It felt nice.

"Let's go guys" nano yelled to us. We got in the car and headed to Scooters office. We all sat down before he came in. "So guys we have a big gig in Vegas" he said and we went crazy! Everyone was jumping up and down all over the place. "Except we want you to have a bonding session over some team building exercises so no girlfriends".

Ohhhhh what's gunna happen when there's no girlfriends?!?! Please comment what you think! I value your opinions! Please vote comment etc. ~ Ellen x

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